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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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13,657 posts

How is the entry going, btw? Since we have not seen one from you so far (if I remember correctly) and deadline was a week ago?
And.. I kinda ended up going "what to write" in the status > >

1,707 posts

Well this don't go as planned. I expected to find a cure to my curse, not be given an other one. Well at least i don't have to try to aim where I pee. And my ballerina outfit it pretty comfortably as well. And i have some new dance skills. I walked the the streets of the city. Some low-life serfs were drooling over. Pigs. At least they drew my attention to he shoe sale! 50% percent off all rainbow sandals! And spaghetti straps are on clearance!
I walked out of the store with spending no more than 100 AP! But i did noticed i have incredibly big biceps. I needed to tone those done a bit. I didn't want to look like I'm trying to be manly. Anyways i had my new flip-flops on and i was as happy as i could be until i looked at a mirror. My hair needed some fixing. I just tossed my head around until it looked presentable.
I entered my apartment in room 73 on Aristocrat way. OMG! It was a pigsty and smelled like feet! I needed some major cleaning. I picked all my clothes and put them in the hamper. Then I stabbed a hole in the febreeze can to let the freshness out. Now it was to my liking. Everything was in order. I left my apartment in style.
I went over to the flash games area were i killed some zombies. It was so easy and every single male gender person was staring and whistling at me. Pigs. I just wanted to have so manly fun. Stupid boobs.
"Play time is over." I thought to myself. Now I need find a way to get back to my old self again. My guyish self. But that could wait because they were having a clearance sale on High-Heel shoes. I ran in and out. I put my sword tip in between the shoe and the shoe strap and carefully grabbed a whole row of shoes, and zoomed to the checkout. All in 32 seconds. Man I'm good.
I quickly went to the tavern to see if anyone could help me with my condition. I looked around for a while until i realized i was looking in the wrong place. This was a place of gossip and talk. Nobody was going to help me here.
I decided to go to the Library. Maybe there would be some information on my condition. I looked through the thousands of shelves of books until i got to a section that read "Old tricks and Treats for some Halloween fun". I went through the isle until i came to a book that looked like it had been recently touched.
It read "Good tricks to show girls are dominant." I flipped the book open to the table of contents. I came across a chapter the said," How to reverse all tricks." I hurriedly opened the book to the chapter. The page had been smeared with water or some sort of liquid. It was hard to make out any words. The only eligible thing on the page was a word that said,"jakleoam." I closed my eyes and said the word. Suddenly, i had a tingle go through my body. I felt myself changing. Then... my boobs got bigger. *sigh*

4,536 posts

Guize, guize, I'm liek, almost done, but I've had 3 essays due these past few weeks and have barely had any time to do it. I'm sorry. I honestly thought I'd be finished by Monday. >_<

13,657 posts

We honestly believed you would be done by the deadline. At some point around now, I am not sure how much we actually care if you finish or not, since the deadline was a week ago, and the round is being made.
Which is again why you should tell us before it happens and not when we can look at our email and conclude that only half of the testants have entered, and none of the others have said anything about being late.
/just woke up

10,816 posts

Well guys, the sooner everybody posts their stuff or at least tells us that they're quitting from the WoM after all (-_-, the sooner you get to see Strip in her various-outfitted glory! that not something everybody wants?

1,356 posts

I just read through, and if anyone wants to use spamlord in there story or what not, feel free to do so

I think im regretting quiting this :P

10,816 posts

Jaza, if you're looking to come back in, in whatever capacity (cameo, actual writing role, not participating but character is included in the story somewhere), please let us know with an email to, because it would not be difficult to accomodate you!

13,657 posts

The list of freaking doom.

These people have entered. (More or less on time)

These people have not.

Gantic is on hiatus, and Thoad have entered half an entry.

And you had two weeks........

21 posts

The list of freaking doom.

These people have entered. (More or less on time)

These people have not.

Fix'd. Oh, and disregard that first email I sent. Interwebz work again.
9,821 posts

I'm working on my entry . . . I'll get it before Monday, if time permits.

13,657 posts

Hopefully the next round should begin on Sunday. Oh wait, there is still people posting...
When the entries we have been promised have been send and posted, then.

And just mentioning again:
Delay = send us an email = no trouble.
Delay = Saying nothing/mentioning it in thread after deadline/mentioning in thread long after deadline = Trouble, and more delay.

21 posts

I'll be posting mine around... After 12:00 or so. About to leave to someplace for four hours, and I still have some additions/revisions and such. So yeah.

21 posts

Hey guys

(Strop sez: since we've more-or-less ascertained everybody's activity now, I'll be going ahead and posting the entry, and looking into starting the next round ASAP after. The following was jointly written by Cen and

Rule Sixteen

One of the first things Strip noticed about her change was that apart from the ninja-suit and several of the... articles Strop liked to keep in his closet, her wardrobe was completely different. Particularly the t-shirts.

I'd just like to take this moment to comment on how much I love Cen's sketches- Strop


Somewhere in Newgrounds

"Hurry up will you?" Strip called over her shoulder.

Cen didn't reply. All his efforts were focused on somehow not dropping the hundred-or-so bags and boxes he was carrying, each one of them filled with a new kind of trash accessory. Actually, come to think of it, judging by the plethora of neon signs blaring questionable things, Cen really did have to wonder what kind of things were in said boxes, but he was so bored stiff that he couldn't even rouse his curiosity to ask.

"Oh, look!" Cen deliberately turned the other way at Strip's excited squeal. Surely it was another window-front full of inappropriate themed wares or something shiny. Then a black furry hand forcibly grabbed his jaw and wrenched it the other way.

"It's a forum!" Sure enough, people of various ilk had congregated in a giant square, except it was vast. Several times vaster than the humble atrium of AG. And several times more chaotic, too. Between the cheap one-liners, penis jokes and 4-chan memes it was fairly impossible to make head or tail of when one garbled line of chatspeak ended and another started.

"Wait, where are you going?" Cen started, as Strip plunged towards the center of the square without hesitation. "I thought you didn't like the NG forums."

"I'm not Strop, now," Strip shot back with a grin. "I'm a girl on teh internetz." And with a bounce and a swish of her tail, she jiggled through the crowd. Cen facepalmed. That grin surely spelt trouble.

Sure enough, not two seconds later, there was a collective gasp as a voice yelled out, "Jacob is soooo hotter than Edward!"


"Real vampires sparkle!" Strip yelled in a cocky way, while the group of people around her were almost tripping over each other to punch her hard in the face, while yelling that Twilight were for noobs and gays. Cen simply observed the crazy unfold itself in the busy shopping mall in NG. He wondered for a moment if he should try and help Strip out of the mess she were clearly jumping deeper and deeper into, but concluded that he did not really care to help her out of her own problems. She should be aware of it herself, and yet she was whinnying up about the wonderes of sparkly vampires and how Bella was how every girl should be and do. A few people had already lit up molotov cocktails and everything else that was able to burn, but they were held back by a rare few people with a little sense left.

"Flaming is for f*****s." Strip grinned.

And the people with sense left was suddently gone and chaos broke out. Flammable items were thrown everywhere, not one getting near Strip who laughed at the, to her, hilarious scene.

"STOP!" A police officer stared at the mess where every user had frozen up in whatever position they had been in before he had yelled. Cen nodded approvingly of the respect people had for mods here, before he realized it wasn't respect as much as the giant group og police officers standing a few meters behind the other, ready with clubs and water cannons. Strip... Strip saw nothing and continued her wild trolling with mentions of "their momma" and narutards.

The officer cleared his throat, poking her on the shoulder. Strip turned around, looking curiously at the officer, seemingly without realizing what he was doing there, much less why he looked rather pissed or why he was in the middle of arresting her.

"What are you doing, can't you see I am kinda in the middle of something here?"

"You are arrested for trolling and creating chaos." He simply remarked, leading her towards the exit.

Cenere did take a moment to think of what else he could do that day before following the complaining Strip and rather annoyed officer. A weird beeping noise seemed to follow them, when they stepped out of the store and moments later he was the buttom of a pile of police people yelling about shoplifting and resurrection of the mafia.


"And to the left." Cen turned to the other side, and the officer took another photo, before leading him back to the cell. Nice and easy. Strip on the other hand was quite the opposite.

Uh, look, I'm going to have to link this indirectly because the image is probably a bit too racy to go on AG.

"I think that's enough Missie." The female officer dragged Strip to the cell with annoyed mumbles while Strip continued her, uhm, posings.

The door clanged shut. Strip shook the bars and poked her nose between them as far as it would go. "You're just jealous!" she called to the departing officer, but (fortunately) got no reply.

Strip humphed, then turned around. Cen was staring fixedly forward with an even more disapproving look than usual on his face.

"What? Can't a body do a good trolling now and then?"

Cen ignored her and remained seated on the bench. Strip glanced to the corner of the cell and hopped onto the bunk.

"Suit yourself. Shotgun the bed!" Then she promptly turned over and settled in for the night.

Cen finally looked over at the bed. There was only one, and it was being occupied by a certain mischievous filly. As if to unconsciously taunt him, Strip's tail twitched and her bum wiggled. Cen's own posterior was already getting numb from the hard metal bars of the bench.

It was going to be a long night.


Several days later, because Cenere refused to talk to Strip for a good while after that...

"Thanks," Strip said as she took the towel and started wiping herself off, oblivious to Cen's nose.

"Mmpf bhhh nnnht?" Cen attempted, before removing the bloody handkerchief: "Aren't you going to look for a cure?"

Strip shrugged, liberally flapping the straps of her tank-top. "No. There's no point. Have you heard what happened to some of the victestants? Something about a herbalist... and extra body parts..."

Cen decided it was better not to ask, so he redirected his line of enquiry, along with his line of sight. "But when do you expect to return to normal? Don't you have moderation duties?"

"Of course I do." Strip raised her arms, tying her still dripping mane into braids. "But if Zophia doesn't know how to reverse her own work, then we'll have to wait until Carlie returns. Administrators wouldn't have a problem fixing this."

"But... nobody knows when Carlie will return!"

"We can assume that she will, at least." Strip disappeared into an adjacent room, re-emerging some moments later in her ninja suit, wrapping her bandages on. "And besides, I'm kinda getting used to being ninja filly. I might be slower and weaker but there are... advantages."

Cen frowned, but didn't have time to reply (just as well), for there was a vibrating noise. Strip dug around in her ninja suit, and took out the modphone.

"Can I help you? Oh, hi Moe, what's up? Oh, woah, calm down... no, stop. Crying doesn't translate well over your voice-box. If it's that bad, I'll get right on it."

She slipped the phone back into her suit (wherever did it go!?), and clapped her hands. "See, and now for a demonstration!" She raised her hands and the familiar Thor (now much larger compared to its wielder) poofed into it. Then Strip dropped it with a startled squeak, and it crashed to the floor, splintering the wooden slats.

"Oops, a bit slippery," Strip muttered, before bending over (her back turned to Cen, who was now desperately fishing around for an unsoiled hanky), grasping the handle and lifting.

She couldn't lift the banhammer.

"So..." Cen said.

Strip panted, before straightening, fire in her eyes. "We need to find a cure. Right now."


21 posts

Frank gave a sigh, tapping his foot impatiently. It was time for the revelation of the challenges for the next round in the Way of Moderation. He had a cold, a headache, and he hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, and on top of all that, it was slowly growing colder in the Land of Armor. Frank had yet to prepare for the winter, when game would be sparse.

Up on the stage, Strop prepared for his speech.
"Thank you for making it out here. As you know, the past few days have been rather tumultuous." he said, brushing something from his eye.
"I shall now announce the results from the previous round. Cen?" The young man brought out a clipboard and slowly flipped through the pages. Strop bowed his head for a moment, probably reflecting upon something. Or meditating. Or maybe something else all mystical and ninja-like. Cenere cleared his throat, waving the results in Strop's face. The ninja snapped out of his trance, glancing over at Cen. Then he spotted the notes.
"Oh, yes, thank you." He took the notes and began to speak, but was cut short by a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to meet the disturbance.
"Hm?" He was met with what appeared to be a jester, but upon closer inspection, the figure was recognized as Zophia, a fellow moderator.
"Zophia, what in the name of McNeely are you- I mean, can I help you?" A sly grin slowly spread across the Dryohr.
"Trick... Or treat?" She dropped a small black sphere near Strop's feet.
"What are you talking abo- Uh!" Tic tic tic it went, and then exploded. When the smoke cleared, there was no sign of Zophia. The victestants got up from fetal pos- Duck-in-cover mode, and looked around, and then at Strop. Who had either magically obtained implants, or had taken waaaaaaaaaay too many steroids.
"Ugh, what was that...? Huh..." He looked towards Cenere, whose cheeks had flushed red.
"Since when did you grow so tall? And how come my voice has gone all high..." Strop cleared his throat, trying to work it out, but to no avail.
"Hrm... And why do I feel so lumpy? And what are these funny bumps on my ch-" Hi- Her head shot up in surprise. H- She knew what had happened. At this point, Frank had stopped staring at Strop's new endowments and examined his own body, which he realized had taken a turn for the femme. Wide eyed and shocked, he glanced around at all the other victestants. There was no longer any man - besides Cen - standing at the District Courts that morning. And one, in particular, really needed to cover up.
"Oh em gee..." Frances said, unable to find proper words to describe the glorror. "I have a... And... Ohmygosh..." She fainted, right there on the spot.

Several minutes later, Frances was startled awake by the sound of an engine revving. She rose, quickly spotting the source of the disturbance. It was beautiful. A Harley-Davidson 2010 XL1200N Sportster, completely customized to perfection. Jet black, chrome, and a whole lot of kickass. And it was all hers.
"I get the feeling I'm gonna be saying this a lot more often, but oh... my... god... It's... Perfect!" She pounced on the bike, hugging it's cool metal frame to her body. Then she got seated properly, released a wild laugh, and set off to the nearest clothing store, because she suddenly had the urge to purchase new shoes, among other, more necessary items.

Fortunately, there was a huge sale in the freemarket, and Frances was able to pick up a new pair of boots and some fingerless gloves, along with a tanned leather vest and black t-shirt. Sadly, the bra and panties were going to have to wait, because something was going on in the square. Somebody was... Selling something.
"Ugh. People should just keep to their stalls..." But this person wasn't. He- it was a he, Frances thought, but she couldn't tell through all that beard- was yelling about a cure for something. Whatever it was, though, Frances was sure she didn't need it. As she was walking out of the market, a small vial rolled unnoticed under her boot, tripping her and causing her to knock her head on the stone of the streets.
"Oooooh... Ow.... What was that...?" She probed her skull gingerly, searching for any sign of damage. There were two large bumps, but that seemed to be it. "Ugh... Dammit... Gonna have such a headache now..." Frances picked up a particularly ripe orange that had rolled near her feet, and proceeded to throw it at the old man, but before she could throw, some newbie got in her way. Though the orange made a satisfying squelch, it had missed it's target, and in turn, enraged the young newb. Flaming would soon follow.

The newb conjured up a fireball and threw it with, luckily, poor accuracy, and proceeded to throw another, and another.
"Oh, not good, not good!" Frances said to herself, trying to get by the crowds surrounding the square. An opening, and beyond, another group to get lost in. Good. Frances ran like mad through the opening, but before she could make it to safety, a bit of flame caught her in the foot. Quickly, batting her heel like hell, she suffocated the flame. But the newb was upon her, now. And conjuring up another fireball. Frances pounced, pinning the boy down, and quickly covering his mouth with her boot. "Whew... Okay, okay... Ah!" The newb was melting through her sole. "I just bought these, you little jerk! Grah!" Now, flame began to seep through Frances' own pores, nearly engulfing her in the stuff. Quickly, though, she calmed down. It was no good setting a poor example for a newb. But, that didn't mean that Frances couldn't make an example of the boy. So, she drew her bow and ordered the boy to follow in front of her, all the way to the Tavern. There, she tied the boy by his hands and feet to a target that she had dragged out, and proceeded to fire, each arrow pinning down his clothes in a different position, and nearly grazing the skin. Then, she took the target board, with the flamer, off of the stand, and kicked it down the nearest hill. "Well, that was fun. But now I need more arrows... I'll get some tomorrow. 'S gettng a bit late out."

So, after punishing the flamer and picking up the rest of the things she needed, Frances rode back to Profile Lane, did a few donuts in the street (to the annoyance of her neighbors), entered her apartment, and slumped into bed, hoping that Strip had found a cure for this gender swap. Or not. She couldn't decide. So instead, she went to sleep, looking forward to the morning.

Thar. Longer ending, too.

9,821 posts

My. Entry. Is. Almost. Finished

Coming to you soon.

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