It depends, my judging is obviously not on any professional level, but I believe that if the judge is feeling more for the actual concept of a microbe-like pokemon, Abeeble-something [i'm sorry I don't know your name D:] definately stands out from the rest, if we're going for increadible WTF, ogiigo is amazingly leading the march, if we're going for 'the most sheldereelhorsea', then I think I win that category :P.
I actually didn't think about how much it resembles horsea 'till now O_o, I think the little fins [there's another on the other side, you just can't see it ^^] are probably a subconciously done rip-off indeed.
Yes, judging on the 20th December, just like PWNjk said to you all. But I sadly may change it, though it is uncertain that I will at the moment. I usually have the deadline a week after the theme gets chosen. That gives you plenty of time to make an entry. Speaking of entries, I would love to see some more of them. I know some have entered, but I still would love to see a few more of them entries. If anybody is reading this and hasn't made an entry yet, please go on paint (or any other of them programs) and make an entry!
I judge by the originality of the Pokemon, if it's drawn alright, and by how much it looks as a Pokemon. I should not be too violent, gory, or sexually disturbing either. Neither should they contain any racism at all.
So yeah, judging Sunday the 20th of December, which is exactly in 4 days. Plz more entries?
I judge by the originality of the Pokemon, if it's drawn alright, and by how much it looks as a Pokemon.
Lol, I think the only person who can really judge that is the guy(s) that design pokemon for a living xP But still, there can be a distinct pokemon-esque look to a creature
I call him Gulp-Ahr. Most of the time, he remains a thin, snake-like creature, slithering through the amonia. But, when he gets into predatory mode, his mouth opens to 5 times his original size. His strong digestive enzymes can break down nearly anything, and its strong fins and tail help it to chase faster prey.