Heres some tips:use turtorials for easy instructions,always look at your inventory for weapons and upgrades. clear every room thoroughly;kill robots and cloning machines. Destory boxes and barrels for money to buy weapons and upgrades,also keys,shields and more. Use your map alot to travel to other rooms. Travel to the first room your are in to buy items. There are diffrent robots to kill,the bigger ones shoot out tiny robots that are pretty easy. Then there are mediumish robots that when they die they shoot a laser so move when they die . Never stand still while robots are attacking. Thats mostley it for this game and im not giving away everything so try to figure out the rest of this game ,bye.
hello again,ive just completed this game a second time. I have found new things out about this,collect as many keys as possible for all the rooms,I just cleared all of them today,you need alot of them to get to locked doors. There is a big final robot you must destroy at the end. Destroy all the boxes in the room where theres all diffrent kinds,I think all of them,and there is a medium size gun,pick that up and equip it. When you get to the final robot its alot more easier to kill for you. To get the full version of the game click anywhere to buy it or if you have one enter your e-mail address.