ForumsWEPRNationalism & Ethnocentrism

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I'd like to start a discussing on the merits & flaws of these items. Nationalism, for those who don't know & are too lazy to look it up themselves:

the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.

And ethnocentrism:

the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.

Adding my own opinions:

I dislike both of these. Often they go hand in hand, but not always. My thoughts & feelings go with a world-view & set of interests that benefit the planet, not those that are purely set to better a single nation or people.

I find the idea that a group of people, divided by religion, breeding, geographical heritage, or other criteria somehow being simply 'better' then everyone else particularly offensive.

A few things that irk me on the subject:

The Olympics. Why is it that these days it always seems to be about what country won how many gold medals? Where is the spirit of competition, or the celebration of incredible team, or individual effort and achievement?

Proclamation that your nation is the best nation on the planet, despite the fact that they have never travelled abroad or studied a foreign country, much less *all* of the other countries in the world.

It also surfaces in pro sports, like the world cup. People of every nationality support their countries team in such a flagrant "I'm better then you because I was born in the same country as the one that won the world cup".

Well, that's my bit for now. What does everyone else think?
  • 65 Replies
3,562 posts

The Olympics. Why is it that these days it always seems to be about what country won how many gold medals?

well for america it is total medals because america just wants to win everything... *mutters something about retards and shiny things*
5,838 posts

In psychology the teacher split the class into 3 groups depending on age and named us "old", "middle aged" or "young" and then we just did a general knowledge quiz. And unsurprisingly people ended up fightinh and boasting they wer the best etc. The experiment was supposed to show how even the smallest stupidest divisions can easily start conflict with in a group that otherwise wouldn't fight. As far as nationalism goes I don't see why we would voluntarily divide ourselves up.

well for america it is total medals because america just wants to win everything... *mutters something about retards and shiny things*


"I'm better then you because I was born in the same country as the one that won the world cup".

1966 thats all I'm saying
653 posts

well for america it is total medals because america just wants to win everything... *mutters something about retards and shiny things*

right and the other countries involved go around saying "medals? we don't need no stinking medals"

i do believe that too much ethnocentrism can lead to bad things but believing you live in a great country isn't necessarily a bad thing
3,562 posts

right and the other countries involved go around saying "medals? we don't need no stinking medals"

no other countries count only gold medals.

I think that America doesnt have a proper education system,I learned all the countries in the world,their capitals and point them on a map when I was 13,and I saw a lot of videos with Americans pointing that Sri Lanka is located in Australia.

uh.. no. America has some of the best educational systems, its just most of those shows, don't show the people who get it right, because it isn't funny on national TV. out of all 387 national colleges in america, 8 of them made it on the top 20 best colleges in the world. So please before making accusations, learn what is really going on.
3,224 posts

the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.

May I ask where you got your definition from? That is certainly an aspect of it, but I find that nationalism and ethnocentrism often go hand in hand. One of the core beliefs of nationalism is that people of different creeds should not live together because it creates conflict, therefore each ethnic group should live separate from one another.
653 posts

ah sri lanka formally ceylon learned that from from Wayne's World 2 its right off of India i always get it and Madagascar mixed up for some odd reason no idea the capital of sri lanka though

"Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it." samuel johnson

"So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show."

1,455 posts

mutters something about retards and shiny things

I like shiny things.
13,657 posts

Well, I have to say I am fairly nationalistic (though not ethnocentric)... This is largely seen during contests where I am cheering for my country, just because it is my country.
But also because of the increasing internationalism in Denmark. I think we have a good culture, and ruining that by becoming more and more international is stupid. It is small things like our monetary standard, how the traditions are and the like...

On the other hand when I talk about my country I do not divide by ethnics, because if you live permanently in Denmark, hell, then you are a Dane to me.

9,821 posts

I'm the opposite of nationalistic. . .there isn't much to be nationalistic about in America besides nukes and trans fat.
Ethnocentrism is a bit. . .twisted to me. It drove the Third Reich to the 'Final Solution' and many other things- not a positive thing. Although, it is arguable that a good deal of people's opinions on the two are formed by the stigma of the term, though for once this stigme may not be entirely misguided.

3,176 posts

Too much nationalism in a nation can drive it to the ground and blow it up from the inside-out,
like how the U.S. is going through. I hear they are going into a frenzy with new changes, like
gay marriage and so forth, while this sort of thing was legal since 1900 for us.

However, one must have nationalism in order to be a great nation. Enemies knock on your door
expecting you to surrender and to appease to their demands, what would you do? Those with
a low morale about their nation wouldn't give a hoot and not fight over it, while those with
a strong mind to defend their nation to drive out their enemies would have a high
nationalism. The U.S. USed to have a good, patriotic aura about them, but now, I don't
know anymore. Is it too high for some people? Or is it too low for many of you guys? I don't
know about you guys, but some of our soldiers still adhere to Bushido, so that right
there tells us that we have a strong nationalism about us.

And as for ethnocentrism.... It's been holding us back for many millennia, religion and
ethnic backgrounds alike. For ethnics, the majority of any nation gives dominance, while
they throw the minority into the ground, discriminating and, if any worse, force them into
being slaves. You guys should all know this, and who participated in this sort of thing.

And for religion. Again, the dominant opinion always wins, or so they think. They have a
high view of their religion, so much, that they would hurt others that didn't believe
in it. We've seen this too around AG, how some people whose names I will not say, would flame
others for their belief, whatever it is, because it doesn't go in accordance with their own,
or they just have a different religion altogether, and constantly flame them, saying it's
wrong, and that you're going to be punished for it. Religion stems and influences the ethnic
majority/minorities, and it has dragged us down for many, many years. Hell, if we didn't
have religion or ethnocentrism, we, as a human race, would be far more advanced than we are

1,310 posts

May I ask where you got your definition from?

Certainly. both of them were as per

Shintetsu -
Don't you think people would fight against an invader if they were.. smart? I don't see why they would need to feel aggressively better then others just to defend themselves.

Cenere -
Do you feel that tradition and the currently existing culture should never change? Or that keeping them the same is more important then welcoming people into your country? Like Firefly was referring to (and in my original post) ethnocentricity and nationalism often go together. If you don't want people of other creeds, tradition, religion, or culture coming to Denmark, it could be slated that it's because you think the Danes are better then the people immigrating to your country & you don't want them spoiling it.

believing you live in a great country isn't necessarily a bad thing

Wouldn't it be better to believe in living on a great planet?
3,562 posts

Well Nationalism, that topic pops up in most of the wars fought in this world. All the world wars were based off of either Nationalism or Ethnocentrism.

World War I, Serbia wanted to be a country itself and declare itself independent from the austro-hungarian empire. Yes thats right, the first world war is SERBIA's fault. If the Serbian nationalist wasn't the fire that lit the Balkan powder keg off, then WWI wold have not happened. WWII was caused pretty much by WWI where the Germans had to pay for reparations, so WWII could also have been avoided.

Ethnocentrism, the evaluation of another's culture based on one's own culture. I think it is because of this there is xenophobia, going on. Xenophobia prevents other countries form interacting with each other and through that trade decreases. Trade is an important part of any expanding economy, because without trade, we cannot move out of our productions possibilities curve. Thus economic standard of living goes down and GDP also goes down.

13,657 posts

Do you feel that tradition and the currently existing culture should never change? Or that keeping them the same is more important then welcoming people into your country? Like Firefly was referring to (and in my original post) ethnocentricity and nationalism often go together. If you don't want people of other creeds, tradition, religion, or culture coming to Denmark, it could be slated that it's because you think the Danes are better then the people immigrating to your country & you don't want them spoiling it.

As I said, ethnocentrism is not a problem to me. I actually find it annoying with the ways immigrants are talked about here. "Second Generation immigrants", all that... You are not a second generation immigrant but a first generation Dane to me. I do not really care about other people having another religion, they can have that, if they want to, as long as they are not trying to make me join them (like the Jehova's witnesses).
Another culture, well, fine to me. Again, we all cannot be the same?
But stuff like the constant tries on making Denmark a part of a united Europe, like one big country with the same king of money and that... That is what bothers me.
Because we have been ourselves for this long, we have had out history, now why should this change? We were the leaders of most of Scandinavia once, and somewhere I think that spirit is still in the Danes. We have something to be proud of, like other countries have, so why should we forget about that? Why should we be like all the other? We might be a small country, most Americans do not even known where it is, not even after we "helped" with all them wars... (Which I find annoying, because it was not really our war).
There have been times where being a union was good, but more times when being so was bad.
I hate the fact of blindly following the bigger countries, really. Because we could be so much more.

In general:
No, Denmark is not superior, but I still cheer for Denmark when I can. We have traditions in society which should stay, also. Like they way the monarchy works.
So yeah.
13,657 posts

Sorry, but have to add:
No, I am not conservative. Change is fine enough for me, but there is things we might need to keep as they are.
For once I which the government would change - -
I am just itchy about being international, because you loose yourself... The dialects are currently fading away, which is a little sad, but we still have our language. It is made by other languages, but it is still ours.

3,224 posts

Certainly. both of them were as per

I see. The definitions are valid, I was just pointing out that in practice, they are often linked.

I've always had an odd view of nationalism and ethnocentrism due to my background. I was born and raised in England, with an English father and a Greek mother, who emigrated from Greece during the military junta, a point which I'll come back to later. She is still fiercely proud of where she comes from and tries to keep her national identity alive through speaking it at home, going to the Greek church every Sunday etc.

My father's side of the family however is also rather nationalistic. He comes from a military family that has served since WW1, thus he is very patriotic. Now where does that leave me and my 3 brothers, who grew up in England, with both these strong beliefs in our household?

I'd like to use, as an example, the Falklands conflict in the 80s and the Greek-Turkish conflict in the 70s. My father served in the Falklands and returned home with a hateful attitude towards the Argentinians. Later that year however his sister married an Argentinian. Of course he was always tetchy about this, but after he actually met him he realised they had a hell of a lot in common and are now very close friends, but for a time it was very awkward at family gatherings. My point in this instance being that nationalistic sentiment made my father prejudge someone based on their nationality.

I'd like to come back to the point of the Greek military Junta. They ruled Greece with an iron fist for a fairly long period. Far right, ultra-nationalistic, using all the tools of a totalitarian regime, secret police, torture squads etc. As is always the way with these regimes when they start to collapse, they tried to rally support by starting a war with the old enemy, Turkey, over Cyprus. The irony being that most Greek and Turkish Cypriots lived in very intergrated communities.

Anyway, back to how this affected me in England. One of my best school friends was Turkish. My mother forbade me from seeing him because of these troubles. At the time I was quite young, and so did not fully understand why. When I asked my mother for a logical explanation, she provided none and just changed the subject.

That is why, in my mind, nationalism is hogwash. It is a tool used by governments to gain support, turning man against man. These are two instances that have affacted me, but I can think plenty of other major events throughout history which had more disastrous results.

World War I, Serbia wanted to be a country itself and declare itself independent from the austro-hungarian empire. Yes thats right, the first world war is SERBIA's fault. If the Serbian nationalist wasn't the fire that lit the Balkan powder keg off, then WWI wold have not happened. WWII was caused pretty much by WWI where the Germans had to pay for reparations, so WWII could also have been avoided.

You cannot implicate Serbia as a whole. It was one, small, radical group that assassinated Franz Ferdinand. This claim also ignores the underlying cause of WW1, which was competetive nationalism and imperialism among the main powers of the time.

No, I am not conservative. Change is fine enough for me, but there is things we might need to keep as they are.

Conservatism does not mean everything should stay as it is, just that the good stuff should be kept and reform should be much more gradual, as and when it is necessary.
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