Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation Correlation does not imply causation
Personally I don't agree that watching violent things makes you go out and copy it.
Jon Venables and Robert Thompson (both 10 years old) were sentenced to 8 years in a youth offenders institution after the killing of James Bulger (2 years old). After abducting him they walked with him for 2.5 miles to a canal. On the way 38 people saw them. A few stopped them but were told he was their little brother. At the canal he was beaten severely.
It was thought they may have been copying the "child's Play" movie. Chucky was splahed with blue paint as was James. But it is more likely that the boys home life was more of a cause (abuse, divorced parents etc.) However a media frenzy surrounded the child's play film and lambasted it on moral grounds. The murder of Suzanne Capper has also been linked to the film.
However a study commisioned by the Home office. failed to establish a link. It found that violent tendencies are likely to lead to a preferance for violent films/games rather than vice versa.
This was used as a background to when I studied Banduras study on the effect of violent role models on children.
However a study commisioned by the Home office. failed to establish a link. It found that violent tendencies are likely to lead to a preferance for violent films/games rather than vice versa.
exactly.. i play warcraft, starcraft, halo(s), call of duty, the list goes on and on and on of all the violent games i play.. but that doesnt mean that i am going to kill someone just because i saw it in the game. its ridiculous. the media is looking for a scapegoat and since video games are popular and big in some people lives, lets blame them. i bet if a hardcore violent game player did a good deed, the media wouldnt run it..
People have also claimed that God ordered them to kill and I don't see anyone banning the Bible. It's not a justified argument. People do things for whatever reason, and if they say something made them do it, the people who did it are still to blame, and not the game/book they blame it on.
However a study commisioned by the Home office. failed to establish a link. It found that violent tendencies are likely to lead to a preferance for violent films/games rather than vice versa.
Observation is a major part of learning, not only for people of all ages but most animals. To say that viewing repetetive acts of violence (real or not) will have no effects seems somewhat absurd.
It's my personal opinion that violence in the media does not increase the likely hood of people to become aggressive and violent, but it desensitises them, making them less appalled at the concept of killing, but not any more likely to motivate them to perpetrate a murder.
All that needs to be done is for all products be properly labeled. Government should not enforce content regulatory on all products. Most of the time, it's the parents who have to buy these games for their kids due to rating systems. If their kids become mentally disturbed by their content, it's the parent fault for not doing...parenting.
It's just an excuse people can use so they can point fingers away from themselves. I play pleanty of military video games, SOCOM, Band of Brothers, etc., but I have yet to go on a shooting spree. I even have guns, but yet I don't go out and shoot people. The cause is usually poor parenting, abuse, lack of dicipline and consequenses, not seeing something on tv. Most people can figure out video games and reality are too different things, but some people just have bad urges inside of them and as a society, we have to have someone or something to blame, instead of simply blaming the offender.
I even have guns, but yet I don't go out and shoot people. The cause is usually poor parenting, abuse, lack of dicipline and consequenses, not seeing something on tv. Most people can figure out video games and reality are too different things, but some people just have bad urges inside of them and as a society, we have to have someone or something to blame, instead of simply blaming the offender.
my thoughts exactly.. if you want to shoot something, go to a shooting range.. its not expensive and its fun.. paintballing is fun too..
I have a quick question for Pixie, out of 38 hopefully rational adults not one of them thought it was a mite suspicious that two 10 yr. olds were walking around with a two year old and absolutely no adult supervision? As for scapegoating violent video games, the graph clearly shows violence going down not to mention violent video games probably give kids a stress outlet just like sports do. I know there's nothing that helps me ease my anger more than A. whaling on a punching bag or B. turning on my 360 and blasting some poor group of pixels to hell.
I have a quick question for Pixie, out of 38 hopefully rational adults not one of them thought it was a mite suspicious that two 10 yr. olds were walking around with a two year old and absolutely no adult supervision?
No some repoted seeing him crying, some said he was laughing, some said he had a bruised face. Any that did stop the boys we're told he was their younger brother and they were looking after him. You can't blame them it is a rational excuse I think the Kitty Genovese "witnesses" are worse if you can call it that.
A kid isn't gonna go out shoot a bunch of people while yelling "Nukem til they glow then shoot 'em in the dark" just because they played some video game. Only an emotionally disturbed kid will do something like that.
I know there's nothing that helps me ease my anger more than A. whaling on a punching bag or B. turning on my 360 and blasting some poor group of pixels to hell.
no kidding.. after a long day at work, ps3 CoD: World at War..