So, I think I'm the first one to find this but, after Jessee's computer level, if you click on the "." at the "End" of End it takes you to some hidden level, I'm stuck and can't figure it out.
So people go and try it and help me finish Super Karoshi
Ok once you go to the guy and you can walk on his mouth, theres a little smudge about the size of this dot . under the letters and if you klick it, it takes you to some weird thing.
The secret level........ ive figured it out. Ok so go to the secret level and look at the 2nd japenese letter now look directly down from it towards the middle of the screen (STILL UNDER THE 2ND LETTER)So there will be a slightly darker dot its a brownish color. Click on it and Presto your in the most screwed up part of the game ever. Im still trying to figure the next level out. Your welcome. P.S. If you can not find the point to click just click tab untill a a small isolated spot on the screen turns yellow and thats the point you click.
if u want to get to the secret secret lvl then go on the first secret lvl then press tab until a yellow dot appears on the screen of the game and this only works at armor games o ya and on jesses computer lvl press caps lock and it will do a auto kill