Obviously you don't understand china, or probably have never been there. I will tell you now, china has said they were a communist government since the initiation of "chairman Mao", it so not advocating cooperative ownership in the economy as I have stated they have a capitalist economy, meaning everything is private owned. Get it?
Yea, I get it. The only thing I have to say about that is if it declared itself a communist country, why is it acting like a socialist country.
No, we can't. On one hand you have barbarians, which by the definition of the term are nothing more than low-intelligence brutes. On the other hand, you have terrorists setting up sleeper cells, one of the most brilliant ideas in modern warfare, and using religious ideals for motivation, something that is much more deadly than being motivated by being poor, or any other reason most barbarians fought against Rome. As for being complacent, do you really think that grand public gestures are really the best way to deal with terrorists? If you know about the operation, its not effective. That's why they're so many secret service agency's, to deal with threats like these without causing panic in the public.
Yes we can. The barbarians were Romes enemies, but they had no borders, and were very damaging. They were also a very big subject. Intelligence level is beside the point. Their leaders were just as smart if not smarter than many Romans, but their subordinates were stupid as a rock. See the similarities?
America is his own worst enemy with their- we rule the world- sending our army everywhere because we want to -way. Whats America got to do with communism-nothing they just want to be #1 in the world.
By preserving freedom and stopping genocides. If the UN doesn't stop it, we do.
So America stops other countryies from making genocides while they make even bigger genocides,America was made from genocides,America killed the most people in the world if you didnt know that till now,they teach you all the nice things in school do they TSL3,but I experienced true America genocide so stop talking that America is a good country!
When did you experience genocide? Last I checked Serbia had a good part in the start of WW1, so don'r complain about us committing genocides.
You clearly pointed out NATO's involvement. You blame America for blowing you up because you commit a genocide. It was NATO who ordered america to blow you up. What do you expect us to do? We did not commit a genocide as it beared none of the hallmarks of one. It was not ethnic cleansing and it was not unjustified. It's just you took defense a bit far. You don't have to slaughter people in defense.
-It was the greatest weapon of all time back then,only one was made in past.
yea really... during that time period the radar cloaking system was one of the few items that wasn't mass produced on all planes, because it required a specific paintjob and shape.
Last I checked Serbia had a good part in the start of WW1, so don'r complain about us committing genocides.
technically it was Austro-hungarian empire not granting serbia its independence and the serbian nationalists getting riled up when Franz Ferdinand attempted to rally the troops and grant circumvention gifts to the public to take their mind off the idea of "freedom".
Not chiming in on the rest of the discussion, but the F-117 was a bomber, and it was kind of a piece of crap; even back then. It's debut flight was in '81; the technology it was using was 25 years old.
Seeing that they cant take a part of Serbia,Albania called in Americans saying that we made genocide over them-can you believe that?!
Ever heard of Srebrenica?
Not chiming in on the rest of the discussion, but the F-117 was a bomber, and it was kind of a piece of crap; even back then. It's debut flight was in '81; the technology it was using was 25 years old.
Due to the vast amounts of time it takes to develop these projects all 'modern' aircraft use old technology. As an aside, it was only introduced into military service in 1983.