ForumsWEPRI am a Fundamentalist

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I think it's time that we had someone from the uncommon side of the spectrum speak up about this issue in a serious manner. I have a confession to make.

I am a Christian fundamentalist.

I don't deny it at all. It means that I believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible; I believe that there are things that exist that cannot be empirically proved to exist; I believe that secularism has produced moral decay.

I'm fully aware that many of you do not hold to such principles. That's okay. But that's not the point of this post. I want to tell you what I mean when I say I am a fundamentalist.

Throughout the ages we have seen extremes of religion. Recently we have seen Jihad and the Westboro Baptist Church, among others, which promote hate and violence. To their names are attached the label of the fundamentalist, and from them we receive our distinctively negative connotations of fundamentalism.

To me, fundamentalism is a return to the fundamentals of a religion, to the religion as it was originally intended. The apostles and the early church fathers believed that moral decay was happening, and that the Bible was a literal record of history. They believed simply that Jesus died and rose again and that he would return. That was all. No liturgical pomp and ceremony, and for the first two centuries, little quibbling on minor theological points. That is the religion I hold to. There is no room for hate or intolerance, for we were all "made in God's image." That is my Christianity.

Fundamentalism does not mean that I hold up signs saying that God hates fags, or that I kill, attack, or abuse those of other religions. That is the very antithesis of the fundamentals of Christianity. Fundamentalism, in the state that I have followed it, is the reflection of the simple core ideals that moved those first few believers to follow in Christ's footsteps.

  • 22 Replies
3,224 posts

The Romans had deities, though, and a lot of what they thought the deities commanded governed their lifestyles, if I'm correct.

They had the same deities as the Greeks, who were not decadent at all by compaison. You can't blame their decadence on their religion.
1,310 posts

HiddenDistance you have to remember it was written by man and compiled together into the bible by yet again man. The bible is imperfect and biased. It doesn't mean necessarily god is evil or condones violence.

Really? Because there's more then a few people that think the bible is the absolute word of the lord & has to be obeyed down to the letter. So... who's right, you or them? I'm sure they're going to argue that they're right & you're wrong, so who am I supposed to believe?

Not even Christians can get their own holy book straight. And again - I wasn't just talking about christians in that list of evil.
1,304 posts

As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.
Sounds like murder, **** & slavery are the way to go. I'm insulted that you think following the bible makes you somehow better then anyone.

I think he is commanding one of his chosen people to do this because they must take over the town.
10,816 posts

So... who's right, you or them?

Let me fetch my "arguing on the internet" demotivational, and that should clear it right up!

who were not decadent at all by comparison

How about exceptionally randy?

Yes, I'm looking at you, Zeus >_>

And what I would really like to see is Parsat's response...before this thread degenerates into another religion/anti-religion brawl.
3,224 posts

How about exceptionally randy?

Yes, but in a dignified manner. The Romans were having orgies left right and centre. The Greeks were just more subtle (and homosexual) about it.

Yes, I'm looking at you, Zeus >_>

Zeus and Jupiter were one and the same. As I said in another thread. There's nothing wrong with philandering old men.
1,310 posts

I think he is commanding one of his chosen people to do this because they must take over the town.

Well.. yes.. that doesn't really refute the point. He wants his chosen people to go in - try and conquer them peacefully & take them all as forced labour i.e. *slaves* but if they decide to fight, you can take all of the women, children, & resources as for themselves.

I don't know what you're driving at. That this isn't a bad thing?
9,821 posts

That this isn't a bad thing?

It caaan't be bad. It's in the Bible, duh. Right thurrrrrrrrrrrrr~
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