We have needed one of these for a while Thanks man
Great! We deffinitly needed one of these!
Yay! We needed one of these for ages! Thank You Very much!
What does this page do? I'm just new here, please help me out!
goto the first page, click on the blue link, then search for a forum topic that you think may have existed, and want to post in it to prevent repeat threads. or to look for repeat threads, or to look for a funny topic that may have been locked (all locked threads never "die" per se)
A forum search topic would be nice, but think of all the zombie threads that would appear...*shudders*
bro story cool. I actually do not really know what you are talking about. unless you mean people looking up threads to necro. i mean if you really wanted to do that, just scroll wayyy back and resurrect the thread no need to go onto a forum thread/key word search.
You could always go use the normal google, but in * when you lack an ending for something, "s for more specific uses and put in your own in:armorgames.com/*
I would fall in love if Armor Games had a vBulletin forum. Look at all the features it has. I'm sure it is much cheaper than making your own from scratch. I'm pretty sure you have to renew your license whenever there is a new version; I think they come out every 3 or 4 years.
This is the forum I used to go on, but the problem was that the Mods sort of abused their powers because they didn't really understand the definition of spamming.
Been wondering why there were no proper search functions here on AG, regarding forum posts. Damn meself for not noticing this sticky before. Very nice work;-)