I know the hottest girl at my school has crooked teeth. It is nasty.
that doesn't make her hot >.> that just makes it nasty... what if she is uh... giving a little service wouldn't she damage the good? >___>
I say a pretty girl has got a nice figure (hour glass somewhat) preppay! for the win (hey cmon... I goto a private school... guys wear blazers and girls wear these spectacular uniforms).
I don't like red heads :\\ skin is too white... wayy too white. thats about it.
Hot girls ^^ and Arrow I swear if you say aomething about me I swear!!!!, you wil wake up in purte rico with your foot shoved in your mouth, but I'm sure you won't ^^
Am I the only one having weird mental images of an all female threesome?...
Well most of you seem to be handling the topic appropriately...
I'll just skip describing the kind of personality I like, as I don'r really know how to anyway...
So purely on looks?
Tomboyish (here = aka not too feminine but not masculine either). Some shade of brown hair, length is kinda nice.. And I have an odd aversion against shavennes (any part of the body, really...). Not outright skinny, not outright fat (slim-pudgy, basically). Shy-ish behaviour also a somewhat attractive trait, simply 'cause it's cute.
Looks aren't that important, but if I could have my pick I'd say a tallish girl, mid length hair. I don't like black hair. Umm...I tend to like the skinnier girls, but that's just me.
Personality though is a lot bigger for me. I like a girl with a great sense of humor, isn't all sensitive about her weight, isn't depressed all the time, hyper and times but quiet and others.
I'm trying to not date in high school though, so that I can concentrate on school. I think that dating brings a lot of stress into your life, but a few temporary crushes don't hurt. If you have a crush on someone you tend to like to be around them, so you get that happy feeling without being tied down.
Tomboyish (here = aka not too feminine but not masculine either). Some shade of brown hair, length is kinda nice.. And I have an odd aversion against shavennes (any part of the body, really...). Not outright skinny, not outright fat (slim-pudgy, basically). Shy-ish behaviour also a somewhat attractive trait, simply 'cause it's cute.
Personality though is a lot bigger for me. I like a girl with a great sense of humor, isn't all sensitive about her weight, isn't depressed all the time, hyper and times but quiet and others.
You know, that's ttly me except for the "isn't depressed all the time". :P And my sense of humor can be discussed, but nya~
*rolls off the thread chuckling*
Oh, and, in addition to what I posted: With the right kind of personality, I wouldn't care about her looks at all. Honestly.