Actually it's a very specific theme - the 'mon almost have to be a fire type, and it must be some sort of snake. Doesn't leave much wiggleroom, but it's enough~
Still trying to come up with a name for them. I'll get back to you on that...
Concept: It's sort of the fire equivalent to Gyarados. The basic form is mostly useless, though rather pretty and occasionally worn as jewelry in the region they're native to. Usually found in sandy or rocky areas. They're a fire/ground species. The evolved form is usually only found in volcanoes where they thrive in the magma, and feed on rocks (and occasionally rock pokemon too).
Fire snakes are essentially serpentine dragons. Did I say the evolved form was the entry, btw? Does the little one look more like a dragon than a snake? >_>
Also, it does not. It looks like a serpentine dragon, not like a classical dragon. And the serpentine dragon look is intentional~
Seriously Zophia, you're owning everyone by posting a picture. xD If Pokemon could have 3 types, they would be Fire, Dragon and Dark IMO. Zophia, it just owns. x] Well, see ya tomorrow everyone!
Zophia that is really amazing. I thought cen was going to win, until you entered.
Since Zega disliked mine, it would not have been the case. And I now have an annoying urge to try and make something even more awesome, but I am not good at hitting the pokemon style, so I fear it would not be more than medium strange.