even though there is striking evidence on there existance i would like to know your views on the existance on dark matter, dark energy and if there is chance that the big rip will actually take place
Big Chill: As the universe expands, there is a greater and greater distance between stars This greater distance means that there are fewer atoms in a cubic meter of interstellar space... Fewer atoms means less heat which means colder universe.
Big Rip: All of the above plus the following. The universe continues to expand until the rate of expansion is accelerating visibly. At this point, space is doubling in size every second and is starting to mess with atoms themselves. Over the next few tens of millions of years, everything decomposes and all the black holes of the universe evaporate...
So yes, it IS the same thing... The big rip is just a longer time scale than the Big Chill. The big chill theory was created when we realized the universe was expanding. When we noticed it was accelerating, we revised it into the Big Rip...
Dark energy, dark matter... I'm a bit to the side on these..
I mean.. there's something that's effecting the universe in ways that we haven't yet been able to determine, and the pen name for it has mostly become 'dark matter' & the like. Is it something that exists in the way that we think of 'matter'? I'm not sure. There is a lot we still have to learn about the way the universe works though, and whether it's a tangible substance, or rule(s) of physics or quantum physics we haven't figured out yet... well, I think we'll just have to wait and see.
As for the big rip.. *shrugs* I don't think I grasp as much of the subject as I would like; I understand the concept, but I'll refrain from comment. I am, however reading some very cool books with regards to the cosmos currently & maybe I'll find out more.
yeah dark matter and dark energy are one and the same.
ERT!!! Wrong Answer...
Matter and Dark matter are identical in every way, except for the fact that dark matter doesn't give off light. That is rather simple. Get something like a polar neutron and stick a bunch together. You get a form of matter that does not reflect light because that is the job of electrons (which neutrons are not). Now that is not exactly what DM is, but it gives the idea...
Dark Energy is a stupid name. It is not the absence of energy, but rather mass. Simply put, all matter/mass distorts the universe around itself in a way that we call gravity. think of it as a ramp. You are a ball and the earth is at the bottom. you fall down towards it and accelerate all the while. Dark Energy is essentially anti-gravity. When no mass occupies a location, dark energy fills in the gap. Think of DE as the top of a hill. you roll the ball down the hill until you get to something level (essentially interstellar space). Now, the gravity given off by matter is far greater than the power of dark energy and is the reason that we only see its effects of huge distances of millions of light-years...
So please don't call them the same... They aren't...
Matter/Energy are essentially the same thing, as matter is just large packets of energy, but DM is more than likely just some exotic particle of matter as it has mass and does move... DE is well, nobody knows... we know it functions as Anti-Gravity, but we don't know why or how...
i think a big problem in this debate is that no one really grasp just how big the universe is. i cant i really doubt anyone can truly grasp. imagin a soccer field and that what we can see through are most powerfull telescopes was an atom. then double the soccerfieldd and the area it covers every second.
we won't even be alive, unless you're religious and hope to be
How does religion have anything to do with longevity?
Anyway, Dark Matter has been proven to exist, I think, in the form of a plasma. The big rip, I don't know. It doesn't seem likely that the universe will expand at such an accelerated rate that it will be able to cause folded space to evaporate. A black hole would only begin to evaporate when there is no matter left for it to feed on, and even then, the more stable singularities wouldn't dissipate at an extremely accelerated rate. I would go with the big chill theory.
Dark Matter is a needed matter which is see-through and takes up if I remember 3/4 of our space, space as in personal space, the universe, planets etc, now there is one theory that takes the Big Chill and Big Rip affects out of the equation, I don't know what it's called but it's possible
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That's a drawing of space, the bottom is a second ago, this is a small fraction of space - No matter what though you are LITERALLY looking into the past when it comes to the growth of space, here's what should hopefully happen, which'll kill us anyway
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Again, from top to bottom, what happened? It shrunk, hopefully it'll collapse into itself and make another big bang etc, which also adds to the Big Bang theory as Space grows faster than the speed of light, but within space nothing can go faster than that speed, really light would be infinite, in my guess anyway, but space would not comprehend it within it's realm.... The Big Rip wouldn't happen if this is true, of course all the planets will fly at us and we'll die, instantaniously I hope
If you are referring to the rate at which the universe is expanding according to the big bang, you are correct. The theory states that the universe would slowly slow down, but because we recently passed the point of no return, DM no longer has enough gravity to win out against DE and as such, the universe is accelerating... If that isn't what you are talking about, I have no clue what you mean...
Oh, and dark matter does exist. You use a method called "gravitational lensing." What you do is you look for things which do give off light and through the course of the Earth's orbit, the angle changes. When it has moved more/less than it should have, you know that something is there. That method did indeed prove the existence of DM...