ForumsArt, Music, and WritingShort Story Contest: Fear (Page 35)

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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The green light has been given! After weeks of preparation, the Contest can be launched!

This has been brewing in many users' mind for awhile. Enter the Official Writing Contest!

General Rules

1)Submissions for the context must specify the word count implemented.
2)It must adhere to the period's theme as the main idea, or at least have some connection.
3)It must be submitted by the deadline. (The deadline will be according to AG time so that people will not be confused by the timeframe/exploit difference in time zones.)
4)A winner cannot win twice in a row, though he or she can submit an entry the next week.
5)Winners get a merit.

What not to include

1)No excessive inappropriate language, such as vulgarities, swearing. This includes slandering anyone in the AG community.
2)No slandering of race, religion, culture, language of people.
3)No sexual references or innuendoes, though romantic scenes such as kissing can be included.

Actions that lead to disqualification

1)No plagiarism. If it has been discovered that the story has been copied, e.g. the plot has been copied, the user will be disqualified with immediate action. However, elements of inspiration can be allowed.
2)Only one submission is allowed for each user. So please do not create multiple accounts for multiple entries. If it has been discovered that a user has submitted many entries due to this method, he or she will be disqualified.
3)If someone's username is used as a character's name or mentioned in the story, ask for permission first. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

Judge: Me, though I will appoint someone else if I want to take part.

Current Theme: Fire. Fiery start eh?

Deadline: 31st May (Two weeks)

Without further ado, let it begin!

*Note: Everything is subjected to change!

  • 359 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Would you accept a submission that is much higher than the word limit? I have a perfect story for this, but it's about 5,000 words. . . .

Sadly Rules are rules, and the rules here can't be broken. Cause the Liberal-Fascistic, Poetic, Kinght/Lycan hybrid says so.

A longer story would be more vulnerable to criticism.

Huh, that's not what I intended to convey

Mea Culpa...but that was the message I interpretated.
3,337 posts

Yay~ stickied!

I've written the first... about... 4 sentences. Ha.

Mea Culpa
3,562 posts

good work nicho, though I think a short story generally falls at about 1000 words.

And can you clarify what you mean by "the other half"?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well...I'm rather inclined not explain...To let your imaginations run wild, and secondly, not to give away any possible ideas.

Just write out anything pertaining to the theme. After all...we want to see creativity eh?

9,821 posts

The Other Half
His vision blurred. . . .
Footfalls were heard on the linoleum floor. Oh, the linoleum floor.
He remembered it pristinely- more clearly than most other aspects of his surroundings. How it seemed to swallow all thought- before spitting it out in a transparent ghost of the lights on the ceiling, warped from their shape. Warped like his consciousness. Warped like his perception. He felt some sort of ethereal bond with this floor- like him, it was forced to be a patron to the other half- the distorted view.
He wasn't sure what had happened. There were few thing he could remember- a noise. The roaring of a gaggle of drunken people, talking the hell out of every small subject they could find. There were hors d'oeuvre. . .music. There was a tender of some sort- behind a large wooden table, with bottle upon bottle stacked behind him. Chairs. People. One person, in particular.
His perception of the situation was dampened by the daze and the noise. His senses were assaulted by the area. His sight was overpowered by lights and the wave of humanity dancing and walking around the small area. He stumbled to the door. . . .
A person bumped into him. It wasn't a small bump, more of a slight collision, knocking both of them bck and shocking them. When the other person regained his senses somewhat, he was angry. His fist flew forward, and it hit something. Was it him? He couldn't tell. He felt something. Something painful. There was also something on his face- it wasn't supposed to be there. It was a red shock running down his lips and his chin. an unwelcome visitor upon his countenance; he wanted it to go away. He didn't want it there. But very time he wiped it away, more of it flowed down, as if it was purposely angering him in his drunken daze. His emotion welled up inside him, coming to a point in his fist. It was like pure momentum- it had to go somewhere. And the man he had bumped into was within arm's reach. He threw his anger forward, giving it to him. Contrary to his expectations, the other man wasn't happy with the gift he got. He quite frankly took it rather badly, all things considered.
The man was an Indian giver, for sure. He didn't want to keep what he had given him- and he decided to return it in a new packaging. A chair. A nice new way to wrap the gift of his force and anger, though the liquid red visitor upon his face seemed to fancy it too much. It truehsed out to greet the chair as it came back around onto the floor.
At that point, others took notice. Bar fights were somewhat common, but not taken lightly. The violence found itslef broken up by men in uniform. Badges- now little pinpoints of light in his vision- were pinned to their lapels. They faded away into blackness, just as did the bar and the irate man, still holding the chair in his grasp.
He could feel himself moving- but he couldn't see or hear. He could taste blood in his mouth, it's metallic taste lingering on his tongue.
They took him far down the road- or whatever they were travelling on. Some conduit of public motor of transportation, kt was, being used by the ar and it's lights as it sped down the highway to an unknown destination. The lights crooned their message over and over again- the same WEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOO repeated. The red and blue lights welcomed him along with the men- they appeared to be police- as he regained his consciousness.
He asked, "Wh-what happened?"
"You, sir,were in a nasty fight. Busted up bad. You are going to the hospital first and foremost," the driver replied.
"Oh. So that was what happened?"
"Hmmmmm. . .why did we fight?"
"Someone at the scene said that you just bumped into him, and he punched you in the face. Then, you hit back, and he got you good with a chair."
"Oh. My head hurts. . . ."
"Now THAT'S a surprise."
He didn't dignify the policeman with a response- he faded into sleep once more.
He emerged from the depths of unconsciousness half-heartedly- never fully pushing above the surface tension, but not dwelling in the deep. There were lights all over the place- warped by the linoleum floor of the. . .was it a hospital? Yes, that sounded right. . . .
He felt a sympathy for the floor as he was supported by the policemen to his hospital room. The floor could never see nor display the complete truth of what it was reflecting- like he couldn't make anything of the hall-of-mirrors that was the barfight. Both of them were part of the other half. They couldn't see or act clearly when under the spell of distortion. They had only one difference. . . .
Floors can't drink alcohol.

822 words.

3,337 posts

DarKArgeN's story is great! I liked it. Reminded me of the NES.
But the problem is, its only 407 words. It needs to be at least 700. I thought it was a rather short description, a bit rushed. It could be so much better if only it were longer!

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well dark, if it's not above the 700 word count, then I'm afriad I can't accept it. Though I would allow a re-entry. But just one.

2,053 posts

Dark, that was disturbing. Awesomely disturbing.

840 posts

can someone explain what we are supposed to do to me? i wont check this thread so please post in my profile. i am almost regularly active. so i will really appreacite it.

420 posts

This is my first try, so I don't know if it will be all that great.

Title: The Chronicle of Nerdius (Yes, I did this awhile ago, it's where I got my username)

Nerdius Meroni was a poor boy born in Gelder. Gelder was a small quaint country town about one hundred leagues northeast of Athens. Most people who lived in Gelder liked to live comfortable lives in relative seclusion to the rest of Greece. The community was close knit, and families helped each other to get through the year, as only one family, the Duke of Gelderâs family was wealthy. The Duke was known to have feasts for the townsfolk periodically.
Nerdius was the sixth child of Feron Meroni and Geruth Meroni. He was the only child of theirs to live past seven years old, as a plague had passed by Gelder when the older children were young. Since Nerdius was born after the plague, he survived. Nerdius was an obese child, as he did not get out much. He was more concerned with philosophy and science than playing with friends outside. However, because Geruth, his mother was sick when pregnant with Nerdius, he had serious health problems. He needed special herbs for his allergies and breathing. These medications were expensive and his parents constantly were working as hard as possible to provide for Nerdius. Nerdius himself also had to work in the field for his parents.
When Nerdius became sixteen his father told Nerdius it was time for him to leave home and live by himself. He had always wanted to get out of Gelder since he was little and he had dreams of being a scholar in Athens one day. About three hours into his journey to Athens, Nerdius already felt homesick. Suddenly, a man, about six feet tall and dressed in golden armor appeared in front of Nerdius. What made him different from a human was his face was a clock and his left hand was actually a dagger.
âWho are you?â asked Nerdius.
âI am Tymole, God of Time. I am more powerful than all the other Gods on Mt. Olympus,â Tymole said in a voice that sounded like the deep rumble of gears rolling together in a clock.
âWho?â Nerdius asked.
âDonât you know me? All children of Greece need to know their gods,â Tymole said with a hint of dissatisfaction.
âWhatever, anyways, what do you do?â Nerdius asked while walking along the path to Athens rather briskly.
âI can travel through time. It is the most powerful ability in the universe, and one that a lowly mortal such as you could never hope to comprehend,â Tymole said, keeping up with Nerdius.
âFine. Say, I am on a journey to Athens. would you like to come with me?â Nerdius inquired.
âSure,â Tymole said with a bit of disdain.
So, the unusual couple of god and mortal went on their way through the path. Nerdius was awed at the poverty the other travelerâs apparel showed. Many were traveling in the lightest of rags. Even he, a poor country boy, had good warm clothes on his back. Then, suddenly, when Tymole was showing of his powers to passing travelers in hope of a tribute, he and Nerdius were swooshed away in a flash of light and music.
This happened through a swirling blue and orange color portal. As the two traveled, background music filled the swirl. If you lived in the year 2008, you would know the song as âDisturbiaâ by the pop diva Rihanna. Nerdius was amazed by the journey, and he was scared to death by the strange music. It seemed to fill every corner, surrounding Nerdius and Tymole.
As soon as Nerdius saw the end of the vortex, he also saw a gigantic crowd of millions of people. Little did he know it, but he had the convenience of falling straight into the middle of a KISS concert.
Nerdius and Tymole were suddenly dropped from the sky onto the stage. They reacted like cat being thrown in water. Frantically they ran for the exit. As they bolted to the first exit they saw, the crowd. Gene Simmons suddenly was lowered to the stage on a gigantic platform. With the first high note he hit, he scared Nerdius so much Nerdius ran away from him in the opposite direction, towards the backstage.
Meanwhile, Tymole was still running towards the fans. A blowtorch hit Tymole as he was running by, igniting his clothes. Seeing the fire on him, he immediately ripped off his clothes, still running. Then, he did the first thing that came to his mind, he jumped from the stage to the crowd below. Nerdius saw this, and immediately ran after Tymole, jumping off the stage after him. The drunken mad crazy fans thought they were stage diving, and they were passed from person to person all the way to the back of the crowd.
âWhere are we?â Nerdius wondered aloud.
âI think I knowâ Tymole said with a sense of dread.
âWell, I love it here!â Nerdius exclaimed.
âThere he isâ¦â Tymole mumbled out.
Suddenly a man with gray hair that stuck out the sides of his head appeared. He had thick glasses that almost covered his whole face. His eyes were an electric blue, almost like the color of lightning. The right side of his face had as scar running from his hairline to his chin.
To this manâs right there was a robot. It was made of copper. It was built to look like a warrior from the medieval era. In his right hand was a pistol of some sort, and in his left hand, he had a shield of gold.
âHello Tymole,â said the scientist.
âSo, we meet again, Dr. Iwilgetu. Ready for me to get away?â Tymole said with a hint of fear.
âWait, you two know each other?â Nerdius blurted out with surprise.
Dr. Iwilgetu gave a sigh of exasperation, and then explained. âI created Tymole. Doubtless he has told you he is some sort of god and this is untrue. He is a robot. I came from the year 2012, and traveled back in time to here, in 1978. I loved this time period, so I decided to come back here. You see, on December 21, 2012, the Earth started to fall apart. The tectonic plates just started to crack, and things fell into the center of the Earth. I lived in the Czech Republic, and was frantically working on time travel so I could get away from there. I created Tymole, and Botro, right here beside me. I finally finished them and traveled here, just as my country, the last on Earth, was sucked into oblivion.â
âSo how did Tymole get away?â interrupted Nerdius in utter confusion.
âGood question, and I will answer it,â Dr. Iwilgetu continued. âTymole had other ideas, he thought we should go back and save Earth. I told him it would be impossible, and as he was a robot, I had trouble dealing with the fact that a robot felt guilt, sadness, and responsibility. Machines are not supposed to feel emotion. So, Tymole used his abilities to get away. From the clothes you wear, I would say you are from Ancient Greece.â
âAncient Greece? What do you mean ancient?â asked Nerdius with confusion.
âWe are in the year 1978, and your era was long, long ago, so now we call it Ancient Greece. Now, I am afraid, it is time to say adieuâ
âWhat?â said Tymole.
At that moment, Botro took the pistol and shot Tymole three times through the head, and twice in the chest. Tymole fell to the ground, and started to twitch. After about five seconds the twitching stopped and the color in Tymole went away. He had been destroyed.
âNow we can live, huh Botro?â said Dr.Iwelgetu with a sense of remorse.
â I do not understand this âliveâ comment, I am a machine, and I can not live.â Said Botro, who spoke in a very digitized low voice.
Dr. Iwilgetu turned to Nerdius and said; âNow you must die.â
âWhy is that?â questioned Nerdius while slowly moving towards a pillar to the right of him.
âI do not like evidence, and you are evidence. That is why,â Dr. Iwilgetu stated firmly in a melancholy tone.
At that instant Nerdius jumped behind the pillar as Botro shot at him. He scrambled frantically, looking through the dust for a weapon of some sort. He focused on a metal rod that had fallen off another pillar holding up the billboard for the KISS concert. He took it and like a javelin, threw it towards Botro. It went clean through Botro, who did not experience the shuddering that Tymole had.
Dr. Iwilgetu picked up the pistol, and shot rapidly in the area he had last seen Nerdius. He had no luck hitting him. Nerdius was already looking for something else to kill Dr. Iwilgetu. As Dr. Iwilgetu moved closer to Nerdius, he moved farther away from the shield and the robots. Nerdius sprinted and grabbed the shield, using it for protection from the blasts. He knew Tymole well, so he grabbed the sharpest thing Tymole had in him, the dagger on his arm. He threw it like another javelin straight at Dr. Iwilgetu, but missed.
Then Nerdius realized something, that the pistol was electric. He grabbed Botro and looked for his power supply. Once he saw it, he threw it at the pistol. What happened next plays through Nerdius head all the time. The pistol started shaking violently and so did Dr. Iwilgetu. After ten seconds of the shaking, his body started to dissolve from head to toe, so much was the power of the pistolâs electricity. Dr. Iwilgetuâs body water had vaporized inside him, so all of the materials surrounding the fluids melted with the vaporizing fluids. He had dissolved.
Nerdius then walked endlessly on for twenty days. At the end he found a big city. He quickly became a big fan of Rock and Roll music, like he heard at the KISS concert. He changed his name to Freddy Mercury and with his great singing voice, joined a band, and named it after monarchy.
His band enjoyed amazing success. In fact, they were second only to some insects. The first thing he learned about the modern world was what his favorite ice cream flavor was. When still learning about the modern world, he learned he had AIDS and announced it to the world on November 23, 1991. He died the next day.
All people have events in their lives that change themselves forever. For some it is a promotion, a child being born, or, in Nerdius' case, traveling through time. Whatever happens, know that it leads you to the other half of your life.

Hope you enjoyed it!

420 posts

Why did all the quotations and stuff like that become different?

13,657 posts

Why did all the quotations and stuff like that become different?

Because you wrote in Word. Word does not really cope with anything, and since special signs are not allowed in AG, it looks like that.
420 posts

OK, now I redid it so the quotations should show up.

Title: The Chronicle of Nerdius

Nerdius Meroni was a poor boy born in Gelder. Gelder was a small quaint country town about one hundred leagues northeast of Athens. Most people who lived in Gelder liked to live comfortable lives in relative seclusion to the rest of Greece. The community was close knit, and families helped each other to get through the year, as only one family, the Duke of Gelderâs family was wealthy. The Duke was known to have feasts for the townsfolk periodically.
Nerdius was the sixth child of Feron Meroni and Geruth Meroni. He was the only child of theirs to live past seven years old, as a plague had passed by Gelder when the older children were young. Since Nerdius was born after the plague, he survived. Nerdius was an obese child, as he did not get out much. He was more concerned with philosophy and science than playing with friends outside. However, because Geruth, his mother was sick when pregnant with Nerdius, he had serious health problems. He needed special herbs for his allergies and breathing. These medications were expensive and his parents constantly were working as hard as possible to provide for Nerdius. Nerdius himself also had to work in the field for his parents.
When Nerdius became sixteen his father told Nerdius it was time for him to leave home and live by himself. He had always wanted to get out of Gelder since he was little and he had dreams of being a scholar in Athens one day. About three hours into his journey to Athens, Nerdius already felt homesick. Suddenly, a man, about six feet tall and dressed in golden armor appeared in front of Nerdius. What made him different from a human was his face was a clock and his left hand was actually a dagger.
âWho are you?â asked Nerdius.
âI am Tymole, God of Time. I am more powerful than all the other Gods on Mt. Olympus,â Tymole said in a voice that sounded like the deep rumble of gears rolling together in a clock.
âWho?â Nerdius asked.
âDonât you know me? All children of Greece need to know their gods,â Tymole said with a hint of dissatisfaction.
âWhatever, anyways, what do you do?â Nerdius asked while walking along the path to Athens rather briskly.
âI can travel through time. It is the most powerful ability in the universe, and one that a lowly mortal such as you could never hope to comprehend,â Tymole said, keeping up with Nerdius.
âFine. Say, I am on a journey to Athens. would you like to come with me?â Nerdius inquired.
âSure,â Tymole said with a bit of disdain.
So, the unusual couple of god and mortal went on their way through the path. Nerdius was awed at the poverty the other travelerâs apparel showed. Many were traveling in the lightest of rags. Even he, a poor country boy, had good warm clothes on his back. Then, suddenly, when Tymole was showing of his powers to passing travelers in hope of a tribute, he and Nerdius were swooshed away in a flash of light and music.
This happened through a swirling blue and orange color portal. As the two traveled, background music filled the swirl. If you lived in the year 2008, you would know the song as âDisturbiaâ by the pop diva Rihanna. Nerdius was amazed by the journey, and he was scared to death by the strange music. It seemed to fill every corner, surrounding Nerdius and Tymole.
As soon as Nerdius saw the end of the vortex, he also saw a gigantic crowd of millions of people. Little did he know it, but he had the convenience of falling straight into the middle of a KISS concert.
Nerdius and Tymole were suddenly dropped from the sky onto the stage. They reacted like cat being thrown in water. Frantically they ran for the exit. As they bolted to the first exit they saw, the crowd. Gene Simmons suddenly was lowered to the stage on a gigantic platform. With the first high note he hit, he scared Nerdius so much Nerdius ran away from him in the opposite direction, towards the backstage.
Meanwhile, Tymole was still running towards the fans. A blowtorch hit Tymole as he was running by, igniting his clothes. Seeing the fire on him, he immediately ripped off his clothes, still running. Then, he did the first thing that came to his mind, he jumped from the stage to the crowd below. Nerdius saw this, and immediately ran after Tymole, jumping off the stage after him. The drunken mad crazy fans thought they were stage diving, and they were passed from person to person all the way to the back of the crowd.
âWhere are we?â Nerdius wondered aloud.
âI think I knowâ Tymole said with a sense of dread.
âWell, I love it here!â Nerdius exclaimed.
âThere he isâ¦â Tymole mumbled out.
Suddenly a man with gray hair that stuck out the sides of his head appeared. He had thick glasses that almost covered his whole face. His eyes were an electric blue, almost like the color of lightning. The right side of his face had as scar running from his hairline to his chin.
To this manâs right there was a robot. It was made of copper. It was built to look like a warrior from the medieval era. In his right hand was a pistol of some sort, and in his left hand, he had a shield of gold.
âHello Tymole,â said the scientist.
âSo, we meet again, Dr. Iwilgetu. Ready for me to get away?â Tymole said with a hint of fear.
âWait, you two know each other?â Nerdius blurted out with surprise.
Dr. Iwilgetu gave a sigh of exasperation, and then explained. âI created Tymole. Doubtless he has told you he is some sort of god and this is untrue. He is a robot. I came from the year 2012, and traveled back in time to here, in 1978. I loved this time period, so I decided to come back here. You see, on December 21, 2012, the Earth started to fall apart. The tectonic plates just started to crack, and things fell into the center of the Earth. I lived in the Czech Republic, and was frantically working on time travel so I could get away from there. I created Tymole, and Botro, right here beside me. I finally finished them and traveled here, just as my country, the last on Earth, was sucked into oblivion.â
âSo how did Tymole get away?â interrupted Nerdius in utter confusion.
âGood question, and I will answer it,â Dr. Iwilgetu continued. âTymole had other ideas, he thought we should go back and save Earth. I told him it would be impossible, and as he was a robot, I had trouble dealing with the fact that a robot felt guilt, sadness, and responsibility. Machines are not supposed to feel emotion. So, Tymole used his abilities to get away. From the clothes you wear, I would say you are from Ancient Greece.â
âAncient Greece? What do you mean ancient?â asked Nerdius with confusion.
âWe are in the year 1978, and your era was long, long ago, so now we call it Ancient Greece. Now, I am afraid, it is time to say adieuâ
âWhat?â said Tymole.
At that moment, Botro took the pistol and shot Tymole three times through the head, and twice in the chest. Tymole fell to the ground, and started to twitch. After about five seconds the twitching stopped and the color in Tymole went away. He had been destroyed.
âNow we can live, huh Botro?â said Dr.Iwelgetu with a sense of remorse.
â I do not understand this âliveâ comment, I am a machine, and I can not live.â Said Botro, who spoke in a very digitized low voice.
Dr. Iwilgetu turned to Nerdius and said; âNow you must die.â
âWhy is that?â questioned Nerdius while slowly moving towards a pillar to the right of him.
âI do not like evidence, and you are evidence. That is why,â Dr. Iwilgetu stated firmly in a melancholy tone.
At that instant Nerdius jumped behind the pillar as Botro shot at him. He scrambled frantically, looking through the dust for a weapon of some sort. He focused on a metal rod that had fallen off another pillar holding up the billboard for the KISS concert. He took it and like a javelin, threw it towards Botro. It went clean through Botro, who did not experience the shuddering that Tymole had.
Dr. Iwilgetu picked up the pistol, and shot rapidly in the area he had last seen Nerdius. He had no luck hitting him. Nerdius was already looking for something else to kill Dr. Iwilgetu. As Dr. Iwilgetu moved closer to Nerdius, he moved farther away from the shield and the robots. Nerdius sprinted and grabbed the shield, using it for protection from the blasts. He knew Tymole well, so he grabbed the sharpest thing Tymole had in him, the dagger on his arm. He threw it like another javelin straight at Dr. Iwilgetu, but missed.
Then Nerdius realized something, that the pistol was electric. He grabbed Botro and looked for his power supply. Once he saw it, he threw it at the pistol. What happened next plays through Nerdius head all the time. The pistol started shaking violently and so did Dr. Iwilgetu. After ten seconds of the shaking, his body started to dissolve from head to toe, so much was the power of the pistolâs electricity. Dr. Iwilgetuâs body water had vaporized inside him, so all of the materials surrounding the fluids melted with the vaporizing fluids. He had dissolved.
Nerdius then walked endlessly on for twenty days. At the end he found a big city. He quickly became a big fan of Rock and Roll music, like he heard at the KISS concert. He changed his name to Freddy Mercury and with his great singing voice, joined a band, and named it after monarchy.
His band enjoyed amazing success. In fact, they were second only to some insects. The first thing he learned about the modern world was what his favorite ice cream flavor was. When still learning about the modern world, he learned he had AIDS and announced it to the world on November 23, 1991. He died the next day.
All people have events in their lives that change themselves forever. For some it is a promotion, a child being born, or, in Nerdius' case, traveling through time. Whatever happens, knw that it leads you forward, to the other half of your life.

Hope it shows up better now, and that you enjoy it.

13,657 posts

Write text in word.
C/P it to notepad. Then C/P from notepad to AG.

420 posts

The Chronicle of Nerdius (Now it will work)

Nerdius Meroni was a poor boy born in Gelder. Gelder was a small quaint country town about one hundred leagues northeast from the great city of Athens. Most people who lived in Gelder liked to live comfortable lives in relative seclusion to the rest of Greece. Th community was close-knit, and families helped each other get through the year, as only one family, the Duke of Gelder's family, was wealthy. The Duke was known to have feasts for the townsfolk periodically.
Nerdius was the sixth child of Feron Meroni and Geruth Meroni. He was the only child of theirs to live past seven years old, as a plague had passed through Gelder when the other children were young. Since Nerdius was born after the plague, he survived. Nerdius was an obese child, as he did not get out much. He was more concerned with philosophy and science than playing outside with friends However, because Geruth, his mother, was sick when she was pregnant with Nerdius, he had serious health problems. He needed special herbs for his allergies and breathing. These medications were expensive and his parents were constantly working as hard as possible to pay for his medications. Nerdius himself at a young age also had to work in the fields sometimes.
When Nerdius became sixteen, his father told him it was time for him to leave and live by himself. He had always wanted to be a scholar in Athens, so that is where he set out to. About three hours into his journey, and Nerdius was already homesick. Suddenly, a man about six feet tall and dressed in golden armor appeared in front of Nerdius. What made him different from a human was that his fae was a clock, and instead of a left hand, he had a bronze dagger in it's place.
"Who are you?" asked Nerdius.
"I am Tymole, god of time. I am more powerful than all the other gods on Mt.Olympus," Tymole said in a voice that sounded like the deep rumble of gears rolling together in a clock.
"Who?" questioned Nerdius, confused.
"Don't you know me? All children in Greece know their gods," Tymole said with a hint of dissatisfaction.
"Whatever, anyways, what do you do?" Nerdius asked while walking along the path to Athens rather briskly.
"I can travel through time. It is the most powerful ability in the universe, and one that a lowly mortal such as yourself could not hope to comprehend," Tymole announced with pride, while keeping up with Nerdius.
"Fine, say, I am on a journey to Athens, would you like to come with me?" Nerdius inquired.
"Sure," Tymole said with a hint of disdain.
So, the unusual couple of god and mortal made their way to Athens. Nerdius was awed by the sight of so many people that wore rags for clothing, as they could not afford to make their own or buy some. Even he, a poor country boy, had good clothes on his back. Then, suddenly, when Tymole was showing off his powers to passing travelers in hope of a tribute, he and Nerdius were swooshed away in a flash of light and music.
This happened through a swirling blue and orange color portal. As the two traveled, background music filled the air. Uf you lived in the year 2008, you would know the songas "Disturbia" but the two had no idea, and were frightened by the sound.
AS soon as Nerdius saw the end of the vortex, he also saw a crowd of millions of people. Little did he know it, but he had the good luck of falling straight into the middle of a KISS concert.
Nerdius and Tymole were suddenly dropped from the sky onto the stage. They reacted like cats being thrown into water. Frantically they ran for the exit. As they bolted to the first exit they saw, the crowd. Gene Simmons suddenly was lowered to the stage on a gigantic platform. With the first high note he hit, he scared Nerdius so much Nerdius ran away from him in the opposite direction, towards the backstage.
Meanwhile, Tymole was still running towards the fans. A blowtorch hit Tymole as he was running by, igniting his clothes. Seeing the fire on him, he immediately ripped off his clothes, still running. Then, he did the first thing that came to his mind, he jumped from the stage to the crowd below. Nerdius saw this, and immediately ran after Tymole, jumping off the stage after him. The drunken mad crazy fans thought they were stage diving, and they were passed from person to person all the way to the back of the crowd.
"Where are we? Nerdius wondered aloud.
"I think I know," Tymole said with a sense of dread.
"Well, I love it here!" Nerdius exclaimed.
"There he is..." Tymole mumbled out.
Suddenly a man with gray hair that stuck out the sides of his head appeared. He had thick glasses that almost covered his whole face. His eyes were an electric blue, almost like the color of lightning. The right side of his face had as scar running from his hairline to his chin.
To the man's right there was a robot. It was made of copper. It was built to look like a warrior from the medieval era. In his right hand was a pistol of some sort, and in his left hand, he had a shield of gold.
"Hello Tymole," said the scientist.
"So we meet again, Dr. Iwilgetu. Ready for me to get away?" Tymole said, with only a slight hint of fear.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Nerdius blurted out with surprise.
Dr. Iwilgetu gave a sigh of exasperation, and then explained. "I created Tymole. Doubtless he has told you he is some sort of god and this is untrue. He is a robot. I came from the year 2012, and traveled back in time to here, in 1978. I loved this time period, so I decided to come back here. You see, on December 21, 2012, the Earth started to fall apart. The tectonic plates just started to crack, and things fell into the center of the Earth. I lived in the Czech Republic, and was frantically working on time travel so I could get away from there. I created Tymole, and Botro, right here beside me. I finally finished them and traveled here, just as my country, the last on Earth, was sucked into oblivion."
"So how did Tymole get away?" interrupted Nerdius in utter confusion.
"Good question, and I will answer it," Dr. Iwilgetu continued. "Tymole had other ideas, he thought we should go back and save Earth. I told him it would be impossible, and as he was a robot, I had trouble dealing with the fact that a robot felt guilt, sadness, and responsibility. Machines are not supposed to feel emotion. So, Tymole used his abilities to get away. From the clothes you wear, I would say you are from Ancient Greece."
"Ancient Greece, what do you mean, ancient?" Nerdius interrupted again.
"We are in the year 1978, and your era was long, long ago, so we call it ancient Greece. Now I m afraid, it is time to say adieu"
"What?" asked Tymole.
At that moment, Botro took the pistol and shot Tymole three times through the head, and twice in the chest. Tymole fell to the ground, and started to twitch. After about five seconds the twitching stopped and the color in Tymole went away. He had been destroyed
"Now we can live, huh Botro?" said Dr. Iwilgetu with a hint of remorse. "Nerdius, I am afraid it is time for you to die."
"Why is that?" questioned Nerdius while slowly moving towards a pillar to the right of him.
I do not like evidence, and you are evidence, that is why," Dr. Iwilgetu firmly stated.
At that instant Nerdius jumped behind the pillar as Botro shot at him. He scrambled frantically, looking through the dust and debris for a weapon of some sort. He focused on a metal rod that had fallen off another pillar holding up the billboard for the KISS concert. He took it and like a javelin, threw it towards Botro. It went clean through Botro, who did not experience the shuddering that Tymole had.
Dr. Iwilgetu picked up the pistol, and shot rapidly in the area he had last seen Nerdius. He had no luck hitting him. Nerdius was already looking for something else to kill Dr. Iwilgetu. As Dr. Iwilgetu moved closer to Nerdius, he moved farther away from the shield and the robots. Nerdius sprinted and grabbed the shield, using it for protection from the blasts. He knew Tymole well, so he grabbed the sharpest thing Tymole had in him, the dagger on his arm. He threw it like another javelin straight at Dr. Iwilgetu, but missed.
Then Nerdius realized something, that the pistol was electric. He grabbed Botro and looked for his power supply. Once he saw it, he threw it at the pistol. What happened next plays through Nerdius head all the time. The pistol started shaking violently and so did Dr. Iwilgetu. After ten seconds of the shaking, his body started to dissolve from head to toe, so much was the power of the pistolâs electricity. Dr. Iwilgetu's body water had vaporized inside him, so all of the materials surrounding the fluids melted with the vaporizing fluids. He had dissolved.
Nerdius then walked endlessly on for twenty days. At the end he found a big city. He quickly became a big fan of Rock and Roll music, like he heard at the KISS concert. He changed his name to Freddy Mercury and with his great singing voice, joined a band, and named it after monarchy.
His band enjoyed amazing success. In fact, they were second only to some insects. The first thing he learned about the modern world was what his favorite ice cream flavor was. When still learning about the modern world, he learned he had AIDS and announced it to the world on November 23, 1991. He died the next day.
All people have events in their lives that change themselves forever. For some it is a promotion, a child being born, or, in Nerdius' case, traveling through time. Whatever happens, knw that it leads you forward, to the other half of your life.

Hope you enjoy it, for the third time.

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