ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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This is when I wish there was a personalised time clock for the forums, so I know what time Strop posted that.

Cannot wait! Unless I get dropped, then I'll cry... =P

2,301 posts

You're giving me ideas...
We'll call it the Way of Moderation mark II...

Seriously, if everybody wanted to jump on planes and fly to some meeting place, I'd be up for it, but... Yeah, not gonna happen :P

Oh god... Sense? What the heck is wrong with me?

Furthermore most MMA combatants nowadays are masters of two styles only: muay thai and brazilian jiujitsu.
Why's that? Because those styles preform the best, or...? *is too lazy to do research*

So is it too late to submit my edit? I was going to do that Thursday...
10,816 posts

So is it too late to submit my edit? I was going to do that Thursday...

I'm not going to ask you to post your interviews on the thread yet, as I'll be waiting until after I post the feedback, if ever. In 17 minutes it will be too late to post stuff that will actually alter the outcome of the WoM up to this point, of course.

Why's that? Because those styles preform the best, or...? *is too lazy to do research*

Correct. Since all the contestants are young and fit, the proven combination is Muay thai for the striking and Brazilian jiujitsu for the groundwork. Since MMA rules include tapping out, submission holds work a treat.
2,301 posts

Totally sent in my edit. Included new questions, didn't proofread and sprinkled emoticons liberally in the post and pre edit bits. But it's all sent in now.

Correct. Since all the contestants are young and fit, the proven combination is Muay thai for the striking and Brazilian jiujitsu for the groundwork. Since MMA rules include tapping out, submission holds work a treat.
My initial response is: There must be no Hung Ga practitioners, the rules must be lame, aliens did it. My next response is: Yo man, don't be bringin' facts into my martial arts [insert rude analogy here] contest! That's ttly bad form.

Real response: Oh... that's... that, I suppose. Not sure it necessarily proves any one style is better (except in this context, of course), but I do think the idea of using a combination in such a way is pretty kickin'. I like the concept, at the very least. I guess I'll go look up the rest of the MMA rules now.
10,816 posts

I'll read those updates and get back to everybody when I get back from my Careers Night seminar.

Not sure it necessarily proves any one style is better (except in this context, of course)

Superiority of styles should always be judged in context. One school of thought (held by MMA proponents) is that the traditional styles have been superseded by the evolution of martial arts and mixed forms etc. On the other hand, it would be a darn shame to relinquish the original teachings and philosophies that history (especially Chinese) has already ravaged. What I'm actually curious to know is how a traditional Chinese martial artist fares against a Russian commando who trained in Systema Spetsnaz.

I'm not a martial artist, therefore I will not comment on which style I consider to be better. As if I would, anyway, since my techniques initially came from TKD, and we all know how that performs in a real fight lol. I'm more of a tricker anyway.
4,196 posts

I'll read those updates and get back to everybody when I get back from my Careers Night seminar.

But Strop...its like 4.10pm can you be going to a Careers Night now?

10,816 posts

I had to get ready for it, which involved... well it involved grooming! And it started at 5:30pm, and there was pizza so I wanted to rock up early...

Anyway, I have to finish this case study for a tutorial tomorrow, so hang tight, because it's going to be about 48 hours before I publish the results of this round!

Let me first say that the results will be based on the criteria of both the character in-game, and portrayal of the character by the player. Different things will affect different players and their characters to different degrees- for example a character may be excluded solely on the basis of their character's attributes/behaviour despite the fact their player was entirely competent and punctual. On the other hand, Goumas, unfortunately, has been eliminated by default on the basis he has not sent in an entry. But I am keen to stress that the elimination is from the tournament, and not the story. My role here is to guide each player to determine which plot development would be most effective for their character.

p.s. Xzeno I got your edits, I'll use that version.

610 posts

sorry to post here when im not an contestant but i would just like to pint this out.

Also, karate sucks! Try doing a real martial art

Karate sint a martial art, martial arts is somethign different, please, and i do mean please, do serious research on thsi matter.

I do train in a very traditional style of karate and i have been for about 12 years. And theres no such thing as the "best" style. different styles serve different people. With that, i leave this post and will try not to reply anymore, sorry, but that just irked me a bit
9,821 posts

Superiority of styles should always be judged in context. One school of thought (held by MMA proponents) is that the traditional styles have been superseded by the evolution of martial arts and mixed forms etc.

Some of the old sh'to-ryu masters could kill a bull by pulling its heart out with a special type of knifehand strike . . . .

I don't see that happening in MMA!

I do train in a very traditional style of karate and i have been for about 12 years. And theres no such thing as the "best" style. different styles serve different people. With that, i leave this post and will try not to reply anymore, sorry, but that just irked me a bit

If your style was 'very traditional' it probably wouldn't have let you in when you were 6 years old.
10,816 posts

I don't see that happening in MMA!

PETA would be splashing the producer's house with red paint faster than Leon replaces his hyenas.

Now that our light banter has actually offended somebody, I'm going to 'veto' any further discussion of martial-arts on this thread, meaning please, wrap it up before I post your feedback and results.

Also, we have 4000 posts in this thread. I bet you only about 3500 of them are off-topic
13,344 posts

Also, we have 4000 posts in this thread. I bet you only about 3500 of them are off-topic

I wouldn't be surprised. The other 500 are yours.
13,657 posts

I wouldn't be surprised. The other 500 are yours.

On another note: Strop, I got work tomorrow two, so I will just ask you here. That storything I wrote on the AIM, do you still have it/ is it done like that, or should I/you finish it?
13,657 posts

Capital Letter Police target locked.
It's "It's" not "it's". And at least 'grammar' should be capitalised, though I would recommend doing the same to Nazi.
Also, I don' think it is grammar as much as a spelling error/to be confused of the difference between two words, where as grammar is how you form sentences, and the general rules of the sentence, not how you spell.

Unrelated: Why must I attract the idiots.

1,739 posts

Also, we have 4000 posts in this thread. I bet you only about 3500 of them are off-topic

3506 now

Ernie, that was so mean... Poor Cen.
Capital letter police target locked.
It's "It's" not "it's".

Lol. Random discussion.
13,344 posts

Ernie, that was so mean... Poor Cen.

Generally, I see Strop and Cenere as one combined persona: Strenere!

So by "yours", I meant Strenere's, not just Strop's.

Lol. Random discussion.

Welcome to the WoM.

No, welcome to AG.
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