wow this is interesting. not saying i agree, with all the honors there are for books and whatnot. as a religious person i hope this passes.. i bet this gets heated...
basically Paul Broun is hoping/trying to get 2009 as the Year of The Bible since it was an integral document in the founding of the US
I don't really care if it's the year of the Bible. If Al Stewart can make a year the Year of the Cat, then these guys can do whatever the hell they want to. I couldn't care less.
In a matter of fact, no I have not. I haven't even made a thread. You are the one that probably has been told that yours should be locked. I haven't been told to have one of my threads to be locked because I have not made a thread.
Dude. You have 5 posts now. If you have something intelligent to say, then say it. But don't post in every thread that it should be locked. You're spamming and being an annoyance.
I agree with Hidden Distance. It is a very important book... but that doesn't mean I have to believe everything in it. If they do so, I think they should put it at that angle.
I think it is ok the bible is very important and has good morals (...for me too ignore <dang it> and to be honest it was Darwon month a few months ago no one noticed. for all the bible loving people they can celebrate for a year (or whatever) for those who don;t like it it shouldn't be hard to ignore.