If the koreans launch a missle at the u.s or japan this will be a diaster and i want some opinions if you think theyll launch it keep it or launch at u.s or japan or anything else reply plz
Dude. Its just like in the Cold War. North Korea won't attack us because that would basically destroy their country. Sure, they can wipe out a couple million or so, but they can't stop us from stopping their nukes (well, maybe if they keep kissing up to Obama) and if they even think about considering to contemplate to bomb America they will have hell waiting on the other end. The thing is, mutually assured destruction makes nuclear weapons a deterrent. A necessary one, but the nuclear bomb isn't a weapon anymore. If one nuke falls, the whole world loses it, and than who knows what happens. MAD saves the day!
I just had to borrow this, sorry Alt. If it even works....
The whole MAD principles bullshit in my mind. As a deterrent, yes, its effective. As an actual strategy though...maybe as a last ditch effort it might work, but with governments that have sophisticated missile defense systems, its just not going to go that way. If a country launches a nuke, yes, we'll respond. Problem is, nukes have to much aftereffect to really be considered a practical counter-attack. The whole "N.K will be glassed approach" is a bit unrealistic. South Korea would be feeling the effects extremely quickly, and any country that nukes another one is going to piss off a lot of the world, whether its attacking or defending. Defending by launching nukes though isn't really much in the way of defense though...
XavierWolfe, anytime someone posts a comment like that about Obama, I'm just going to assume you watch fox news and from that point on not take anything you say seriously. Just thought you ought to know.
XavierWolfe, anytime someone posts a comment like that about Obama, I'm just going to assume you watch fox news and from that point on not take anything you say seriously. Just thought you ought to know.
Maybe you should let people have their own opinions.
he whole "N.K will be glassed approach" is a bit unrealistic. South Korea would be feeling the effects extremely quickly
Actually, they would be the most likely target as Seoul isn't even 100 miles away, so they won't even be worried about after affects as they themselves will already be glass.
Maybe you should let people have their own opinions.
Maybe fox should too
Actually, they would be the most likely target as Seoul isn't even 100 miles away, so they won't even be worried about after affects as they themselves will already be glass.
True, Seoul is at a huge risk right now, but if it were another target besides S.K, it'd be a huge risk to the population. China might end up feeling some of the effects too, which wouldn't help already strained diplomatic relations.
So should CNN, ABC, NBC, MSN, MSNBC and all the rest.
True, Seoul is at a huge risk right now, but if it were another target besides S.K, it'd be a huge risk to the population. China might end up feeling some of the effects too, which wouldn't help already strained diplomatic relations.
Ya, but where would feel the effects? There are no major cities anywhere near NK in China. That also means there are no targets there either.
So should CNN, ABC, NBC, MSN, MSNBC and all the rest.
Except they don't turn on the fear mongering quite as often, or the opposition smashing/shout downs, or the contradictions of themselves. Plus, they don't have the mentality of their party can't do anything wrong, and have show hosts crying about how much they love their country and how the other party is destroying it.
Ya, but where would feel the effects? There are no major cities anywhere near NK in China. That also means there are no targets there either.
I'm not talking about N.K targeting China, I'm talking about effects from nukes launched at N.K. Nuclear fallout is a pretty serious problem, and might spread far enough to endanger lives outside of N.K. China and N.K have pretty good relations anyways, so I don't think attacking China's their top idea of targets.
Actually, the only way it can spread beyond say 100 miles is through the jet stream so, that means it might hit a little bit of china, but it's unlikely to go further.
Actually, the only way it can spread beyond say 100 miles is through the jet stream so, that means it might hit a little bit of china, but it's unlikely to go further.
Still, even that's not going to be an acceptable risk to the Chinese Government if we ever try to launch a nuke at N.K. I suppose some of it has to do with where we might target, but there aren't that many places that would provide a decent target and not be close to allied territory (or at least not hostile territory in China's case). Besides, I think that a land invasion, although costly, might appeal more to South Korea more, as it means that the lands still usable, along with its resources.
Fox is a news station, not a person. It can't force people to think anything. Fox lets people make their own decisions because it's a NEWS STATION for CONSERVATIVES. While they are a bit radical at times, people are allowed to form their own opinions. If they follow Fox blindly, who's to blame here? Fox, or the person thoughtless enough to follow without question?
Anyway, Korea has a slight chance of attacking a country, but that in the end would result in World War Three in witch every contry with Nukes would go crazy.....I mean it's all about chain reactions, Korea does it, so will the US, US does it, so will the Russians. Russians do it, so will India, Pakinstan, everyone with nukes.
In the end, Mr Kim would not risk getting destroyed by nukes left and right so it's all about getting ready. 'Getting ready' as in how the US and Russia are still at that tense area, where one false move could jepordise the whole situation.
N. Korea has long range missles, but their tests have yet to yield a "successful" test. Their latest long range missle test in April impacted around 2400 miles from the launch site. As it stands now, people in the U.S. are for the most part safe from an attack from N. Korea.
Right, back on topic. Using nukes is never a good idea because people will ultimately start attacking you back (unless you were attacked first, you've already lost). So North Korea would be stupid to start a nuclear war because, well, nobody can really win in the end. Everybody gets nuked by somebody.