Maybe I should look at Zimmer's Inception soundtrack and see if that fits.
Hehehe, I wrote bits of my novel while listening to that, it makes everything so much more epic...
Once when I was listening to it my deoderant fell of my drawers, and i was sure it fell in slow motion!
An interesting fact about it is that the dun dun...dun dun....dun dun...bit of it, is the intro of 'no regrete' (the french wake up song) slowed down. You can find it on Youtube somewhere.
If you want a peice a little less mainstream than Lux Aeterna, than I would suggest Requiem Towers. Its the same feel, but slightly adapted for the Lord of The Rings. Its pretty much the same thing, but with an up'd pace.
Woah we way overshot 1M views and nobody said anything. Meanwhile I got flogged by a 7 day stint at work. I'm still busy unfortunately but i'll get something up in the next few days. Really!
The promised general internal medicine experience shines through!
Hooray! At least someone here has something to look forward to. I could probably go on about how my life sucks, but I am pretty sure you don't want to hear that.
IN OTHER NEWS, this terrible, TERRIBLE sickness I've been having is now gone. This is especially good news because I have the will to wr[/b[ite and such. So yeah.
Why am I telling this to you? I'm not rightly sure. Maybe just for a [b]BUMP or something? *shrug*