ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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9,434 posts

I have one.
That's your own fault.

Can't you look pathetic at Mike and Illyss? Like really pathetic like you did when I was being mean to you?
I bet they would give you food, then.
So far I've managed a liter of milk and a piece of apple cake yesterday?
9,821 posts

Lucky 3:

*steals apple cake*

Round 4 starts soon, methinks?

13,657 posts

The Bullman. Yeaaah...

That's your own fault.

*kicks can harder* *grympy expression* Is not...

So far I've managed a liter of milk and a piece of apple cake yesterday?

Better than nothing.

Round 4 starts soon, methinks?

Missing three 'testants yet, Strop is currently working on putting it all together and writing the next round, so hopefully in the next week's time.
9,821 posts

Missing three 'testants yet, Strop is currently working on putting it all together and writing the next round, so hopefully in the next week's time.

Alt want round 4. Chill wants to look through the wreckage to find his coffee mug D:

Better than nothing.

. . . keep in mind that I flew to Denmark and stole the apple cake!
13,657 posts

Alt want round 4. Chill wants to look through the wreckage to find his coffee mug D:

Oh yeah~
But there will be no time for coffee when the next round starts! Unless you are Cen and you by coffee means tea.
9,821 posts

But there will be no time for coffee when the next round starts! Unless you are Cen and you by coffee means tea.


He would settle for tea . . . it's his 2nd favorite hot drink that usually has caffeine . . . .
10,816 posts

Yep, I made Cen do the bor- logistics bit and now it's up to me to snip and fill and craft, and before too long (2 days) it'll be up in the Archives, then I will continue with the next round (another 2 days).

Cen... did you still want that 50 bucks?

13,657 posts

Yep, I made Cen do the bor- logistics bit

*counts papers in a pile all marked "Favours"*

Cen... did you still want that 50 bucks?

Zophia is making me feel bad about it because she does have money and I have ... 20 dollars....
9,434 posts

*kicks can harder* *grympy expression* Is not...
It is. Just like it's my fault I haven't had more commissioners, because I stopped taking them.
You could just finish that one and start advertising again.

Better than nothing.
Yeah, but still.

Zophia is making me feel bad about it because she does have money and I have ... 20 dollars....
I actually have the equivalent of about 15 dollars on my bank account, but I can't get to them, because not enough to actually take them out, y'know...

5,642 posts

I sat in my poorly lit hidey hole, staring at my pants. "To jerk or not to jerk....." I mumbled under my breathe. I looked in the corner at my .22 rifle and wondered if I should polish it and go bullseye a few zombies. I blinked and looked around, and finally rested my eyes upon the hole in the ceiling. It's light was glimmering down on the small sapling, right below it. "Looks like it's noon," I said to myself. Standing up and grabbing my small coin pouch, I was about to set out to buy a few bags of beef jerky when I saw it.
A huge block of rubble, in the exit to my hidey hole. "Huh?" I mumbled, looking closer. it was there alright, not a mirage or my mind playing tricks on me. Back-crawling out of the small hole in and out, I saw the vague image of Cen sticking his head in my hole; with the usual cynical "I don't want to be here" face.
"The first round of the Way of Moderation (TM) is of agility," Cen monotonously told me. "Please prepare to be pummeld by..." Cen looked outside the hole and I could faintly hear strop saying something. But I was not sure. "Oh c'mon strop, you made me say the (TM), are you really going to...?" Cen was suddenly cut off and looked back down the hole. "Strops awesome balls...." Cen raised his head out of the hole for what I could only be a quadruple facepalm.
Strop yelled "HERE IT COMES!" In a rather happy and excited voice. A compulse ball went headstrong into my hidey hole, destroying many glowshrooms. "What the hell Strop?! How'd you know where I was, no one knows this place!" Strop remained silent and kept trying to hit me with his balls. Looking around frantically, my mind automatically turning on to "zombie attack" mode, I ran for the nearest window and tried to fit in. I couldn't. There was no escape, except for the hole, which would probably make me lose....
Suddenly, I came to an idea I haven't had since the Moderation Wars. I'd blow a hole through a few houses! "Of COURSE!" I yelled, seeing about 3 or 4 compulse balls bouncing around in my hidey hole. I raced towards one of the balls and hit it straight and hard with my fist, hoping that I didn't break it. Extra momentum ran through the ball and it quickly crashed into one of the nearest haunted buildings. Rubble flew everywhere as I made my escape. Strop, being as persistent as he is, jumped into the hidey hole and followed me. Cen, unwillingly, followed.
Turning a corner and rushing through about 3 doors, I came upon another dead end. Fear of losing the Way of Moderation and the excitedness of being slapped by Strops balls made me yell out in a "HATESPAM" kind of voice, "WHO PLANNED THESE APARTMENTS!?". Turning, I saw Strop readying his balls in order to pummel me. "Oh cra-" Before I could even finish my curse, he had hit me so hard in the head, I was "jellyfaced". My helmet fell off and I flew a good few feet backwards. Another ball hit me right in my abdomen, which hit me even harder, to a point where I broke through the rotting wooden wall behind me.
Crashing into the street, with a few people screaming in fear (for some whatever reason), I felt humiliated. I felt like I had just been kicked in the nuts and spat on. I felt beyond rage, I felt beyond calm rage. I felt like I was going to kill strop. Getting up in a cliche slow fashion, I started grunting and eventually it turned into a yell. Strop saw this moment as one for joking, and quickly suggested something to Cen. Cen looked forward and immediatly turned to Strop. "You're kidding.... c'mon strop I've already done you enough favors." Strop looked at cenere's face and tried to pursuade him. "C'mon Cen! It'll add effect, it might even catch him offguard!" Strop insisted further, until Cen finally said "Vageta, what's the scouter say about his..." Cen's voice suddenly went a little lower in embarassment. "Power....level...."
Strop looked at me, and pulled a compulse ball out of his pack. "It's oVER NIINETHOUSAAAAAAAAND." His compulse ball snapped easily, and broke into a few amusing, shiny, multi-colored shards. I paid no attention to this, and ran headlong at strop, about to attack him for knocking off my helmet. He countered by throwing another compulse ball at my face, but I just head-butt it out of the way. He threw another one at my crotch, and I jumped over it. Any balls he tried to hit me with were missing. Finally, with a running jump, I hit him in the face, so hard that he flew back a good 2 yards, and onto an old, decrepit table. "HAY, No attacking me!" He yelled at me.
I didn't pay attention though, and continued to wail on him. By now he had gotten mildly upset, and pushed me off. Like a wrecking ball filled with karma, the simple dodgeball competition turned into a brawl with me, Strop, and his shiny balls. I would telll you exactly what we did, but I might get banned.
Panting, and on my hands and knees, I had several red marks across my face, and one small shard of Compulse Ball that had just disintigrated from my eye. "Okay okay strop, I give!" I ... begged strop (much to my dismay). "I suppose I'm the first to go in the Way of Moderation, right?"
Strop had a much better condition than I, and wiped off his bandaged hands. "We'll see thoad, we'll see. I'm pretty dissapointed in you, attacking a mod like that." I looked down, making a complete OTL, and grunted, "You took my helmet....." Of course at this time I had ran back and gotten my helmet by now, but I'm sure that I'll continue to hold my grudge against Strop. Strop simply made a "tsk tsk" sound and ran off, Cenere barely able to keep up.

1,707 posts

I actually have the equivalent of about 15 dollars on my bank account, but I can't get to them, because not enough to actually take them out, y'know...

Am i in the right thread?
13,657 posts

Am i in the right thread?

Depends. Which thread were you hoping you were in?

Have anyone seen Jaza online the last week or so, because he has not emailed us anything.
4,196 posts

PART III - Dodgeball

'Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' was the sound coming from KingRyan as he slumbered on the library desk. He lay on top of an open book, which was titled: The History of Every Brick of ArmorCastle...some light reading he had picked up for the day. The page that he was on contained this picture:

So, as you can imagine, KingRyan was fasssst asleep.

Suddenly, there was a creak from the other side of the room. And footsteps. Of course, who could it be but Moderator Strop and his side kick Cenere. The dubious pair tiptoed up to where KingRyan sat asleep, Strop giggling like a little girl.

After stealing right up to where the geriatric sat, Strop pulled out a piece of paper and stuck it to KingRyan's back.

'Is that necessary?,' remarked Cenere in a snide voice?

Strop just giggled more and pulled out a small and colourful ball, before replying:

'Meh, its KingBogan, he deserves his, do you think we should wake him up first?'

This question was answered for him as KingRyan gave one last grunt and then abruptly sat up. Noticing this, Strop leant forward and tapped him on the shoulder.

'ARGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! WHAT? WHO'S THERE? SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!' screamed KingRyan.

'Calm down bogan, its only me!' replied Strop.


'Meh, lets get this over and done with...' commented Strop calmly before jumping into the air and performed a manouver something like this:

The ball flew through the air and hit KingRyan deftly in the forehead with a resounding 'whumph.'

'' said KingRyan with increasing rage, a red mark already forming on his forehead. Seeing Strop pull out another ball, KingRyan grabbed his quill and quickly drew a square shield in the air. As he finished it, he tapped the middle with his quill causing it to become solid, floating in mid air. The ball hit it and fell to the ground.

'That's not going to save you old man...' commented Strop, as he motioned to Cenere to throw some balls too. Well, ditch not throw.

KingRyan knew he was in trouble, his shields of ink would not be able to withstand the onslaught, so he turned to the desk and picked up the book he was reading earlier.

As he turned around he heard the whoosh as the balls flew through the air at him, so he began to swing the book around to hit the balls just like a cricketer.

*CRACK* The book fell out of his hands as KingRyan fell to the ground in agony. The crack had come from somewhere in his lower back, rendering him immobile. If there was one positive to come out of this situation, he dodged both balls perfectly.

Strop and Cen now advanced, wielding two colourful balls each.

'Come on this necessary?' whimpered KingRyan

'Of course it is!!' was Strop's reply, somewhat manically.

'Oh...ok...why though?' questioned KingRyan.

' see...Cen will explain it.'

Once again, Cenere was put on the spot...and this time he had no cue cards.

'Well, as you can see...this is clearly a test for the Way of Moderation' gabbled Cenere, before adding, 'So shut up and lets get this over with.'

And then, quite meanly, Strop and Cenere proceeded to ditch balls over and over at KingRyan from about a metre away.


Waaaaiiiitttt!!!!!!!!!!! Oi, you, yes you...out there...Writing this stuff...It's KingRyan, your character. Remember me? You're not going to just have me lay there and get pelted with those balls are you? That isn't very nice! Write something better...


As Strop tapped KingRyan on the shoulder, KingRyan spun around screaming and punched Strop in the face. He then jumped into the air and fly kicked Strop in the face, knocking him into a bookshelf. The bookshelf teetered for a little bit, before falling down and crushing Strop all the way to Newgrounds.

Cenere stood by with a amused look on his face, until KingRyan did another fly kick and got him square in the gut. Happy at his efforts, KingRyan sto~


Ok, do you want to win this competition or not? I really think that being that strong against Strop isn't a good idea, and since when could I fly kick? I'm an old man for heavens sake! Just scrap that idea and finish the first one...*sigh*


As KingRyan lay on the ground groaning, Strop and Cenere left the library. Not much was out of place, except the heavy volume KingRyan had used to defend himself, which lay open on another page which held a curious illustration of several Admin staff making the bricks of ArmorCastle...

But that, is another story...

6,921 posts

Whoa, great animation! :O

6,921 posts

Sorry for double post (if this becomes one...)..

Have anyone seen Jaza online the last week or so, because he has not emailed us anything.

He's online all the time!
Showing 1966-1980 of 5646