I think 8000 could be possible if you can control your airspeed at 198~200 for nearly the entire fight before you have to make a higher angle to avoid hitting the water
Watch my video and see, as shown in it upgrades are maxed.
What was done in that video:
1st stage: Max thrust to accend at constant speed of 180~200mph, adjust the angle (18%~25%) to keep the speed constant.
2nd stage: At the same time when fuel runs out, quickly adjust the angle to 0%~1%. Do not overspeed. Speed must be kept under 200, you will overspeed if you level when you still have thrust. Don't slow down too much. If you act too slow, at accending angle it will slow down immediately when fuel runs out.
3rd stage: Glide with speed 190~200, manage the speed by changing angle. If you slowed down too much during transition, dive a bit to gain the speed back.
Final stage: Before hitting water, adjust the angle so you can hover above it. Try staying close to the water without touching it. Do not hit the water. High inertia can keep you gliding for quite a distance.
The cruise speed of the glider is 200mph, so keep this speed for as long as possible.
when you're descending too near the water due to lack of speed, the best tactic would be to do an immediate angle shift to the sky as last resort, this will use you're remaining speed to glide back to a higher altitude. once you stop ascending go back to a 0 wind resistance to allow your speed to go back to normal, keep doing this and try your best not to touch the water because this is the worst way to loose speed, also because its best to waist speed to ascend over water that to loose speed for a small jump and a more speed lose...
I show you how I do it (didn't made as good due to recording lag, still close): video here (2.88MB)
I can open the file but no image appears :s
I'll try to explain the strategy I followed: At the beggining I ascended a little bit thrusting then descended a bit to gain some speed and again ascended. I repeted this until I ran out of fuel. Then I changed the angle to 0% resistance and ascended a little bit when i got too much speed (190~200mph). I continued doing this until I recahed water where i changed the angle to 3~4% resistance to hover over it. When at 25~50mph i started hitting the water wich gave me some extra distance.
Seriously, how do you guys do it... How many days does it take to reach that far?
It took me 26-27 days to max out everything and two more to reach 8000.
never beat learn to fly. always got so close to 6000 but never beat it. got annoyed so i played a different game or went to the forums after i was done. but i got everything like items pretty quick not hard to get those.