I'm sure that most have you know what click it or ticket is, if you don't wear a seat belt you can be pulled over and given a ticket for it. I was wondering what everyone thinks to that. Is it the government's right to step in and tell us we have to wear a seat belt or else, or is it up to the individual who is informed of the risks if they do not. Is this just an example of government sticking it's nose in where it doesn't belong and micromanaging our lives or not.
I think it's completely okay for them to tell us what to do while driving... I don't want to have any lights on my car and to put spikes on the front and back .... you think the police will be cool with that? lol I think not. And I don't think other people would either as this would be an extreme safety issue. That is sort of besides the point though. The point im trying to make is that driving is a privilege, not a right. If you want to use the public roads, which are owned by the government you should have to follow the rules that everyone agrees on. I agree to make you morons wear your seat belts, because first of all I always wear mine anyways, and second of all, If I happen to get in a car accident with you, I don't want your guts splattered all over my windshield and have to wake up everyday thinking about how I killed you because you were too stupid to wear your seat belt.
Also I think the ad campaign is stupid, they are focusing on "OMG you have a 1/100000 chance of a cop spotting you, and giving you a ticket" instead they should tell people that it's the law because if you crash while not wearing it, you will end up a bloody mangled mess of flesh.
well technically the government wether it be local or national they own the roads and they're letting you use them so i guess i can see how they would have stipulations for letting you use the roads i.e. wearing a seatbelt
I agree with Pixie214 its natural selection lol. I think its a fine law, but it really is your choose the wear a seatbelt or not. I mean thats like making people wear a helmet when you bike or taking peoples guns away because they can have an accident. Sure its safer but its you whos gonna die. I mean as a passenger, I always wear a seatbelt because I get sick otherwise
Passengers yes, but the driver? That's the government sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Their not endangering anyone but themselves.
I cant believe I agree with you > (:P), but how would they be able to tell?
I don't really care about the law. I don't wear a seatbelt because I'm worried about reprecussions from the government, I wear one because I'm not an idiot.
I don't think it's any of the governments buisness. If someone desperately wants to not wear a seatbelt, that's their call.
sorry for double post, wasnt finished and got excited *thats what she said*
it makes sense because they are trying to save lives, but at the same time, if someone is dumb enough to do it, why stop them? just ridiculous.. although in AR when you get pulled over and get a ticket you can get $15 off if you are wearing your seat belt..
I don't really pay attention to that law...but i always wear a seat belt just because that is me. Even if i am only riding in a car for like a minute or so i still put one on.
I don't really pay attention to that law...but i always wear a seat belt just because that is me. Even if i am only riding in a car for like a minute or so i still put one on.
Same here. The only time I don't wear a seatbelt is if I'm just driving around a parking lot at like 10 mph.
I think that it's also a liability issue. Imagine if you contributed to an accident and the other person wasn't wearing a seatbelt? There would be a lot of money that insurance would have to pay to keep the victim(s) alive and on the road to recovery. I don't think that insurance companies appreciate any extra, unnecessary bills that could have been at least reduced to a much lower fee by wearing a seatbelt. Liability isn't fun :\\
Thats a good point about insurance. It just all works out better wearing seat belts and it's for your own good. If you don't wanna wear a seat belt build yourself a private road and drive around that.