Whyyy aaree wee waaaiitttingggg...........
Because the stupidity of this thread is rising, and conclusively that makes Strop have to comment a lot more, which takes time from the drawing of the pictures.
Also fascinating I can go through five pages of (spam/offtopic/mockeries) this thread before I find something reasonable to comment on.
Besides that I see I either should stay online to kick
some people's butts for being stuptards, or conclude that this is not possible because my freaking computer is dead.
Also, Soulhack, you are denying your fetish again, because I was not talking about the feelings for me (good you admit them, though, but not interested) it was the feelings for Strop, since you are projecting my so called "boytoy" role. We all know you want to be the b*tch of Strop, don't worry.
Now, can we end the stuptardity, and go on with the story, please?