ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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2,770 posts

Cenere has a profile with comments page for a reason. And that reason is so you stop asking your stupid questions in WoM thread.

1,845 posts

Sorry, I have been having a lot of brain farts lately.

13,657 posts

Sorry, I have been having a lot of brain farts lately.

You do not say...
Also: Like this.

Now, once again I have not finished up my entry... But since it is not important in any way, I think it is okay.
Still lacking some lazy butts that seem to be active but might have abandoned the WoM for no reason... Care to check around, people?
2,906 posts

why is this no longer a sticky?

4,536 posts

why is this no longer a sticky?

Because it never was.
5,420 posts

Because it never was.

Actually if memory serves me right it was before the WoM FAQ was created.
4,536 posts

Actually if memory serves me right it was before the WoM FAQ was created.


Still, Floyd has only been a member for 3 days. I don't think he would have seen that.

Unless he's mixing it up with another WoM thread.
1,667 posts

why is this no longer a sticky?

Because it can survive on its own without being a sticky. Plus there's already a ton of sticky'd threads.
10,816 posts

Crimson continues to impress me with his detailed knowledge of AG chronology... indeed this thread was briefly stickied so it wouldn't fall off the page until the WoM FAQ was put up.

FloydTC, do you happen to be an alt?

Strop you are in charge of posting mine as usual, right? 3:

Yeah... once I sum up the courage to write it. It's the worst of the Klaus-Strop entries so far...
4,536 posts

What about my investigative skills? :3

1,707 posts

That time of the month? just kidding........... zophia..... :P

"Ah. That was a nice nap. And hey! Everything is still here! This is just great", i thought. I slid my right sword through the loop of my Iron Prince crown And slipped it on my head. That way i would be treated with respect! Although some how I knew I would have no such luck. I walked outside into the hot summer air. "Maybe I should go back into my air conditioned suite...."I thought. Then I noticed how hungry I was. I needed to find a restaurant.
I walked through the gates of Aristocrat way when suddenly I was hit in the back with what felt like a ball.(Obviously the crown wasn't working) I quickly turned around. I had no time for this non-sense. I needed ki- I mean eat, and then go to the library to find information on this "NonameC68". "Who is there?" I said with a firm voice. "Well it's me and Cenere." a dark, muffled voice said. Suddenly the bushes started moving, and out them came two figures. One was a horse like figure in ninja clothing. I had come to know him as the moderator Strop. The other was a young man in a suit with glasses and fairly long hair. "Why are you here?" i asked. "This the first trial of WoM. Agility." Strop said in a proud voice. And on that note he reached for the burlap sack Cenere was carrying and pulled out a ball. He threw it at me quickly. I hit the ball with my sword. It popped easily, but once again he had another ball and once again he threw it. This time i sidestepped it, but as i did this he grabbed another ball and threw it. This time it hit me directly in the stomach. I went flying into a fruit stand. "You want to play games with me? Then lets play games." I said in an annoyed voice. Strop threw another ball. He was laughing so hard his accuracy dropped a 100th of a fraction and barely missed me.
I flew up into the air to avoid any more bruises from dodge balls. I landed up on a rooftop and tried to relax. That didn't last very long. Strop was climbing the building at an incredible speed. Crap. He chased me with the burlap sack on his back. He launched about three at me 1 hit me. The other two popped. I was screwed."Come on Gametesta! Show me your agility!!!" Strop yelled. I thought he was mad and again launched two balls at me as i flew in the air. He threw balls in 3's and 4's. I dodged them all. I was getting tired. I needed to stop this. I stopped my wings and zoomed straight for the burlap sack as a fell. I cut it open with my swords and all the balls came rolling out. Strop quickly picked them up and as he came up the tip of my sword was an inch from his face. "Good job" Strop said"Now why don't you help pick up these balls." Then he glanced at my swords. Then he said. "On second thought...."

By the look of Strop's face I could tell he wasn't liking being held hostage by two swords.

"Woah there Edward*, let's just talk for a minute?"

I narrowed my eyes. "How convenient, that's exactly what I was hoping to do. Now why are you throwing balls at me?"

Strop gave me a look as if i was stupid. "Are you not interested in the Way of Moderation?"

"Not as interested as I am in some of the moderators. Who is NoName and where is he?" I twitched my swordhands menacingly to shake him up a bit.

"Nemo? What do you want with him anyway? I can't allow foul play you know." Despite the situation, Strop was still a moderator himself and i couldn't help but to recognize the responsibility he had to stop trouble even in a life or death situation.

However i was growing tired of not getting answers. "What if the foul play were done by a moderator?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Strop replied almost automatically. "If you have a formal complaint, please lodge a claim at the Armor Court of Great Justice."

I stifled a groan and gritted my teeth. "Never mind, then. Just tell me what you know about the Wilderness."

Strop scratched his head. "What about it, it's the area outside Armor City... always undergoing development, having new sections added to it... it's said there's major ch- what's it to you anyway?"

Well at least i was getting somewhere now. Maybe i had instilled fear in him. "Who's responsible for what goes on out there?"

"McNeely, of course, along with John, Krin, JoeyBetz, Tony, ConArtists... say, these are very strange questions you're asking, Game...testa."

Hmm.... Perhaps i was wrong. Maybe this McNeely character is the one I'm looking for. Maybe I have a lead.

The next moments happened all too quickly. Out of nowhere, Strop's banhammer had appeared and was swinging right towards my chest. So much for holding his neck hostage. Then there was a blinding flash of blue light, and both Strop and I catapulted backwards. For once, that damned curse worked for me. Thank god i remembered i had it. Strop, taken by surprise for once, fell on his butt and sprung back upright, this time pointing an armed bow at me. Did he not just learn his lesson? I now know i have it. I can use it as a please. The time it takes for him to knock an arrow my shield can recharge...... maybe.

"Care to explain that contraband hardware you have there?"

Oh crap. This is not good. Sure i may be able to deflect every shot he has, but if i get into legal trouble, it's bye-bye aristocrat way. "It's not mine! I mean, it is, but I didn't want it. I mean, it's a curse."

Strop didn't move. "I've heard that one before."

"I'm serious!" I pleaded. Strop need to understand I'm not a bad guy! "NoName has enslaved me to be a Game Tester, and I want freedom!"

"That's pretty hard to believe", Strop twitched his ears before adjusting his aim. "What grounds do you have for making such a claim?"

"I... uh, I... um, his name... is no name... anyway, I've risked too much even saying this!"

Strop lowed the bow and dispelled it. "Fine. I'll look into it. Meanwhile, I recommend you just carry on in the tournament as usual, okay?"

I could tell Strop had just ended the conversation. I saw no other option but to leave and go to the library. "Fine. I'll see you next round then." And with a mighty flap of my wings, I took off. I looked back and i thought i heard Strop say:

"Oi, Cen, you done with those balls yet? The bag needs stitching!"

2,906 posts

FloydTC, do you happen to be an alt?

no but I browsed the forums since around the time of my joined date even though my account was not active due to the fact that I didnt get my confirmation email until a few days ago.
2,053 posts

After his escaping of the twisted monochrome realm, Frank had set off to one of the many random spots he deemed suitable as hunting grounds. What he hunted was whatever he crossed, whether it be a rare cake-addicted rabbit, or one of the many small blue elephants that roamed the forest. As he stalked through the foliage, Frank heard what sounded suspiciously like an anthro horse piloting a bi wing. He turned around and confirmed his suspicions. It was Strop, laughing maniacally. In a bi plane. One that looked a lot like the Red Baron's.
"What the hell...?" The plane, now overhead, opened it's hatch, and out fell what appeared to be compulse balls. Compulse balls that were hurtling towards the earth, or more accurately Frank, at alarming speeds.
"Oh... This can't be good..." The balls fell, leaving no trace of where they had landed but a light, hollow ping. Ping, ping, ping, falling closer and closer to the still unmoving sky pirate.
"I should probably run..." Making a mad dash for the cover of the trees, he tried to asses the situation.
Okay... Frank thought to himself,

I need a battle plan.
He pulled out his cutlass, making a diagram in the sand.
So if Strop is flying at approximately.... Fifty miles per hour, and I time my shots right... Oh, where am I going with this? Might as well just go out and face him. And so he did.
"Hey McHorseGuy! Over here! Come and get me!"
The plane made a sharp right, diving in towards Frank's position, all the while dropping what seemed to be an endless amount of balls.
Upon reflection... Maybe I should just run. But it was too late for running. The mad pony was nearly upon him, a raw carrot with avocado dip in mouth. At the last minute, Frank strafed left, diving out of harm's way. Strop, not able to pull up fast enough, hit the tree Frank had been in front of three seconds ago.
"Whew... That was close..." Frank panted, removing his bandanna to wipe his brow. Then, he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning around, he saw the mad pony, a ticked off expression on his elongated face.
"Oh, not good..." Strop inhaled deeply, and raised his left leg into prime kicking position.
"GTFO!" He shouted, horse punting Frank halfway into next week.
"Ohmaigaaaaaawd!!" He screamed, rather girlishly, as he soared through the air. His flight came to an unexpected halt, landing him in the top most branches of a tree. Frank saw a slightly agitated young man walk to the base of the tree, preparing to strike. His well-placed kick sent Frank tumbling down, hitting every branch in his way. The man backed away as Strop picked him up by his jacket collar, bringing the pirate up to eye level.
"Now, that wasn't very nice, making me hit that tree. I think the proper punishment should be administered, don't you?" Frank, not knowing what might happen if he refused, nodded slowly. The young man who, now that Frank could see properly, looked strikingly similar to the desk attendant he had met at the Amphitheater some time ago, chuckled in amusement, which seemed rather out of character.
"Very well, then." Strop removed his ninja suit, revealing a nurses uniform underneath. He snapped his fingers, and poofed up a very large hypodermic needle, filled with compulse balls.
"Oh, god..." Frank whispered, sweating through his clothes. Strop threw Frank in the air, and aimed the needle's tip at the point where he would be within the next few seconds. When the pirate was in sight, Nurse Strop shoved with all of his might on the end of it, sending a spray of compulse balls in Frank's direction. All of which made their mark. Nurse Strop picked up one last ball, and, aiming high, kicked it towards the sky pirate. A tremendous bellow could be heard throughout ArmorCity, and a tiny figure could be seen sailing through the air.
"AAAAAUG- Oof... Ooooooer..... Oh, my head... Where am I?" Frank stood up, looking around. He appeared to be in the unicorn stables. Standing in feces.
"Oh, gross!! Dammit!" Through his curses, Frank heard a clipity clop. He turned around, facing the rear end of a white unicorn. It reared up on it's- His back legs, and, with a mighty whinny, kicked Frank over the fence and through the wall of some poor old man's house. Frank stood up, wobbled around for a bit, managing to trip himself on the way out of the gap, and stumbled off in search of the Armor Hospital.

Frank walked up to the attendant's desk, paying no heed to those who were already in the waiting line.
"Hey! Somebody... Somebody get over here and attend to me... Ungh...." Frank fell to the floor with a thud, just as a nurse walked through the doors to the waiting room.
"Oh my, what have we here? Looks like you need immediate attention!" The nurse picked Frank up and took him to the medical room. Frank woke up in a daze, staring into the most beautiful big blue... Strangely horse-like eyes he had ever seen.
"Are you... An angel...?" Frank managed to whisper.
"Hey, no homo, man. I'm just yer friendly neighborhood ninja pony/healer."
"N... Ninja pony...?" Frank's eyes widened, and he was suddenly fully awake. He was strapped down to an operating table.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Frank struggled to reach his cutlass, but it wasn't there. The young man who had accompanied Strop on their previous encounter, chuckled again.
"Just administering the proper medication. No need to worry." The pony looked him over.
"Hm... Looks like you've got a pretty bad scrape on your left arm. Looks infected, too." The nurse dug in a cabinet, removing a bottle of liquid and a hypodermic needle.
"I'm gonna have to ask you to stay calm. It's a lot easier on me if you don't scream in pain or anything." He filled the needle, tested it with a quick squirt, and walked over to the table...

Five hours later, Frank woke up behind the Tavern, his jacket missing.
"Ugh... My head... I can't remember what happened..." He looked around, dusting himself off.
"Oh well. Better head back home... It's getting late, and I don't really feel like meeting any of the... Nocturnal citizens." And with that, Frank ran off, back to Profile Lane, blissfully unaware of any previous happenings.

Added some Cen.

*runs off*
2,053 posts

*runs back really quick*

Quoted bit 'sposed to be italics, and I mispelled assess...

*runs off again*

2,770 posts

Yeah... once I sum up the courage to write it. It's the worst of the Klaus-Strop entries so far...

Lol we will win at internet.
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