ForumsWEPRGlobal Warming Myth or Fact???

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112 posts

What do you think?

  • 22 Replies
4 posts

Global warming is total b/s. It's based off a theory made up 40-some years ago, and has been largely disproven. If anyone says "see the inconvenient truth", the only inconvenient truth is that that movie is a lie. the opening scene was fake, the simpsons cartoon was dumb, and it was at parts just Gore trying tto get pity. I say watch the great global warming hoax it clears a lot up.

4 posts

Sorry about dbl post: the earth has been in a cycle of heating and cooling, and we need to deflate our egos if we think man is so great that he can destroy the planet. We nay have some influence, but if we do it is small. during the industry boom after WWII, when emissions were at a historical high, the earth was cooling and they were worried about an ice age.

3,025 posts

I have only read the first 2 posts, so what I can make out of what I know from everything I've gathered is that it's a myth, I KNOW it's a myth and really the earth is cooling down, the government who rants about it stay back in their pockets now that it's freezing in naturally warm places, and they keep their moaning when it's what we want to happen, there's evidence of an Ice Age (mini one tho,) coming to the world, Russian Net, a satelite website, though I forgot their actual name sorry have indicated this, not to mention that pollution is NOT a problem, plants all in earth generate hardly anything at all, making no problem, and we add 15% to it, not even worth mentioning, so really speaking when u plant a plant, u could be doing more 'ollution' than using your car, and if u really must know, c02, I think that's the name for pollution or something, that is what helps keep us alive, really speaking we need to up pollution more, bolstering ourselves AND to keep up the heat, it is NOT global Warming.

- H

112 posts

The earth may be getting warmer now, but 2,000 years ago all the way back past the dinosoars the earth's base temp has been warmer than now then it would cool in an ice age then warm back up its just a cycle not any global warming lie.

1,943 posts

Fact As The Planet Is Getting Warmer The Ice Berks Are Getting Small No Ice Berks = Massive Flood!!!! Which will kill us all so start Recycleing Pepole

332 posts

Global warming is total b/s. It's based off a theory made up 40-some years ago, and has been largely disproven. If anyone says "see the inconvenient truth", the only inconvenient truth is that that movie is a lie. the opening scene was fake, the simpsons cartoon was dumb, and it was at parts just Gore trying tto get pity. I say watch the great global warming hoax it clears a lot up.

Love the way you emphasized theory there. Also the fact that its forty years old. I know something that's much, much less proven, has been much, much more disproved and a lot older than 40 years, yet you still have billions of people believing in it.

Sorry about dbl post: the earth has been in a cycle of heating and cooling, and we need to deflate our egos if we think man is so great that he can destroy the planet. We nay have some influence, but if we do it is small. during the industry boom after WWII, when emissions were at a historical high, the earth was cooling and they were worried about an ice age.

You think this is an issue of ego? I think if it is, its more the fact that we have such big egos we don't think we can be doing anything wrong. Earth has a natural balance, which animals keep. We, on the other hand, destroy that. Its not a matter of ego, but a matter of fact. We have a much, much bigger impact on the world than we can see. What happens with millions of factories pumping out pollution every day? Do you think it just disappears with no effort and we get off competently free? What about the trillions of tons of waste we've dumped all around the world? They're going to be aftereffects of that, when something throws a planet out of balance like we are right now, it can't just recover itself. As for global cooling, that was a theory that was disproved, since it was based on a flawed base.

helps keep us alive, really speaking we need to up pollution more, bolstering ourselves AND to keep up the heat, it is NOT global Warming.

I don't even know if I can respond to this its so idiotic.
Yes, our atmosphere keeps us alive. On the other hand, when its impenetrable by the UV sun rays that keep animals and plants alive, it'll kill us. I don't know how to say this in a more simplified form. You really don't understand the way the atmosphere works, do you?

6,823 posts

I realize that the original thread has fallen back a bit, but since it is so extensive, I am going to ask you to continue this conversation on that thread. It already has a lot of debate and good discussion on it. So please post further comments on the subject HERE. Thanks! =)

Also, when making a thread, please try to start the discussion out with something more than "What do you think?" We generally appreciate when someone goes into the effort to make an initial through provoking post to start the thread out and encourage discussion.

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