ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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3,035 posts

I can still please a woman better than you.

That's harsh. Is it just because he's Asian?*Chuckles*

Though I'm pretty sure you could please a man better than me.

Could be a compliment...but it's most likely an insult...
5,642 posts

Could be a compliment...but it's most likely an insult...

It's a comsult.
3,035 posts

It's a comsult.

But what if he's gay? Or bi? Then it would be a compliment! But if he's straight, then you just insulted him twice!
4,536 posts

Aaaaaaand cue strop telling everyone to keep it pg-13.

Never fails.

10,816 posts

Keep it pg-13 guys >_<

And thoad, you're underage. Don't go posting stuff suggestive of your partaking in illegal activity on these forums!

5,642 posts

And thoad, you're underage. Don't go posting stuff suggestive of your partaking in illegal activity on these forums!

Tee hee.
2,301 posts

50 hours!? Come on! That's, like, forever. Or 50 hours. Or two months WoM-time.

So Gantic didn't submit? That is a pity. I was looking forward to reading his entry.

But as long as he hasn't submitted... may I make some changes to my entry? Like, significant, plot altering changes, not just stylistic ones.

Specifically, I had planned an additional scene inside the building, another bit from The Bullman's perspective (quite probably coupled with some more Leon-centric stuff), an extended ending and an alternate way for Leon and his hyena to reunite.

...maybe I should just quit while I'm ahead.

Given Strop's good nature, it's hard to tell if he would have said that had you not preempted him, or if he was just going with the joke. It is distinctly possible that observing the behavior has altered it. Way to go, Manta, you've created Schrodinger's Ninja Pony.
4,536 posts

Honestly, xzeno, I kind of thought he'd tell them off because I called it as well.

Strop's just a big teddy filly.

13,657 posts

Honestly, xzeno, I kind of thought he'd tell them off because I called it as well.

Obviously they should knock it off, considering Strop is not a fair judge. He is a really, really biased judge, and I doubt I would be able, or even care to fix it, if Strop simply ruled that they are going to loose and work in the stables shovelling unicorn poo, because the annoyance on this thread got too great.
10,816 posts

may I make some changes to my entry?

Sure: since it will likely be archived, we'd like you to be happy with what is archived.

Way to go, Manta, you've created Schrodinger's Ninja Pony.

I like this. Good call.

...if Strop simply ruled that they are going to loose and work in the stables shovelling unicorn poo

Ooh, Cen's giving me ideas again >:3
3,035 posts

Ooh, Cen's giving me ideas again >:3

Doesn't matter to me I'm not in the competition!
5,642 posts

Hold on, I need to do something with Leon's post for a second...

It sure it takin' yu a while
10,816 posts

I can post the judgement now, because it doesn't involve me posting anything in the archives just yet!

Judgement Day

Here's what's going to happen: I'm going to briefly state the winners of each match, then I will provide my (out of character) commentary below. After that, I will post the material for the events that occur immediately afterward. Some of you will receive further assignments!

Over the next couple of days, I will then post the scenes between this round and the next.

So without further ado, the winners of each match have been bolded:

The Matches of the Round of Eight:

Frank -vs- Pixel
The Bullman -vs- Leon McAcid
Manta -vs- Thoad
Crimsonblade -vs- Chill

The Feedback
First, well done to everybody this round. I think 87.5% on-time submission is the best we've done the whole year! Some people have really stepped up now that we're in the late stages of the tournament. Congratulations to those who won, and to those who were knocked out, do not despair, as there remain opportunities yet!

Now, onto the commentary of the matches. In general, as you may or may not remember, this tournament centers largely around character development, as it is a casting call. Progress throughout the tournament ultimately depends on how much I can work with your character and flesh it out. This obviously involves a prerequisite level of writing, all of which, at this point, you are currently at.

Frank -vs- Pixel
This was a very close one. Each entry had its strengths, and it was very hard for me to assess which ones I considered more important at this point in the competition. Frank's version of events included excitement, hectic action and excellent use of the environment and props. Pixel's version was more of a gritty, hard slog, but explored his internal conflicts, which I did mention was of much importance for both of you. In fact I would be very happy if I could have Pixel's introduction and Frank's action... but there can only be one, and judging by what I have seen thus far plus your perceived response to the feedback I gave you guys, after much umming and ahhing and changing my mind, I finally awarded the fight to Frank. I feel that the abilities of the characters were better portrayed in Frank's entry, plus I did note that both characters had flying ability (my main reason for having them matched up, hinted at when Strop crashed- I mean returned Frank's portacopter to him), and when it comes down to weighing up an introduction and the body of the piece, since the winner's entry is included in the archives, the body counts for a lot.

The Bullman -vs- Leon McAcid
I am more than slightly disappointed that Gantic didn't submit for this round, because not only does this somewhat moot the fun in having Cen be the sole judge of this round, but also because Xzeno went completely all out in this round with possibly the best piece of writing submitted to the WoM so far. Not only has Xzeno paid meticulous attention to everything that has happened in the tournament thus far, but he has referenced Gantic's own fictions on this forum (something I recognise because I have done the same). Even more importantly, Xzeno has read into my commentary about this match being between a mischievous trickster and an aspiring hero and written The Bullman accordingly. I couldn't ask for more, and it's a pity that Strop (the character) had to miss it. Be warned, those who are matched with Xzeno in the next rounds: with prior experience in this kind of activity, this is the guy to beat.

Manta -vs- Thoad
I did take Thoad's emergency delay into account here. This match was similar to Frank -vs- Pixel in that Manta, like Frank, wrote an action-packed piece along the lines of what I had imagined the match to be like, but Thoad focused on the psychological aspects of it. Manta did well to pick up on elements of the interview mentioned but I was looking for more insight into his motives, in particular his late father. On the other hand, Thoad struggled with the knowledge of his lack of experience and maturity (relative to what might be required of a moderator), and its possible consequences, and this gives me a big platform on which to not only explore, but have Thoad develop as a character. I did find it hard to imagine what was going on due to the focus on the internal, here, so I'm going to have to take some liberties.

Crimsonblade -vs- Chill
Alt correctly pointed out that Crimsonblade's entry looked rather substantial. And it was. I had hinted before the start of the round that I was looking for a portrayal of the use and versatility of each character's abilities. More subtle was the hint of the manner in which each character used it, particularly when I said that the powers seemed very strong. What this actually meant was that I wanted to see the extent of the power plus perhaps some form of internal processing as to how the character would decide to use the power, considering its consequences. On this count, Crimsonblade's entry explored this quite a bit. I also liked the fact that the Crimsonblade (i.e. the sword) is used more as a tool rather than an instrument to simply cleave and stab stuff, in keeping with his powers. In terms of writing, there was also a bit of a lack of narrative progression in Alt's entry.

I will also note here that a contributing factor was Manta's admission that he will be somewhat away for the next couple of weeks. I know this does not seem fair to act upon a fair disclosure, but as I've said before, there is now more story to be told outside of the tournament than there is in, the real difference being that the tournament timeline must run as efficiently as possible. The four players we have left are, in fact, among the most reliable of everybody who has participated in this tournament so far, and this... will be more important than ever for reasons I shall reveal to you later!

That's that for the results of the round. Now, I have some assignments here for each of you... most of them involve Strop speaking to your character following the round. Your task is to read the stimulus below, and write a piece accordingly while I get the "in the meanwhile" scenes posted!

Frank: Strop congratulates Frank on his win, and expresses condolences on his now rather damaged portacopter. He still wonders why Frank is this tournament, and whether he ever intends to meet his crew again or return to the skies. Frank's motives are still quite the mystery and time is running short to find out what they are!

Pixel: Strop would like to ask Pixel whether he feels any more equipped to face the criminal scourge of Aristocrat Alley, now that he has had some experience in combat and competition under pressure. Despite the loss, Strop knows that Frank acknowledged Pixel as a good opponent and this should be a confidence booster, perhaps important given Pixel's previously secluded ways. He advises Pixel that he don't have to be a moderator to fight for great justice, and perhaps the first thing he should do before that, would be to formulate a plan and some strategies. Note now that these just might have multiple applications in future!

The Bullman: Was absent and so I'm not sure what to do at this point.

Leon McAcid: gives Strop the creeps, and so now Strop is actually rather dismayed that the Bullman's heroism has worked against him. So much for the power of heroics prevailing over villany! Strop will attempt to ask Leon whether facing The Bullman has given him any insights, but he doesn't expect a straight answer.

Manta: I've already asked to take some liberties over what Manta was experiencing in the helmet, so Strop will ask him if he worries sometimes about following his father's path. Strop will then offer to actually spar with Manta, in the boxing gym, without destroying stuff. His role here is more to be a mentor, and note, Manta, that while he is familiar with kickboxing he isn't going to follow the rules or style of kickboxing! (Note that he isn't out to injure Manta, either.)

Thoad: This Insano-Chamber device intrigues Strop. He wants to try it on and see what it does to his head... and then attempt to spar with Thoad in order to give him some pointers on how not to hurt himself when he kicks somebody. Despite appearing to be a completely impervious ditz, Strop does have insecurities. Most importantly, he constantly worries just how much longer he can keep up being a ninja moderator of Armor Games when his final exams before graduation and job applications and everything catch up with him. He'll probably have a nightmare about how he fails his final exams and all his classmates leave him behind, and he can't find a job as a doctor. It won't incapacitate him, but it should shake him up somewhat.

Crimsonblade: Strop simply asks Crimsonblade, the man of few words, whether he has ever met Dank.

Chill: Strop isn't allowed to speak to Chill, due to ongoing legal issues (remember the Strop revenge?) However, Chill receives a court summons to appear as a witness, and Strop has managed to sneak in a note on the bottom that informs Chill that he will debrief after the court case, if Chill so wishes.

Okay, I think that's it for now. I'd like these pieces to be submitted within a week, as I plan to start the next round by then and you'll be freer if you get this out of the way first. Some tasks are bigger than others, but none of them are that huge unless, of course, you wanna go nuts describing your character's own reaction to their win/loss.

That's it for now, stay tuned!

13,657 posts

To add a little, probably unneeded information regarding the judging:
On the Frank and Pixel pair-up: It was a good reason to pair them up simply for the flying (aerial battles are interesting to watch, and does give the author an opportunity to explore the battles grounds better and differently than they would have if it had been a grounded battle), I took note in the characters background as well. Pixel being the slightly snobbish, rich guy that consider money something safe and comfortable, and Frank, the air pirate, that left his (probably rich) aristocrat-family because this disgusted him. These informations called for something interesting, if not in action, then at least in dialogue, as these characters had their similarities. Pixel is a metaphor of how Frank would have been, if he had stayed, and as much as the thought would have disgusted him, it could also have intrigued him, and made him rethink how he is going to live his life. With this, he could have come out stronger on the other side. For Pixel, who most likely does not know of Frank's past, it was just a battle, but Frank has been outside of AG, probably travelling about and meeting action and adventure where he goes, something that Pixel, safe in his home, would not be able to experience.

For everybody left in the tourney:
You will need to take your time to read up upon your opponents. Many of the entries have given an image that you are only trying to portray the action, and not the characters. As seen above, a little reading up on would give the stories a whole new flavour of interesting, and it will seem more of a match of equals, than a match where the result is set.
Xzeno did a good job on his, as Strop said. It will be a pity, if he is the only one who can make it seem - real.
On another short note: Poison, I liked the fairness you put into your entry. It did give a bit of the "equal" feeling, simply because it seemed to me that it could have gone the other way. Portraying other characters in a way where you don't end up showing them as pity, self absorbed and characters you would not want to read about makes the story telling stand out. You don't need to degrade others to make yourself look better.
To a point, this goes for Thoad as well.
Manta, however did well in portraying the action, and even with the inconsistency of what the Chamber is, it had a good flow, and for better or worse, it was a good entry on Manta as a character. Thoad however, ended up looking more like one of the bad guys in a shooting game. But overall well done.

To take it short: Go read up on your opponents. They will probably be happy to answer your questions about their character. Trust me, you will be happy you did when the new rounds starts, especially with Xzeno around.

4,196 posts

And then there were 4...

(+ an Archiver slowly formulating a diabolical plan...)

It will be interesting to see the final rounds occur...

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