ForumsGame WalkthroughsCall of duty 4 intel locations

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The first intel is on the second mission on prolouge after getting heli support you will go through the door and encounter another door everyone goes thorugh and the intel is just laying on the ground next to Some pipes inside the ship. the 2nd one is also on the same map after he says sir take a look at this he will upon up the box go in there and there is intel behind the first table. The next intel is on blackout as soon as you start the mission there will be a house on your left just head in there and its right next to the tv. the next one is on the same mission towards the end when ur going in to the house to rescue nikioli go up a floor and into the bathroom and its in there. the next intel is on charlie dont surf at the beggining of the level you will be told to go over to the house breach and go down the floor there will be a whole bunch of weapons on the table to ur left of the table theres a room go in there and the intels in the back of the room. the next one is on this mission to alright after you get in the middle of open in the map there will be a truck with a machinegunner on it wil go forward and pass by him and then there will be a house on ur right go up it and once you get up its in the back. the next one is also on charlie dont surf when you are around the are with a whole bunch of blown up stuff like washer machines there will be a building on the right go up and kill the guy there will be an intel facing you and a tv. the next intel is on the bog after getting to the first house you go into with roycewiz you kill all the enemies and use the mounted machine gun to take out the other building and then get off and go out of there there will be a door on the left the marines open it and there is an intel on the left. the next one is also on the bog once the marines upon up the gate go to the left of the dumpster and look behind all of the clothing things eventually you will find it. the next one is on hunted after going through the first house kill al the enemies then go to the second house after finishing them go onto the third building on ur right after going out of the second and the intel is in the third building on ur right. the next one is on war pig after killing all the enemies at the beggining go the normal way and then after coming across the gate type thing thats big take a right and go along the pathway and there will be a building infront of you go up the stairs in the building and kill the guy that throws the grenades between the dors and then go threw the other door and it will be on a dresser on ur left. the next one is also on war pig after you get the intel i just told you about go up the building right infront of it go up the stairs and then in the second room there will be a bed with the intel on it. the third one is near the end once your temates blow up the tank stay in the building ur in and then go in the room where the machinegunners were shooting you before while you were trying to progess to that building. the next one is on shock and awefter you get out of the helicopter and regroup with your squad where you regroup with ur sqaud to the right behind barrels is enemy intel.The next one is also on shock and awe one you regroup with you sqaud head to the building that is northeast of you after you go up the stairs and get in th middle turn around and there will be a small room and the intels there. the next intel is on safehouse at the beggining walk up the hill and you will encounter a house infront of you go in go upstairs and go in the room facing forward and its there. the next one is also on safehouse after going to the first building go on the bottom floor to the left then there will be enemy facing you to the left of them is a house go there and go left in the house and intel is on the table. the next mission is al ghillied up first you will start out keep going normally until you encounter the first house when he says dont even think about it 4 tangos insite well pass that part and then there will be the lookout at the next building after you get inside there climb the ladder and its up there. the next one is also on al ghillied up when you have just passed a whole load of terrorists macmillan will say let me get into position dont take out the two by the lorry once you get passed this there will be a whole bunch of crates after you have killed the first one when he says oi susy keep going and then he will say stay there well after that walk forward and turn right there will be intel on top of crates kill them all and take the intel. right after you find that intel you will have to run out into the convention of terrorists where all the jeeps and people are well after crawling beneath the trucks keep running until the person pops up at the top of the stairs shot him and then go up there where he was and there will be a window climb in its there. the next intel is on one shot kill after getting to the house with the dried out pool if you are right in frontof it turn around and then there will be a laderr keep climbing up until ur at the top its up there on the right.on one shot kill at the end when the helicopter lands to pick you up dont go in it act like ur walking to the helicopter then go northeast there should be a door on a building then go in the intels right in front of you [this will cause you to lose]. the sins of the father is the next intel locations. Ok after you take out the gaurd tower you will see a building with ultranationalists in it go in kil them all and then if you were standing in the front doorway its to the left on a table. the next one is also on sins of the father as soon as zakahev runs to the outskirts you will be told to go down the left path well keep going down until you are at the gate like thing take a right and walk forward there will be a building go up the stairs and its on a table facing you. the next one is on ultamium after you have found griggs and sprayed the fence to go thorugh well keep going until you are in safety of the two buildings after getting there walk north and the building in the middle once you are in there take a left into another doorway the intels on a table to the left. the next one is also on all in after taking out the first tank go northeast and walk along the side path on the east you will encounter a little blocked shape area go to the back and take a path to the left and its facing forwards at you. the next one is also on all in after breaching the gate you will have to take out two tanks well stay on the east side go in to the second dome shaped building and its on the right side on the gorund. the next one is on no fighting in the war room after starting the mission keep doing what ur suppouse to do keep looking on ur left side in every room soon you will see a red room go in there its on the table with about 7 chairs put next to it. the next one is also on no fighting in the war room the final one when you are told to abort the missle with the abort codes face the abort codes turn around walk forward then take a right then another right and walk forward its in the room with a map and its on the table ~alright that is all 30 intel locations for call of duty 4 modern warfare.~your welcome {=

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