ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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it was d amn not a bad word. but i just got confused and came in at the wrong time which made me sad. i do not wish to cause offence.

583 posts

And the actual tournament sign-up ended last year.

Oh nooo......I hope you make another one, I'd sign up super fast .
5,420 posts

Right so I just checked my email and got the message tell me to post this ya go:

Chapter 9 and 1/2: Preparations

Crimson woke up dazed and confused. He tried opening his eyes only to have a bright light blind him.
"Could you turn the light off please?" He said drowsily as he shaded his eyes with his bedsheets.
"Good to see your able to speak" an unknown voice said.
"Yeah great, now could you kill the light" Crimson repeated.
"Fine" the unknown voice sighed. Crimson opened his eyes again to see a dark room with a window giving the only dim light into the room, shaded with a fairly thin curtain, and on the other side of the window stood the owner of the voice, who was none other then Strop himself.
"Thanks, I'm a little out of it, so I'm just going to assume were at the hospital? Also how long have I been asleep here?"
"You haven't been out long, also yes this is the Armor Hospital" Strop answered. Crimson was hoping for a more accurate report on how long he had been unconscious, but had no time to press the question as Strop was already asking his own.
"I just need to ask you some questions on a serious note, so long as your able to speak now"
"...uh...ok, sure ask away then" Crimson affirmed.
"First off, how quickly can you make yourself recover, and is there any way you could use your script magic to heal yourself without any damaging effects?" Strop asked. Crimson thought for a second, finding it still a little hard to do so since he was still a bit dazed from just waking up.
"Well I don't know....there might, but.....I don't know" Crimson tried to think of something he could do.
"Could you pass me my Google magic scroll, it's....where did you put all of my scrolls?" Crimson added. Strop walked out of the room, making a gesture for Crimson to wait momentarily. He laid there in silence for about a minute before Strop returned with his scrolls, laying them on a table to the left of the bed, handing the one with the Google logo on it to Crimson. Crimson opened up the scroll, and started searching for a solution, typing in a few different searches before finding something that he thought could work. He grabbed the words out of the scroll.
"Could you hand me a blank scroll real quick" he asked. Strop looked through the scrolls trying to find one without code written on it, handing one to Crimson. He opened the scroll, pasting the text onto it.
"I have no idea if this will work or not, but I might as well try" Crimson remarked. He held his right hand in a drink-holding fashion, and then made an odd gesture with left. A clear bottle appeared filled with a strange, red liquid of some sort. Crimson looked at it with hesitance, before finally opening up the bottle, and putting it up to his lips, drinking its contents, making a large gulping sound as he did so. He wait for a second to see if it had taken effect.
"Hmm it figures that didn't work" he groaned.
"What was that supposed to be anyways?" Strop asked.
"It was supposed to be a generic health potion, but as I guessed the magical in-game properties of the object only work on in-game objects" Crimson noted.
"OK, well do you know of any other solutions" Strop responded. Crimson was a bit more awake at this point, and was able to think a bit clearer. He looked back to try and figure out a proper solution. Suddenly he jumped up in excitement, and immediately falling back down in pain.
"I'm guessing you have an idea?" Strop commented.
"Yeah, something like that" Crimson said as he clutched his ribs.
"Basically all I have to do is become a in-game object, and then any in-game properties an object has will work on me!" Crimson explained. Strop looked at him in confusion.
"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" he asked curiously.
"Do you remember my fight with Chill?" Crimson asked rhetorically.
"What about it?" Strop replied.
"When you enter the wilderness you become a game object so you are able to react with the games in it. I exploited this to defeat Chill. If I were to use a healing object there, then it would work on me as it should" Crimson explained with excitement.
"So you need me to take you to the wilderness?" Strop sighed.
"Yeah basically" Crimson replied.
"Fine" Strop repeated."-but before you do that, if this works do you think you will be able to beat Leon?" Crimson hesitated for a moment before responding.
"If you give me a week to prepare, I can guarantee it!" He smirked as he ended. Strop gave him a quick nod, and carefully grabbed him up, using a smoke screen inside of the room for no particular reason, other then to set off the fire sprinklers.

Crimson and Strop traveled deep into the wilderness before Crimson made it clear they were at their first destination. It was the clear area that Chill and Crimson fought in before, a blank canvas for development.
"Here we go, now to try that spell again" Crimson grabbed the scroll out of his pocket, and made the odd gestures again. Another red potion appeared which he quickly drank. He sat there for a second before looking down and realizing that his leg was not hurting any more.
"Just to be sure" Crimson mumbled as he unwrapped the wrappings from his leg.
"It seems that did the trick" Strop noted.
"Yeah, hope it stays that way" Crimson retorted. Crimson paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before adding "I have a few other places to visit, though I think I can get to them by myself at this point." Strop nodded before creating another smoke screen, and disappearing.

"I have to wonder if that's really necessary sometimes." Crimson said to no one in particular. He continued on his way throughout the wilderness to gather items that would help him, including the rechargeable shield from Echoes(kind of weak, with a slow recharge) the Crimson Blade from Sonny 2, with the Demon Blade to compliment it.(dual-swords, both can be referenced in code, and summoned as such), a group of WW2 soldiers from Warfare 1944(run straight forward until they reach shooting range, and cannot shoot to the side or behind themselves, can be summoned as well), as well as some ice bombs from Crush the Castle(freezes enemy on contact, can be summoned as well),he then turned his boots into a game object allowing him to implement some of the AI from exitPath, that would allow him to sprint faster, after running for enough time(though this would likely not be used too much since he has the rocket spell still), and finally after he had collected all of this, he fixed his original Sasquatch object to be able to grab opponents once it catches up to them(attacking them would most likely lead to death after all). Once he had all of this done, he went to play Treadmillasaurus Rex so he could get in better shape, and become more agile before the fight(thats definitely the only reason I swear!). He knew that the fight with Leon would be difficult, and that he should not underestimate him, but after everything he equipped himself with at this point, Crimson was more concerned with accidentally killing him instead.


Alright there it is, I just hope I didn't miss any smart quotes or anything.

10,816 posts

As The Days Went By

5,642 posts

Cen's Sadfaic is slightly bigger than mine- Round 9 1/2 Preperations

The broom closet was dimly lit. Light beamed in through the hole which was likely to be considered a "window" in the upper right corner. There was only a bit of light coming in from the square porthole. The light directly hit Thoad on his abdomen and his arms. Brooms, mops and buckets were all piled up in a corner, with a wooden chair by the bed. Despite being a broom closet filled with cleaning supplies, the room smelt like doctors office, rather than a cleaning supply.
Thoad drowsily awoke from a nap. He hadn't had any visitors for a while, and he was a little sad by it. "Man, I'm not SPESHUL enough to get visitors, huh?" He asked himself, not accounting the fact that people could probably still hear him. The broom-closet-kateer remembered that he woke up just a few hours ago. He wonders how he had gotten here, and what had happened. "Oh yeah! The round... D*mnit I forgot if I won..." he mused.
Just then, Strop came in in his doctors outfit. He gave a courteous hello and sat on the wooden chair that was next to Thoad's hospital bed. Thoad said hello back and stared up at the ceiling. A nice white-gray with cracks in it. This broom closet had class.
"So, Strop, I have a few questions for a Doctor like yourself," Thoad started to talk. "I seem to feel my brains. I'm 99% sure that this is not normal. What happened?" he asked. A dim smile spread across his face. He was focused on the now, and not the past.
"Well, half of your skull is in a freezer. We had to drain-" Strop was cut off by Thoad.
"So half of my head is in the fridge?" Thoad asked calmly. He was so tired from being still for so long. His physical capacity must have dropped quite a bit.
"Uh... yeah, kind of," Strop said to him.
"Right then. It also feels like there's a stick up my wiener. What have you been doing you sick little pony?" Thoad continued to question Strop.
Strop had a blank, Cen-like face when Thoad made his remark. "There's a tube up your wee-wee, Thoad. It was needed. We need to keep a close monitor on you after all," Strop explained the reason for the wee-wee tube in depth. Thoad had heard it from his mother (who was a nurse), but had simply forgot.
Thoad coughed, trying to be melodramatic. As if the bed he was lying in what was going to be his deathbed. This, of course, wasn't true. Though the injuries were severe, they weren't fatal. Or rather, they would have been fatal if Strop didn't interject like he did. Thoad and Strop had just sat (or in Thoad's case, lied) there for a few more minutes. The awkwardness of it all started to hit Thoad.
Strop was the one to break the silence. "So Thoad. What exactly do you remember of the last round?" he asked. Thoad lied there for a minute and thought exactly what he DID remember. Bits and pieces, gists, just certain things.
"Oh man, I can barely even remember, I don't even know where to begin," Thoad said, his face bemused.
Strop told Thoad in a serious tone, "Start from the beginning Thoad, C'mon."
"Fine fine, we were all in the ballroom. It was the great ballroom of ArmorCastle... oh how much I'd love to live there-" Thoad realized he was starting to go off track, "And you jumped us all with a, 'OKAI NAO YOO GAIZ FIGHT NOW LOLOL', and so we did. I remember doing a somersault backflip to Crimsonblade, and then asking him to join me in my epic battle to defeat Frank and Leon as I smoked a cigar, but he declined, saying I was too awesome to be his partner. So I scoffed at him and went with frank..." Thoad felt a pain in his brain. It was odd having a headache with no scalp. Like, really odd.
Strop only said "mhmm" to Thoad, despite Thoad doing a half-diss on him. "So then, I remember a hyena. The cheapest f*cking hyena I ever dun saw. I think it was Leon's.. yeah, I'm almost certain it was. Leon hid somewhere while his hyena ripped me to shreds. I... I think I ended up shooting him in the head... wait, no, it survived. I'm not sure. Well, one way or another, leon was out. That just left-" Thoad's head was hurting. He didn't want to think at the second, just rest. But, he felt speshul because Strop wanted to see him, so he continued anyway, "Then there was crimson. He made a huge bunny thing. It was really tough..." Thoad continued after a minute, "And then crimson came after me and... I think I won? Or..." Thoad's eyes began to widen. "I.. I didn't win. I didn't win at all. I lost..."
Thoad began to form tears. He was about to sob, when he realized something. "Wait! No, I didn't lose! The round is still going, right? I never said I surrender!" Thoad had the tone of desperation in his voice. He wanted to be in denial, but his skeptic mind wouldn't let him.
Strop had to make sure that Thoad would get through grief as fast as possible, and told him, "No, Thoad. You lost. Besides, even if the round was still going, it would be Crimson here, putting his blade to your throat telling you to surrender. You lost." This only brought Thoad to a more crushing position. Strop, the closest thing he had to a father figure, had just told him that he had lost. Thoad interpreted it as "You'll never be a mod.".
Thoad was filled with panic and fear. He can't think straight, he doesn't even remember that there was a tube up his pee-hole and that half of his skull was in the fridge. He starts to go into a meltdown. Thoad raised his left arm (the good one) and dropped it down onto his bed, making a thump. He muttered "D*mmit" every time he does this. The thumping turned to pounding, and he began to raise his voice. The pounding eventually grows to a point where someone in the other room could here. Suddenly, Thoad made a fist and punched the concrete wall next to him, yelling "D*MMIT!" while doing so. The tears still ran down his face as his rage doesn't allow him to feel the pain and possible damage he had done to himself... and the wall, which was developing a few new cracks.
Strop, seeing that this might get out of hand, held Thoad's arms down, as Thoad yelled expletives and carried on through his meltdown. He was in a trance-like state, not caring about the now, the future, only focusing that he lost, and that he thought he'd never become a mod. He had thought- no, he knew- that this was his only chance. The only chance in which me might finally reach his goal. The goal he had dreamt of ever since he began being a regular in the ArmorGames forums.
Thoad eventually began to calm down, though he never stopped crying. He just wanted to sit there and cry. He felt like running away from the scene, like an angsty teen would do. Thankfully, due to a couple of years of zombie survival, he manages to calm down. His arms are still shaking, but Strop felt he could let go. The green clad teen closed his eyes, and frowned. He started to snivel a bit. "Do you know why the Way of Moderation was going to be the only sure-fire way to get me into mod-dom? Do you, Strop?" Thoad asked, his eyes shimmering with tears.
Strop had an idea why, but he felt that he shouldn't say it. Instead, he simply said, "No, Thoad, I don't."
Thoad then explained, whilst staring up at the concrete ceiling. He began with a small sob, "So you don't know why I am an immature little prick, eh? I figured you would have known." Thoad was thinking of Emo music while he spoke, "I hate my life, Strop. I have no future, I hate the people around me. I'm a perverted *sshole who will die alone. I know I will. I..." Thoad was having a tiny bit of trouble opening up, "I know that the only way I could possibly stand life, was to make myself something I wasn't. I am still a perverted asshole, but I do my best to be happy." Thoad pointed down to the LoLWhut logo on his shirt. "See this, Strop? It's the epitome of what I want to be, what I am at this moment. Borderline insane, overloaded with happy. Yet I am homocidal, or even suicidal. I use my immaturity to cover up the life I hate."
Thoad was calming down, going into a semi-depressed, semi-apathetic state of mind. "I don't want to be here. On earth, I mean. I don't want anything to do with it. But I'm stuck. So I try to cover up my hatred for myself and the earth with this," Thoad tapped at the logo of LoLWhut Inc. on his shirt. He looks at strop, directly in the eyes. He tries to have a connecting moment with him, though he couldn't tell if it worked or not. "And now, now that the Moderation Wheel will be up after this, and now that the Way of Moderation is nearing it's closing moments..." Thoad put his left arm up to his eyes, and wiped off the tears.
"It's crushed me, Strop. I haven't felt this bad since... I haven't had a punch to the soul since..." Thoad looked back on his life in AG, trying to remember. "I haven't had a punch to the soul since Zophia became a mod. I'm not sure if I showed it to you and Zoph and Cen, but I was crushed. I was depressed for about a week," Thoad stopped and took a long breathe. "I couldn't stop thinking about it. The person I had considered my rival had beaten me to my dream. My own dream, Strop. " Thoad took a gulp and continued on with his monologue. "Has that ever happened to you, Strop? I've been shot down by women, I've been hit by my own mother, my father has insulted me and called me names, as well as told me I'm worthless... but this. The loss, the crushing of my heart... It was just as bad, if not worse."
So that's why I can't be a mod. It hurts me, Strop. It really does. I don't think life will ever get better for me, so I'll be stuck. I'll be stuck in this form of hate and self-loathing for ever," Thoad ended his monologue. The next 20 minutes felt like an eternity of waiting. The green clad zombie slayer wasn't crying as much, and was in a pure apathetic state. He wanted to leave. He wanted to go away, find a tree to sit under, and grow up. He had known that he couldn't. It would have just been an immature and wussy move to begin with.
Strop took a deep breathe in, hearing Thoad's sad story. He didn't announce any of his own thoughts about what Thoad said, and simply asked, "Thoad, what exactly do you think the Way of Moderation is?"
Thoad didn't even think about a higher meaning to the question, and said, "The Way of Moderation... The tournament itself is an overly long and overly complicated series of tests in order to find out who is suitable for moderating the forums, right?" Thoad didn't wait for an answer and went ot the next subject, "As for what the actual Way of Moderation, the code by which a moderator goes by, I would say it's to uphold the law of the forums, to make sure people aren't doing anything outside of what they should be, and most of all..." Thoad made a pause for a moment to recollect exactly why he wanted to be a mod, "to make the site a better and more fun place for all. The exact thing I dreamt of since I came on the forums... to make AG a better place."
Strop made a cryptic remark after Thoad's speech. He did a horse-huff (OOC: You know, that thing where the horse is like "HUFF&quot just before he began, "You'll know what it is when you know what it is." Thoad gave strop a slight scowl, making it clear to him that he thought that was a cop-out answer.
Strop had to remark on Thoad's performance so far, "You know, Thoad. I'm pretty impressed that you made it this far," Strop's voice wasn't monotone, but it wasn't exactly full of emotion, either. It was something of a respectful tone. "In fact, I"m impressed that you're alive right now. Your tenacity seems to get in front of your patience," Strop paused, to think about what he'd say, "but, I think that that will end up getting a lot better as you grow older." Thoad was slightly cheered up by being admired by Strop, but he was still incredibly depressed.
Strop felt that this moment needed a mood lightener desperately, so he mentioned something. He pointed at Thoad's right arm, which was full of metal pins. "By the way, that arm with all the metal pins in it, it's going to need physiotherapy."
Thoad looked at Strop with a blank face, "You mean physical therapy? What should I be doing, doctor?"
Strop made a small smile under his mask, "You'll probably need to vigorously work it three times a day for several weeks."
Thoad smiled himself, "You realize that you're talking to someone who is 'bigger' than you, and manages to shoot kittens, right?"
Strop made a Cen trademarked T T face, and monotonously said: "I'm a horse, Thoad, we've been over this before."

10,816 posts

Awesome timing, I just popped on a few minutes ago to check whether this had been updated.

Note to self: remember to replace Thoad's skull sometime or his brains are gonna be hanging out of his head like that crazy dude in Bad Taste...

When I get back from work I'll submit the next section. Note, it's... well, long. It may not fit into a single forum post. So better find your reading glasses!

2,301 posts

"You'll probably need to vigorously work it three times a day for several weeks."

That was actually sad. I teared up a bit there. Good job conveying emotion.

I find Thoad's wish to cover up the horrors of life with manic happiness particularly interesting... could make an important plot point later. I hope he gets over it, because whatever he is, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be Leon McAcid.
5,642 posts

I hope he gets over it, because whatever he is, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be Leon McAcid.

Sadly enough the way Thoad is turning out so far I think he'll end up being like Leon only in a constant face and wanting to get laid much more.

Another fun thing about Thoad, going from round 9 alone, he actually dislikes Leon for "Being a cheap b*st*rd."
That and he really hates Leon's hyena. Like, a lot.

But yes, I thought it would be pretty sad. Play the background music to cen's segment when thoad is having a breakdown and it gets very sad.
10,816 posts

Nah, I think I have a better one for you thoad.

Try Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio in g minor.

Okay, TIME FOR THE UPDATE! This next bit is sheer madness.

10,816 posts

Hang on, let me try that one more time, the post keeps cutting off D:

As The Days Went By cont.

The Judge be Judged

It was as appeared on TV and in the movies. Endless waves upon waves of people, yelling and waving placards and pushing and jostling each and every way. The chaos, the noise filled the heavy brick confines of the ArmorGames court complexes to bursting. The occasion? A corrupt mod was being brought to justice!

Through the midst of all this, Strop wove a meandering path. Today he wasn't the Strop the ninja horse, but rather, Strop the defendant, his ninja suit adorned with the finest tie and jacket in his wardrobe, in tune with the delusion that any presumed criminal could improve their chances with the jury if they looked presentable. That said, Strop was painfully aware of just how tight and restrictive the tie was, and felt a familiar tingling on the back of his neck. Who was it that he had forced to wear a suit for so many months again...? But there was no time to think about such things, he had his own problems right now.

Flanking Strop was an unlikely companion, last seen in the throes of drunken defeat. Yet Strop hoped that the fishman Manta would be able to turn the tides in this debacle with a replica of his statement, this time not as one laughing at Strop's misfortune, but to help him rectify it. That was if the fishman was even willing to do so now, and given the sulky look he sported, Strop had his doubts.

"Strop, did it have to be TODAY?" Manta whined, tugging at the collar of his suit. "Why not tomorrow? Or the day after?"

"If I had a choice in the matter Manta, the time I'd prefer to do this would be 'never'," Strop grumped. "What gives anyway? What's so bad about today?"

"Well, it's just that I'm missing out on The Sorority Show."

Strop blinked. "The what?"

"Today's episode is Wet T-Shirt Car Wash on Candid Camera. And I'm missing it. Because of this stupid court appearance thingy."

Strop began to make a >:O face, when he realised this was pretty par-for-the-course for Manta, so he stopped. "Look, just consider that part of your punishment. Yeah. That punishment for trashing the tavern last week, remember?"

Manta said nothing. His lengthy pout was interrupted by a zealous protestor taking a swing at Strop with a large "MODS SUK" sign. Without blinking, Strop ducked it.

"If you want to blow off some steam, you could get rid of the protestors blocking our way," Strop suggested, perhaps a little improperly.

"And you're not going to 'unish' me this time around?" Manta shot back.

Strop shrugged, "Unlike the previous incident, I hardly think it would be counterproductive."

High up on the steps of the greatest of the court houses, the Armor Court of Great Justice, one had a view of the whole complex, swarming with people. Suddenly in the distance, users started flying, or rather, were violently ejected from the crowd into the sky before falling back into the masses. This fountain of users progressed, making a beeline for the stairs until Strop and Manta emerged, Manta still swinging his fists threateningly at anybody who wandered too close. For a moment, the crowds at the top of the steps near the entrance to the great courthouse drew back, and Strop and Manta plunged into the gap and through the doors, just as the crowd surged forward again.

Strop slammed the doors shut and Manta and Strop stood, backs plastered to it, breathing heavily.

"There you have it," Strop quipped. "A day in the life of a mod."

"Hells bells," Manta swore, before shushing himself. "If I'd known before..."


"All rise, for the Honorable Justice Moegreche".

In a cacophony of shuffling and stifled coughing, everybody rose. Justice Mogreche was the most venerable and venerated of justices in the city, one of the original Moderators. He was the one who engendered the notion of rational justice in the city of ArmorGames, in its early days- Strop remembered it was not a month after he himself had arrived. Shortly after, the courts had been built with the unlikely aid of Devoidless the Ancient, and Strop himself remembered testing the courts, participating in several debates, culminating in the giant Star Wars nerd-off in which Devoidless had earnt the nickname of Darth Voidy, for his knowledge of the rare properties of unique lightsabers was bordering unholy. All in those carefree days before Strop had taken on the moderator mantle...

Wheeling the famed brain-in-a-jar on his red chuck wagon, was the normally taciturn spaminator robot Flipski, but given that he was the security in today's session, Flipski was obligated to make the calls. Clanking over to the judge's booth, Flipski lifted the jar onto the counter and draped the judge's wig over the top.

"Please, be seated", Justice Moegreche grated in his electronic monotone. Flipski pressed a button on his chest console, and a scratchy recording played back from Flipski's speakers:

"Now calling into session the case Secret Society of Armorgames Representing Victims of Moderator Abuse versus Moderator Strop."

Strop, sitting in the defendant's box, felt hundreds of eyes boring into him. While as a rock-star ninja, he enjoyed great popularity, and he would liked to have think that he did his best to be congenial, fair and equitable... he knew that nobody was perfect... he also knew that this Way Of Moderation tournament was really eating into his duties... and that simply by virtue of being a moderator he was automatically an enemy of many. As to what proportion of people were here to support him, and what proportion were to see him lynched, well that just might be answered before the session was out!

Strop cast his eyes over to the plaintiff's side of the court, to find several shady hooded figures huddled over a table with a stack of folders, glaring back at him. He dreaded to imagine the contents of the folders, so he shrank back and gazed down at his table, empty save for his briefcase. He snapped open the case and took out a stack of papers. Atop the stack was a post-it note, and on that post-it note, in cursive scribble: "I prepared some notes for you."

Oh, bless his troubled heart! Strop thought to himself, once again feeling a rush of mixed thankfulness and guilt... which turned into a plunging, queasy rush of his stomach dropping through the floor as he flipped through page after page of complete blank. Save for the last page. Upon which was written, in that rounded cursive: "Sadly, I don't have resources to actually research anything due to the utter lack of payment. Good luck."

Desperately hoping this was just a practical joke, Strop flipped the page over, to find another note: "P.S. Sai made you a sandwich. But I ate it. -C."

Strop screwed his face up, trying to move the raging FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU building up in him to a parallel dimension where he could conveniently forget about it.

"Moderator Strop, do you have legal counsel to represent you?"

"Uhh." Strop, being a moderator, was stuck in an unusual situation. Normally when a complaint was processed against a moderator, it would go to the administration and be independently reviewed by an omniscient entity. Failing this, another moderator would investigate and act based on the evidence garnered. However, in this case... Carlie was away and nobody really knew what happened, hence the purpose of this trial being to present said evidence... but more importantly for Strop, it meant that nobody could represent him, except...

"I'll be representing myself, Mo- your Honour."

Judge Moegreche didn't blink, but then again that would have been because he didn't have eyes, though as to how he knew who was addressing him was- anyway. "I will take the liberty of presuming that you have pleaded Not Guilty."

Strop sighed. "Yes, your Honour, but seriously, couldn't you just have thrown the case out? Manta here is missing out on his fanservice TV and I've already obtained statements to the effect that-"

Flipski banged his cannon arm on the counter to counteract the roars of indignation arising from the stands. It was just as well that the cannon wasn't charged, which made Strop wonder how further and more extreme outbursts might be handled. "Thank you, Flipski," Moe intoned, before adding, "Moderator Strop, as you would well appreciate there is much more at stake than a simple verdict, thus this trial will be run in its due course."

"Pfffft" Strop muttered to himself. Here he was defending himself against a charge of a crime he didn't even know the details of, allegedly taking place at a time he didn't even remember. All he had were a few names and some dodgy 'confessions', going up against some consortium of users who made it their job to take moderators to task for failing to adhere to some arbitrary level of perfection that probably involved being a mindless robot (Flipski, of course, didn't count, as even though he was a robot he also had a mind of his own... a dangerously erratic one.)

In short, he was screwed. "Very well then, let's get this over with", he said to nobody in particular and sat down, arms folded.


"So let us recall the facts of the case," spoke one of the hooded plaintiffs, pacing to and fro in the space between the judge's bench and the stands. "On a Winter's night some two months ago, henceforth to be named 'The Night of the Incident', there was a certain Rap Battle, held as part of the Way of Moderation Tournament, which is directed by The Defendant, hence The Defendant is responsible for the events that happen within..."

Strop's eyelids felt like they weighed a ton, which was bad for Strop because he never did any eyelid training. Consequentially he was finding it extraordinarily difficult not to close his eyes and fall asleep. He had hoped that his opponents would consist of kids and noobs whose opening oration would go something like "Mods r suck, they r corrupt and will rune you're akknt," but it figured that they had to be a little older than that to think that authority was their natural enemy. Oh! Adolescent angst! Whatever the case may be, though, Strop simply had to stay awake long enough to discover what the plaintiff's actual argument was, and how they were planning to support it.

"...some hours after the event ended, we allege that The Defendant loosed an arrow from his own bow, and pierced the tournament contestant known as Chill, Grandmaster of George, henceforth known as The Victim. The Victim was seriously wounded, and on the basis of The Defendant's behaviour for the duration of The Way of Moderation Tournament, we will establish that The Defendant is in fact corrupted and seeking the destruction of the City of Armorgames itself, along with the attempted murder of The Victim!"

Wait, what? Strop's ears pricked and he sat upright, and not just because the atmosphere in the room seemed to have chilled a few degrees. This didn't sound at all like what he'd come here to defend... and it certainly didn't sound like a valid opening oration, in fact it sounded more like inciting a riot!

"OBJECTION!" Strop jumped to his hooves and brandished his index finger. His cry rang around the chamber, before settling atop a pregnant silence.

"Strop, you realise that objections only apply to arguments and witness questioning?"

"But... but that opening oration, that's not a prosecuting me, that's character assassination!" Strop flailed.

"Naturally the defence would object to the plaintiff's opening oration; if they did not, there would probably be precious little in the hearing." Strop resumed his seat, cheeks burning. Moe paused, a few bubbles forming in the vat. "Will the member of the prosecution please restate the charges they are arguing?"

"Your Honour, we contend that The Defendant attempted to murder The Victim by firing an arrow from his bow through The Victim."

"Good, let us proceed from there." Strop winced; the damage was already done, then paled as Moe continued. "Would the defence please present their opening statement?"

Oh crap, Strop hadn't prepared any opening statement. He fumbled with the blank sheets of paper, stalling for time, only to be shoved from the stand by an enthusiastic clap on the back from Manta: "Go get 'em, ponyboy!"

Dusting himself off, Strop opened his mouth to speak, for the first time in a long while feeling truly out of his element as the audience crucified him with their glare. What was he going to say? "Ladies and Gentlemen, what you are seeing here is a witch-hunt!?" Oh, that would go down well. Or, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have no idea what happened that night, but I swear I didn't do it!?"

This day was only going to get worse.


"The Prosecution would like to submit this evidence, henceforth known as Exhibit A."

A box was passed up to the front of the room and laid on a long flat table. The box was unwrapped to reveal Strop's (extremely long) longbow and quiver. Strop's eyes widened.

"OBJECTION!" Strop found himself on his hooves again, that same finger pointed at nothing in particular.

"What is it this time, Moderator Strop?"

Strop started pointing in multiple directions, trying to find the legalese to substantiate himself. "I, uh, your Honour, I call Fruit of the Poisoned Tree. This evidence was improperly requisitioned, therefore I move that this case be dismissed on the grounds that any case built on this evidence is also improper!"

"COUNTEROBJECTION" the prosecution roared, falling over themselves before one got up. "The bow was confiscated in the interests of the safety of the public immediately following the Incident!"

"Overruled," Moe decided. "Given that Exhibit A is the weapon of the alleged attempted murder, you would have to disprove the charges in order to establish that the taking of the evidence was done improperly, Moderator Strop."

"But it's not a we-" Strop started, then facepalmed, trying to mask his rising panic. His bow! Ever since it had gone missing and the first of those suspicious letters had landed on his bed, he had found it difficult to believe that it would come to this, yet he'd found it impossible to shake that suspicion that something sinister was afoot. Registering an inquiry with the "Lost and Found" was useless (which really he shouldn't have expected anything, as it was something he'd told the post-office gremlin to do as lip-service, given that the Freemarket yielded a plethora of minor hiccups and complaints of the sort and the moderators had the power to do jack-all about it,) and given that even the veteran Crimson didn't have any leads, naturally there was nobody else to turn to except the other moderators, and they didn't know anything either...

Eventually a nice little array of exhibits had been lined up on the table, Exhibit B being pictures of the hall (presumably after The Incident), still decked out in Firefly's street do, but empty save for a small bloodstain and a chalk outline (Strop had OBJECTED again, arguing that chalk contaminates the crime scene, but was shot down as it was for "demonstrative" purposes only since Chill hadn't actually died, so he OBJECTED to the fact that the chalk outline denoted a spreadeagled figure, and for once it was sustained... so the exhibit B was replaced by exhibit C, which was a closeup of the bloodstain, which made Strop go >_&lt. Exhibits D, E and F were all "expert analyses" on the fingerprints on the bow, the trajectory of the blood stain, and a simulated reconstruction Strop didn't even think possible given the technological level of the largely non-existent forensic facilities of ArmorGames (i.e. magnifying glass and torch), which pretty much said "Strop obviously did it." And to top it all off, there was Exhibit G, which, crucially, was the blood-stained arrow.

When all the exhibits were in, everybody waited for Justice Moegreche to make the next motion. But nothing happened.

"Your Honour?" Strop called out.

"'s all so cruel." Moegreche said. "So cruel!"

Strop boggled, another niggling notion in the back of his head rising to the fore. "...are you okay? You haven't... felt different since the past... few months, have you?"

There was a pause. "I don't know. Lately I've been feeling all these strange feelings, and it's hard to think straight, and sometimes I just want to shoop on people... and you need to address me as 'Your Honour' or I'll book you for contempt of the Court."

"Sorry, Your Honour." Great. Strop adjusted his collar, watching the pieces of his doom steadily falling into place.


"The Prosecution would like to call Moderator Strop to the stand."

"Moderator Strop, would you please take the stand."

Strop sighed. This was the worst part. He could see absolutely no way he could make himself look credible, let alone good. But it was too late to think about stuff like that. So he trudged up and laid his hand on a tatty leaflet titled "Rules and Guidelines of ArmorGames", swore his oath, and sat in the stand.

"Can you tell me in your own words what happened on the night of the Incident?"

"Errr." Strop chewed on his bottom lip, not sure how to go about this.

"'Errr' is not a valid response, Moderator Strop," Moegreche pointed out.

"Well, umm. I don't know." Strop wished that a hole would open up beneath him and drop him to where most of his other internal organs had already gone.

"And why don't you know?" The hooded Secret Society members leered at him as one.

"...I don't recall..."

From somewhere in the stands, somebody yelled out "Say it again, Clinton!" Flipski preemptively banged his cannon arm on the counter, this time leaving a rather noticeable indentation on the woodwork. "Continue, Moderator Strop," Moe said when the ruckus died down.

"...I don't recall anything from that evening."

The prosecution let that sink in for a minute. Then they resumed their questioning.

"You are a moderator of ArmorGames, are you not?"

Strop rolled his eyes, but had no choice but to answer. "Yes, I am a moderator of ArmorGames."

"You are the chief host of the Way of Moderation Tournament, correct?"

"That is correct."

"Can you tell me how the fights in the round of 8 were decided?"

Strop knew that Cen had faithfully documented the whole process and it was sitting, very trackable, in the archives, so again he responded truthfully, despite really not liking the direction of this line of questioning. "I decided it myself."

"Who was Chill scheduled to fight in the round of eight?"


"And who is fighting in the final round?"

"Leon McAcid. And Crimsonblade. Oh come on guys, that's just not crick-"

"Please limit yourself to the question, you'll get your turn later," Justice Moegreche reminded Strop. Strop sighed, and rested his chin on his hand.

"Let us now talk about your handling of the Way of Moderation tournament, such as the complete and utter destruction of such venues as Firetail's mansion, ArmorCastle, the blowout in admissions and budgeting of Armor Hospital, the-"

"OBJECTION! Come on, Your Honour, that's not even relevant to the charges."

Mercifully, Justice Moegreche agreed with him. "Sustained. Stay on topic please."

The prosecution chuckled among themselves, before turning to the front. "No further questions, your Honour."

Justice Moegreche mulled over this, before declaring, "You are now in the unusual position of having to cross-examine yourself, Moderator Strop. Proceed when ready."

"Right! Well, first I'll start by saying-"

Justice Moegreche cut him off: "You still have to follow the format, Moderator Strop."


"You still have to ask the defendant a question and then answer it."

Strop cringed. "But that's gonna make me look like an idiot!"

"You're forgetting to call me 'Your Honour' again."

"...sorry, your Honour >_<"


"So, Moderator Strop, tell us a bit about your longbow."

"Sure thing Moderator Strop, well, you see..."

Strop figured that by this point, there was nothing left to lose as far as his dignity was concerned. So for the sake of a convincing performance, he had brought out the ultimate prop: the Strop-on, as crafted by that perennial pervert Zophia. Originally intended as a, well, a 'Strop-on', it just happened to also be in the likeness of his Ninjaness, and given that Strop could actually fit his arm into it (it was one hell of a Strop-on), also served as a fantastic hand-puppet. Which Strop was now using. To play himself. Questioning himself. While sitting in the witness box. Of the Armor Court of Great Justice. In front of several hundred anti-mod conspiracy-theorists. Who doubtless had now confirmed beyond any shred of doubt that he was a complete nutjob.

"...the longbow is not one of my moderator tools. It's been with me ever since I determined to follow the Path of the Rightful Way."

The Strop-on waggled. "What is the Path of the Rightful Way?"

"It is the continuing quest For Great Justice. Its central tenets are that violence and aggression is weakness, and for that reason the bow may be a natural weapon but I have sworn an oath never to target a living being with this bow."

"And have you ever fired and pierced anybody using this bow?"

"No, I hav-"

"OBJECTION!" It was the prosecution's turn to brandish their fingers at Strop.

"Sustained," Moe intoned. "Please rephrase your question so as not to assert the verdict, Moderator Strop."

"Fine," Strop gritted his teeth, picking the Strop-on up again. "Before 'The Night of the Incident', have you ever fired and pierced anybody using this bow?"

"No, I have not."

"What is the significance of this not being a moderator tool?"

"It means that others can wield this weapon and, if they possess the strength and skill, could use it."

"Let us," the Strop-on mused, "talk about the round after The Round of Eight. How was the match-up decided there?"

"I let the four of them work out their teams of two by themselves. The team that won would be the two to face-off in the finals."

"So you could't have predicted that Crimson and Leon would eventually end up facing each other in the finals."

"That's correct, Thoad and Frank were just as likely to have a shot. That was the idea."

Suddenly the Strop-on rounded on Strop. "And that was a really good idea wasn't it? Now that you've got a deranged murderous nut in the finals, you really wish you had manipulated the matchups in your favour, but no, you had to do it fair-and-square didn't you! You thought it would work out in the end if you let everybody showcase their abilities and teamwork and now look what you've done, you fool! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!"

Strop attempted to peel the Strop-on from around his neck, shooting a desperate look at the Judge's box. "Your Honour, my lawyer's harrassing me D:" Strop whined.

"...need I remind you that you are your own counsel, Moderator Strop?"

Strop blinked, then looked around sheepishly at the people on the benches, all boggling at him. "Oh... yeah."

The Strop-on piped up: "No further questions, your Honour."


As precocious as he may have been, Chill was still a young boy of twelve, maybe thirteen. He looked several sizes smaller than that, sitting in the box with a bunch of hooded figures standing around him protectively. From his perspective, Strop, naturally, saw differently.

"So, Chill, Grandmaster of George, you are a contestant of the Way of Moderation tournament?"

"I was," Chill corrected.

"Until!" pounced a hooded prosecutor, "Until you were eliminated by Crimsonblade! Isn't that correct?"

"Well, yes... I was..." Chill shot a quick look at Strop. Strop frowned and looked back before averting his gaze. Chill was definitely paler than normal, occasionally playing with his fringe, rubbing his head, before setting his hands back down on the counter and fidgeting. To be looking at him like that, would only be interpreted as...

"You must not be afraid to reveal the truth!" In sync, the prosecutors turned to glare at Strop.

Strop glared back, then raised his finger. "OBJECTION!"

"Sustained," Moe declared. "Please get on with relevant questions, members of the prosecution."

The prosecution glared at Strop, or at least Strop imagined they were, for their faces weren't visible from under their hoods. "Well then!" they huffed, "Chill, Grandmaster of George, did the injury you sustained on The Night of the Incident affect your performance during your duel with Crimsonblade?"

Strop facepalmed. He thought he had demonstrated earlier that this so-called agenda the prosecution was saddling him with was a load of horsecrap, but evidently they didn't think so, or, rather, they thought they had a chance to undermine him further by using their key witness to suggest... but what about Chill's own statements to him earlier, as corroborated by Manta's statements!? Strop narrowed his eyes at Chill before he remembered this would proably make him look like a big meanie, so he looked away again. But not before noticing that Chill was noticibly tremoring.

"Uh, uh actually," Chill started, glancing at Strop again.

"Please, go ahead and answer the question, we're all here so it's okay!" The prosecution crowded in around Chill, partially blocking his view from Strop, leaving Strop free to narrow his eyes again.

"...yes." Chill looked down, rubbing his head, and the prosecution eased back. Strop openly stared at Chill, gears ratcheting in his head until he noticed something very strange.

Chill did not have a mug of coffee in his left hand. In fact, there was no cup of coffee to be seen at all. The gears ratcheted a little more, until it clicked.

Coffee addict + no coffee = caffeine withdrawals = headaches, tremors and agitation. Along with Chill's strange reactions, those sneaky secret society scumbags had to be withholding Chill's essential beverage for their nefarious purposes!

"That's it!!!" Strop jumped up and slammed his fist down on the table in a spectacular Eureka moment, only to realise, too late, just how bad his timing was.

As if to drive another nail into Strop's coffin, Moe's computerised voice cut through the murmurs: "Please, Moderator Strop, resume your seat."

Cheeks burning, Strop slumped into his chair and slunk as low on the table as the table would let him. Being ninja didn't quite afford him the gift of being able to transcend the material realm, thus the hole in the floor he had been increasingly desiring, would not come to claim him.

Just then, a female voice whispered above him, "Cheer up, Stroppykins, we're still rooting for you!" It was quickly rejoined by another very familiar voice: "You should refrain from using such double-entendres, they are distasteful."

Strop looked up.

"Woah, what are you doing here guys!" Strop whispered incredulously. "And where did you get those horns from, Strip?"

Manta reached over and punched him in the shoulder. "Oi ponyboy, you talking to yourself?"

"I suppose I am," Strop mused, before continuing. "And the trident. And the wings."

Miniature-Strip fluttered a little before switching poses. "I'm your conscience!" she announced.

"More like your sins and temptations," miniature-Cen countered, "Which makes me your real conscience." He ruffled his angel wings, and Strip blew a raspberry at him.

"Cen, why are you my conscience? That's kinda disturbing."

"Yes," Cen remarked dryly, "It is, seeing as it probably means that you don't even have your own conscience anymore."

"Hey!" Strop cried indignantly. "That's not true!"

"It doesn't matter," Miniature-Strip cut in, "If he's being mean to you, you can just listen to me!" As if to emphasise her point, she tightened the grip on her trident... by squeezing her ample cleavage around the shaft. Strop automatically wiped his nose. "So, uh, what did you guys want?"

"What else!" Strip flounced, "So you've discovered the prosecution's plans, and realised Chill is suffering from caffeine-withdrawals!"

"...which means you're going to have to decide how to approach the cross-examination." Cen finished.

"...don't you think it's time for some coffee?" Strip winked at Strop. "But I don't drink co-" Strop began, before he understood, and raised his hand.

"Yes, Moderator Strop?" Justice Moe asked.

"I would like to request a toilet break, your Honour."

Justice Moe pondered. "Now that you mention it, I've been feeling the urge for quite a while. Let us adjourn, reconvene in fifteen minutes!"

Strop decided not to ask what kind of toileting urges a brain in a jar could possibly have.


"So, Chill, Grandmaster of George..."

Strop paced in front of Chill, steaming polystyrene cup of coffee in hand. He had, naturally, no intention of drinking any of the coffee, because that would probably have caused his heart to break some kind of world record, followed thereafter by him doing something incredibly dangerous, which he could not possibly afford at this juncture. However, as to exactly what he was going to do with it...

"Look at the poor kid, Strop. Maybe this isn't such a good idea, tormenting him like that..." Miniature Cen tut-tutted at him.

"Uhhh, as I was saying, Chill, Grandmaster of George, as you are aware, you are the prosecution's key witness, as you are the subject of the charge which is being laid against myse- I mean my client..."

"Are you going to get on with it?" Justice Moe interrupted before the prosecution could even raise a hand in protest.

"Yes, um, right away your Honour," Strop bit his lower lip. Miniature Strip nudged him with the pointy bits of her trident. "Go on, ask the question, just make sure he can smell the aroma of that niiiiiiice coffee! ^_^" She then proceeded to poke him multiple times, causing the hairs on the back of his head to prickle somewhat fierce. Strop looked back at Chill.

"Really, Strop, this is no better than the shameful behaviour of the prosecution," Miniature Cen lectured him. "You should just give him the coffee and end his suffering, who knows, maybe people might think you were a bit nicer for it."

Strop rounded on Miniature Cen in protest: "But if I do that, the prosecution will accuse me of bribing Chill!"

Miniature Strip joined in, shaking a finger at Miniature Cen, "Besides, what does it matter if he can obtain a retraction and end this whole case right here?"

"But that wouldn't work either, and you know it!" Somehow impervious to Miniature Strip's charms, Miniature Cen was now engaging her in a rapidly emerging argument.

"If you are going to delay the court with your silence," Justice Moe cut in, "We'll have to assume that you have no questions to ask the witness."

"Hang on, hang on, give me a minute!" Strop squeezed his eyes shut and pummeled his head.

"That's the third time you forgot to call me 'Your Honour', Moderator St-"

"Just give me some time to think!" Strop yelled, a collective gasp rising in the court. Justice Moe's monotonous calls for "Order. Order." did nothing, so Flipski banged his cannon arm on the counter again, this time splintering half the top with a resounding crack. Over this, Miniature Strip and Miniature Cen were now yelling at each other.






Strop parted the warring miniatures with his hand. "Please, guys, if you don't mind I'll just begin..." and he turned to Chill, coffee still in hand.

"So, Chill, Grandmaster of George. I only have one question to ask you. And that is, did I, or did I not actually shoot you with my bow on The Night of the Incident?"

The whole courtroom gasped, and held their bated breath. Chill, tremoring more than ever, hesitated, his eyes darting from the prosecution to the coffee in Strop's hand. Beads of sweat collected on Strop's brow.

"If you're feeling that bad, just give him the kitten-huffing coffee, Strop!" Miniature Cen tugged on Strop's ear.

"No, drink the coffee, pile on the pressure!" Strip called into his other ear.

Strop had had enough. "Look guys, can't you settle this some other way? Like rock-scissors-paper or something?"

"Oooh good idea," Miniature Strip squealed, clapping her hands. "I can't lose, with the luck of the Devil on my side!" And before Miniature Cen could agree or disagree, she had rounded on him and the match had begin!

Miniature Cen beat Miniature Strip.

"Best of three!" Miniature Strip clearly did not like losing, and shook her fist again.

Miniature Cen beat Miniature Strip again.

"I meant, first to three!" Steam was now blowing out her nostrils, and Strop started feeling a little nervous at the possible outcomes of his little idea. But it was too late, the third round was underway.

Miniature Cen beat Miniature Strip for a hattrick.

"Ooooh, you cheated!" Miniature Strip fumed.

"Actually, no, I am simply ninja," Miniature Cen folded his arms. But Miniature Strip wasn't done!

"WINNER TAKES ALL ROUND!!!" Miniature Strip grabbed Miniature Cen's hand and...

"So just give him the coffee, Strop." Miniature Cen demanded. Strop started reaching out, then stopped. Then he looked at Chill again, whose tremoring had gone from Californian to East Asian magnitude.

"You need to answer the question, Chill, Grandmaster of George" Justice Moe prompted.

The prosecution stood poised, ready to object but not quite sure how to go about it, so they leaned on the threshold of their desk, jostling, itching but not quite speaking out.

"Give him the **** coffee, Strop." Miniature Cen demanded, a few shades more insistently. Strop looked over at Miniature Strip, but she had her back turned, obviously sulking.

Chill's eyes darted back and forth, and he had started hyperventilating. Strop realised that in his brief, Chill had described himself as prone to anxiety, and grew panicky at the notion that he might actually pass out on the stand.

"Answer the question, Chill!" Justice Moe repeated.

The prosecution was now jumping up and down on the spot, still powerless to speak.

"THE COFFEE. NOW." Miniature Cen bellowed at Strop, kicking him in the back of the head.

Strop caved in.

"Look, Chill, I think you might be needing this," he said, slamming the coffee cup on the witness stand. Chill looked like he didn't know whether to faint or cry.

"OBJECTION!!!" The prosecution triumphantly fell over themselves and the table. "THE DEFENCE IS BRIBING OUR WITNESS!!!"

"Care to explain why you are offering the witness coffee?" Justice Moe asked Strop.

"Your Honour," Strop said, "it is my expert opinion as ArmorGames' resident doctor that the witness is suffering from caffeine withdrawal and is medically unfit to serve as a witness."

"Is a caffeine dependency documented?"

"Why yes, in fact, it's in the archived participant files. The initial candidate briefs."

"You can't be serious!" the prosecution protested. "Your Honour, this is tantamount to the submission of evidence we were hitherto not informed of prior to the commencement of this trial, hence it should be inadmissable!"

If Moe had a glare, it would have been withering, and it was just as well he wasn't shooting laser beams out of the jar. "Members of the prosecution, be advised that I am prepared to accept that the witness is suffering from a medical condition that renders him unfit as a witness, further to this I am under the impression that this is a condition you should have seen fit to manage appropriately prior to the trial. I hereby declare that all statements in this session made by the witness Chill, Grandmaster of George, inadmissable. You are dismissed."

Visibly relieved, Chill chugged down Strop's coffee and left the stand. "Thanks, Strop," he muttered as he passed.

"Unfortunately this does mean that you cannot ask this witness any further questions either, Moderator Strop," Justice Moe informed Strop.

"Yeah... I figured," Strop muttered under his breath, before returning to his own box. While Chill's testimony was out of the picture, this also meant that Strop wasn't able to extract a retraction from him, and therefore had nothing to support him, and still had several testimonies and pieces of evidence fingering him for the crime. The score still stood at Strop: 0, Anti-Moderators: >9000.



The audience had been on a steady simmer for most of the morning already, while the prosecution had presented their case. Now their venom started to come to the boil, as Strop's turn to present his defence rapidly approached. Frustrated, Strop jiggled his blank sheets of paper, wondering why Cen had chosen such a time as this to play such a mean trick on him. He couldn't help but wonder why Cen had gone so far as to give him a whole briefcase worth of blank paper. Maybe it was symbolism of just how much paperwork he'd been saddled with? Maybe it was for another purpose. Or maybe Strop was reading into it too much.

"Would the defence call its first witness please."

Strop looked around the room, fretting. There was no way he was going to be able to mount a complete defence, meaning that all his plans were really stalling for time, for an eventuality that was more of a liability, given he didn't even know if it was going to eventuate, or whether he even wanted it to eventuate. But alea jacta est, and que sera, sera. While he was at it, he might as well throw in a Ave, morituri te salutant, though he would have much preferred a hakuna matata, despite the latter not even being Latin.

Amidst general coughing and muttering, Strop stood up. "I would like to call Manta to the witness stand."

"BOO-YAH, HERE I GO!" Manta yelled, pumping his fist and springing into the box in a single bound.

It was a less than desirable start.

Having done away with all the preamble, Strop opened the questions. "Manta, please state your relation to The Way of Moderation Tournament."

"I," Manta opened grandly, "The fishman from a small village in the Wilderness, some way from the City of ArmorGames, was a participant in the tournament, for my name, in my native tongue, means 'he who is destined to strive for great things, and may sometimes fail-"

"Good, good," Strop hastily cut him off, leaving Manta in shocked indignation (>:O ha, the shoe's on the other foot now isn't it!) before following with his next question: "And you were present at the Way of Moderation Rap Battle, weren't you."

"Yeah, and I was getting all my verbal stylinz down like mad, and I won this!" Manta produced a diamond studded pendant. Made with paper and gems of congealed glue. With the inscription "WINNAR" on the medallion.

Strop was starting to wish right about now that he hadn't decided to make the whole round a parody.

"Well, yes. Yes, you did. So can you tell me what happened after that?"

Manta took a deep breath, trying to get serious. "Well, after the battle was over, you went to buy a drink from Hermit's stand. Then you passed out. Then, uhh, we decided to play a few tricks on you."

The muttering increased in intensity.

"Okay, okay," Strop said, trying to steer the questions in an organised fashion. "Who is 'we'?"

"Well, everybody present at the battle. Okay, not everybody. Actually it was just my idea to shave and tie-dye you, since you shaved me... and my hair's finally grown back thank you very much!"

Strop was overtly aware of the people behind him exchanging glances and imagining what he would look like shaven and tie-dyed. But he had to get on with the more important questions.

"So what happened to Chill at this point?"

Just like in the interrogation, Manta shrugged and deadpanned, "Oh, well, Leon picked you up and put the bow in your hands, then he shot Chill."

And the crowd went wild.

"Order." Justice Moe called, but was drowned out by the cacophony. "Order. Order? Is this voicebox even working anymore? Darn these cheapskate manufacturers, I specifically asked for a volume control..." Flipski's cannon arm started glowing and crackling, and the crowd very quickly went silent, more out of rigid fear than anything else.

"So," Strop said. "Could you describe this incident in more detail?"

"Well," Manta said, "More like Leon said 'I have an idea that will get Strop into trouble!' and so he got Chill to stand against the wall and use his magic to prevent him from getting hurt too bad when he got shot. So that's why only the tip of the arrow went in. We thought it was a pretty funny prank."

Evidently scandal was more effective at lubricating tongues than fear of Flipski's cannon was at freezing it, for the gallery was getting loud again.

"To ask directly, did I, I mean my client, shoot Chill?"

"Well, technically speaking you did-"

"I'll ask that again. Did I or did I not shoot Chill?"

" You didn't."

"No further questions, your Honour."


"Manta, could you please explain to us what happened on the night of the Round of Eight, in which you were defeated by Thoad?"

Strop raised his hand. "Objection, your Honour, this isn't relevant to the case."

Justice Moe paused. "...I'll allow it. Mainly because I've always wanted to say 'I'll allow it.'"

Strop flailed, "Aw come on, Moe, what-"

"'Your Honour!'"

"Sorry, your Honour..."

The prosecution stood expectantly. Manta scratched his head one way, than the other. Then both ways at once.

"Honestly, I don't recall."

"Then let us refresh your memory." Thus Exhibit H was submitted, it being an article on a certain fishman who had trashed the Tavern while pretending to be a moderator. A very drunk moderator. Featuring a photo of Manta. Poised to throw a barstool at the hapless reporter while flipping them off.

"Is this you?"

Manta squinted at the article. "Why I guess it is!"

A murmur rippled around the room. "So you admit to being drunk and disorderly on that night?"

Manta shrugged again, "Yeah, I guess. I mean that's why I'm here after all. It's punishment. You know I'm missing out on The Sorori-"

Manta only stopped because he had spotted Strop making zigzagging motions across his neck with as much suppressed vigour as possible. But it was too late.

"...punishment? What do you mean by punishment?"

"Oh," the clearly straightforward Manta answered, "coz I, well, trashed the tavern, Strop decided my punishment would be to testify on his behalf. Here, today. Otherwise he woulda banned me for sure. Guess I got off pretty light, huh?"

Strop's head hit the desk with a thunk.

"I put it to this court, then," the lead prosecutor said smugly, "that The Defendant has used his powers improperly to distort the course of justice."

And with that, Manta's testimony was, for all its truthfulness, blown out of the water.

10,816 posts

The Judge Be Judged cont.

"Crap crap crap," Strop stood outside the doors of the court room, in the lobby. His tie was in disarray, hanging loosely over his suit, and for some reason he was significantly sweaty. His modphone poofed into his hand and with trembling fingers, he punched several numbers with increasing desperation.

"Why is nobody picking up!? Oh, Zophia, hiiii! You don't have some kind of hidden camera around that could possibly have filmed some kind of evidence in my favour, do you? ... What do you mean you don't know what I am talking about? You know, I am being prosecuted today! ... Yes, it is today... I have been using the entire morning on this, so I am pretty sure it is today, yes. ... Well, of all the things you could do, couldn't one of the things have been to have put up a hidden camera in the great hall? ... Because it seems like a thing you would do? ... Uhm, okay... Thanks..."

Strop stared at his phone for a moment, while dialling some more numbers. "I need to go check my bedroom after this... Cen? I really need your... Cen? Are you there? Helloooo! Come on, you can't pull something like this after that stunt with the blank papers, it isn't fair! Hello? Hello?! Damn."

Evidently Cen was still pissed off.


"Do you have any more witnesses to call, counsel for the defence?"

Strop, now alone on the defence side, rubbed his head, trying to hide his complete lack of plan. "Well, uhm, I do... is what I would LIKE to say, but, uhm, well..."

"If you do not have any more witnesses," Justice Moe lectured Strop, "We should hasten to the closing statements."

"Hey, now," Strop protested, "I didn't say I didn't have any more witnesses, but, well, it's just that he hasn't arrived yet." Strop hastily appended: "Your Honour."

"Be that as it may, you still have to nominate a witness in order to continue your defence."

Strop cast his eyes around the court room, studiously ignoring the glowering poses of the Prosecution. After Manta's spectacular fail ("Well, that's what you get for cutting me off when you did!&quot, Strop felt like his first, second and third leg had all been cut off. He would have liked to be as optimistic as the Black Knight ("It's only a flesh wound, HAVE AT IT!&quot, but, well, he really didn't know what to do now, and he was probably going to get banned, and fired, and...

It was at this point that Strop noticed something highly irregular from the back of the gallery. That was to say, he noticed a haze of smoke obscuring the back wall. Which seemed to be emanating from one point. Which meant that just maybe there was one last trick card he could play.

"The defence would like to call Hectic Hermit to the stand."

Everybody looked at each other, confused. Justice Moe's wig slipped off. Then suddenly, everybody turned to the back as a rumbling voice piped up: "Here I am!"

In the middle of a clearing cloud of smoke, the bushy bearded man dressed in bits of tree appeared.

"We protest," protested the Prosecution, clearly unsettled by this unexpected turn of events. "This witness does not even meet the minimum dress code requirements for this court, he isn't wearing shoes!"

"Please," Justice Moe cut in, "I have suffered enough frivolities today."

Hermit lumbered around to the front of the court, and sat in the middle of the floor. "Give it your best!" He instructed.

"Hectic Hermit, you need to be sitting in the witness box to testify."

"Is okay, I bought my own Bible, I'll just do the oath here," Hermit assured Justice Moe.

"The witness box!" Strop mouthed. "Get in the witness box!"

Naturally, Hermit couldn't lip-read through his curiously herbal haze, so Flipski simply reached over, picked him up and plunked him in the witness box.

"Right," Strop said, wiping sweat from his brow. He stood and walked to the witness box to begin his questioning, increasingly aware of the faintly sweet smell emanating from Hermit... faintly sweet but laced with a whole complex of various spices and aromas and odours and things that Strop doubted there even existed words for.

"Hectic Hermit, please state your occupation."

Hermit blew out a puff of smoke without even taking a drag from anything. "Herbalist", he uttered. "And purveyor of all substances natural and homegrown."

Strop ignored the scandalised hushing from the gallery. "And where were you the Night of The Incident?"

"The world affords us many incidents, thus I am everywhere and nowhere all at once."

"Let me rephrase," Strop struggled to maintain his tenuous composure. "Where were you on the night of the Rap Battle of the Way of Moderation Trials, otherwise known as the Night of the Incident?"

"You know, you need to tighten your sentence structure, my friend. It was incomprehensible."

"Hermit is your ally, Hermit is your ally," Strop mumbled to himself as a mantra, beating down the urge to let fly with a "NO U". Instead, he said, "Where were you on the night of the Rap Battle?"

"Why, at the Rap Battle of course."

"And what were you doing there?"

"I was being myself. You shouldn't try to be anything else." Hermit puffed another plume of smoke.

"And what were you doing there?" Perhaps persistence would be key.

"I was selling herbs. From my POWRADE stand. Fifty cents for any item."

"Right," Strop said, digging around in his suit and handing up a picture of Hermit's stand that he seemed to keep handy for reasons previously unknown to himself. "I submit this for consideration, it is a photo of Hermit's Stand." Sure enough, it showed Hermit sitting in his stand with his HTOWN belt on, and his Rasta cap. With this done, he continued.

"And what were you selling? Specifically, what was it that you sold me?"

Hermit scratched his beard, before grinning. "Good stuff."

Strop facepalmed. "Can you remember what I asked you before you gave me this 'good stuff'?"

In a rare moment of lucidity, Hermit quoted, "You said 'Hit me up with some juice.'"

Strop nodded. "That's correct. So what WAS the 'juice' that you provided me with?"

Several seconds passed.

Strop waved at Hermit. "Hermit?"

Hermit shrugged and grinned again. "Good stuff!"

"Nevermind..." Strop muttered. "Can you tell me what the effect of said 'good stuff' was?"

This was a crucial question for Strop's campaign... but it also proved to be his biggest mistake. Hermit spread his arms wide, his various branches rustling. "When I say 'good stuff', I mean 'stuff that takes you places.' And when I say 'laces', I mean 'on awesome trips'. Awesome trips can not be described by the mere confines of this language, no, it requires inventing a new language, for language is so limited to describe our experiences, with all its useless complexities... see, life is so simple, all you need is going places..."

"Please stop," Strop begged Hermit. "Can you please just tell me what happened after I drank your 'juice' and passed out?"

"Do you mean what you did, or what was going through your mind?"

Strop didn't even bother thinking about how Hermit could know what had gone through his mind after he passed out, seeing as he didn't remember any of it himself. "I just need the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"What is truth!" Hermit declared, not as a question, it seemed. "To say one thing or another, when the truth, it can be bent, it can be molded, it is as this smoke I am blowing, I do not know where it comes from but it is there, or is it? Because I don't know where it comes from, maybe I am just seeing it and you see it too, you tell me but you are only telling me that you see it, how do I know you are telling... the truth?"

Before Strop could lose the last of his patience, the prosecution did it for him. "Your Honour, I think we've heard enough. This witness is clearly baked."

"...your point being?" Justice Moe asked.

"He's not!" Strop asserted, not really knowing if he was even correct. "He's just... a difficult historian."

"No, he's baked, blazed, off his tree, under the influence, high, off with the fairies, on the chuff, toked, in lah-lah land... What we're saying is that he's on drugs and you have hit a new low, allowing the use of drugs in this sacred land!"

"Order." Justice Moe bleated, to no avail as the noise levels rose around him.

"No," Strop threw caution to the wind, marching to the prosecution's bench. "You have all been acting low this whole time. I've had it with your White-Knight crusade, your manipulations and exploitations of public opinion and of the witnesses for your own disgruntled agenda, you have absolutely no idea-"

"Moderator Strop, if you do not desist harrassing the prosecution, I will have to throw you out of court and award the case to the plaintiff." Moe's lack of volume control once again let him down, for his voice was lost to the hubbub. So too, was Hermit's advice, "You all need to chillaaaaax."

"YOU ARE A CORRUPT MODERATOR!" The prosecution were all climbing over their bench to get at Strop. "AND WE WILL SEE TO IT THAT YOU ARE REMOVED!"


Shouts erupted from the gallery, piling one over the other until the whole court was awash with noise. The shouts turned into screams and a mad rush for the exit as Flipski raised his cannon arm, arcs of lightning shooting out of it, an electric whine piercing the room. "HE'S GONNA SHOOP," somebody yelled, and all of a sudden the aisles were packed, and nobody could move anywhere. Meanwhile, the hooded prosecution were all rushing Strop, trying to grab him, and Strop, abandoning all pretense, ripped his tie off, reached up and poofed his banhammer.

"Stop." Justice Moe pleaded, "You can't use that now." But of course nobody was listening. Strop reached up, lifting the hammer high as the half-dozen prosecutors lunged for him...

Flipski swung his cannon arm down and let forth a mighty blast, an arc of pure obliterating energy lancing out, set to vaporise the entire room in an instant.

...Strop swung his hammer, twisting at the last minute to slam the charged end of his beloved Thor into Flipski's laser bolt.

There was a thunderous crash, and every brick, every fiber of every being shook... and then fell silent. The prosecutors, frozen mid-dive, fell in a heap upon the floor. Strop watched as the business end of his hammer glowed an incandescent white, then gradually faded to its usual black. Then a heavy shroud of stillness settled over the court.

Strop was the first to speak. "Moe, what was that all about?"

"I, I... I..." For a moment Strop feared that the massive electromagnetic flux created by Flipski's discharging capacitor had disrupted Moe's vocal circuits, but fortunately he managed to choke out the next words. "I don't know! It's never happened before, but I... I'm the judge and you shouldn't be asking me questions! And you forgot to call me Your Honour again."

"What.. what are you..." Strop screwed up his face in frustration, his suspicions becoming clearer and clearer. "This is nuts, I just saved everybody's life here. Shouldn't that be enough? Can't you just call the friggin' case off already, could you?"

"Due process is due process, you still need to finish your defence, otherwise things are frankly not looking good for you." Justice Moe's defence, evidently, was offence, and this departure from his usual analytical, unflappable character, could not have come at a worse time for Strop. "Call your next witness."

This was it. Strop was backed up as far against the wall that he could go. And he still wasn't here yet. There was only one thing he could do now, and that was to make the call and hope, against all hopes, that he could somehow transmigrate through walls or was disguised as somebody else.

"The defence would like to call upon-"

Suddenly the doors to the courtroom burst open, blowing the two posted guards away. Everybody gasped, turning to the back, to see a tall, raggedy silhouette filling the doorway.

Leon McAcid, seven feet of towering gnoll, strode up the aisle in the center of the gallery, amid dead silence. A baby started crying, the noise echoing through the room, and everybody else tensed up. Leon whipped around, shooting the baby a withering glare.

The baby shut up.

"Is this your next witness, Moderator Strop?" Justice Moe asked.

"I shot Chill the Grandmaster of George!" Leon McAcid barked without waiting for Strop. He strode all the way to the pile of prosecutors, still huddled on the floor, and glowered at them. "What'cha gonna do, cry about it?"

Strop almost fainted on the spot, his life flashing before his eyes. Well, not really his life, but the brief few seconds in which he had spoken to Leon about this day in court.

"As you may know," he had said, "I have to appear in court on charges of attempting to murder Chill. A matter you are likely familiar with."

Leon had bared his teeth, probably in mirth.

"And it's going to be a real problem for the tournament if I'm found guilty and get sent to prison for it, you understand?"

Still baring his teeth, Leon had replied: "Oh, prison's not all that bad. Just don't drop the loofah. And if you do drop the loofah, remember, always lift with your knees."

And ever since then, Strop's stomach had been churning with the uncertainty of whether Leon had even understood what he had just requested of him. But evidently he had, seeing as he was announcing the real culprit of this mess for all and sundry.

"Are you willing to restate that for the record, Leon McAcid?" Justice Moe asked.

Leon scratched his head. "I'm not overly familiar with the court system of this place. Are there takesy-backsies?" He then let loose a madcap hyena laugh, causing the prosecution, and at least the front half of the gallery, to shrink back.

"No. There are not." Justice Moe informed him.

"Then let it be stated for the record that, uh..." Leon wrinkled his brow in thought, "That my evil twin brother, Skippy, did it!" Turning to Strop, he winked, "Don't wanna get kicked out of the tournament now, do I?" Strop said nothing.

Needless to say, Justice Moe was unimpressed. "Leon McAcid, does your twin-brother happen to also have a left foot that belongs to a female striped Gnoll? I find this to be highly improbable."

"YOU'RE DESPICABLE!" Leon shouted, leaping into the front benches of the gallery amid cries of horror. "THIS IS RACIAL DISCRIMINATION!" He then drew a nasty-looking knife from his belt and waved it around, eliciting more cries of horror, then snatched up several bystanders sitting in the benches, eliciting even more cries of horror. Leon then realised that the cries of horror were corresponding with his actions, so he then decided he would swing his new hostages around like he was conducting some bizarre orchestra of screams.

Almost too late, Leon noticed something large, white and metallic hurtling towards him. It was Flipski, who had recovered from his massive discharge just minutes earlier. "Well, it's been fun, see ya!" Leon quickly called out, bounding over the benches just as Flipski crashed into them. He then scrambled up the wall and jumped through the nearest window. Flipski's hot pursuit was sharply truncated by the fact his cannon arm did not fit through the window, and he wedged fast, causing spider cracks to appear in the brickwork all around the window frame.

"That's coming out of your salary," Justice Moe remarked, before adding, "And Moderator Strop, you're right. This case is a complete farce. It's clear to me that this case purported to be about restoring justice but the aim and means to do so were instead themselves a series of perversions of justice. It should never have come this far, therefore I am throwing it out and recommending an independent review of user-based secret societies. Case dismissed." Flipski banged the counter (very lightly, this time), thus sealing the judgement officially.

Strop boggled. "You gave me a hard time all day to make a judgement that you were originally going to make anyway?"

"Hey," Moe reminded Strop, "Justice in civilised society is all about observing due process. And you should be happy. You're free to go."

"Oh yeah," Strop realised. "In that case, TAKE THIS YOU STUPID CASE" he picked up his suitcase, threw it in the air, and kicked it with all his might. Predictably, it blew apart into a million pieces. At the same time, some more sheets of paper spilled out and fluttered to the ground.

It was at this point that Strop realised that the sheets were coming out of a hitherto undiscovered part of the briefcase. And that these sheets actually had writing on them. Cen's characteristic handwriting. He picked up a sheet and started reading.

"...these are the real notes I have compiled for you, if you use them, you should have a good chance of winning the case..."

Strop's utterances over the next two minutes had to be completely expunged by the court sternographer.

4,196 posts

Wooo...Strop won...

A nice segment Strop...definitely worth the wait.

And I O.O'd at the devilStrip. And Lol'd at the Strop-on, good to see it finally coming to use...

Hmm...Bumrash pikachu? :P

5,642 posts

When the strop on was having a meltdown I could think of no other image than the strop on wiggling around with it's arms flailing yelling this. All the meanwhile strop is scared to crap about it. A great entry and I'm amazed that it managed to make court interesting.

Allthroughout Strop was geniunely boned up the butt with his own strop-on, but eeeevrything went back to normal, thankfully.


10,816 posts

Okay guys, I can tell you now, there is one more update before the beginning of the final round.

Apart from Xzeno and Crimsonblade, I need a roll call of people who are still involved. Spread the word among the other participants!

5,642 posts

Wait, aren't I invited?


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