ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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3,086 posts

I meant organizing.

I'm going to go slit my wrists in the corner now.

Aim for the veins =D
13,657 posts

"rolling along and waiting for people to do their stuff but they didn't and he wrote himself in a corner so he is just screwed now"?

'Waiting for people to finish all their entry and fix them and what not, since the deadline was a week ago, but no one seems to take that really seriously because they have stuff like homework or NaNo to do, when they fail to realize that writing an entry would also count towards the 50.000 words if they just made the character write it, and that this is also a kind of homework, especially since not getting the entry done soon will result in a humiliating and/or painful end to your character in whatever way Strop sees fit, because we are already a week into November, and this should be resolved now.
However, he had his last day at med school this Friday, and was not online yesterday, so has either been partying really hard, or just decided the WoM and I was not worth getting online for, at all.'
3,086 posts

he had his last day at med school this Friday

Good excuse
5,642 posts

Waiting for people to finish all their entry and fix them and what not, since the deadline was a week ago, but no one seems to take that really seriously because they have stuff like homework or NaNo to do, when they fail to realize that writing an entry would also count towards the 50.000 words if they just made the character write it, and that this is also a kind of homework, especially since not getting the entry done soon will result in a humiliating and/or painful end to your character in whatever way Strop sees fit, because we are already a week into November, and this should be resolved now.

I did give you my revision, you know.
3,086 posts

Come to think of it, All the mods are quiet. Random chance?

4,196 posts


Yea, my thing is actually almost done and yeaaa...

2,301 posts

Random chance?
Armor Games.

I finished my entry. Awaiting reply.
5,642 posts

Come to think of it, All the mods are quiet. Random chance?

This is the time to bring up the "count to 100!" thread, and whenever a mod posts you have to tell them to go to the WoM and get some sh*t straight!
4,536 posts

alright, cool. I got Strop's permission, so I'll just put this here then.
I was finished. End of the journey. Beaten by a kid. Reduced to beating up jerks in a local bar and screaming and breaking stuff like a madman. I'd been through so much. I had narrowly avoided being pummeled and destroyed Armorland's most expensive real estate district in the process. I'd sped through a death trap obstacle course and defied the tunamancer, just barely making it out. I'd rhymed my way through a rap battle. Chrissakes,I was a woman. One with a great rack, mind you. And I lost.
I lost to a kid. A demented, twisted kid, but still, a kid.
But, you know, I loved every second of it. From the twisted self-attraction-that-still-managed-to-be-somehow-straight while I was a woman to the many, many, many near death experiences. But oh maaaan I loved it.
Of course, I had... well, thrashed the tavern. It was all pretty funny actually, I was such a bad-***. They called me "Manta Man" 'cause of how manly I am, no one could touch me! But... tavern-thrashing is still bad. And I was punished for it. By Strop. I missed Sorority Sisters because I had to show up at Strop's freakin' court case because he shot Chill. Well not really, but you know what happened. But my time on the stand was up (TAKE THAT, I would like to have said to Strop, pointing my finger at nothing in particular and slamming my fists onto the stand. But I'm pretty sure he didn't want me to talk again at all.) and the final round was fast approaching.
I was on my way home to see my friends and family again, once more before I went to watch the finals. I trudged through the wilderness, back to Armorlake.
But I heard this crunch, crunch over to my left, through some trees. I peered through. and what I saw... was horrifying.
"Oh great, newf*gs!"
But these were no ordinary newbies. They traveled in a pack, armed with torches, spears, swords,... raid weapons.
But they heard me. Even I knew better than to take on a horde of raiders. Well, a horde that big. I ducked into the bushes. They stopped for a while, but moved on. "Chyeah! Manta: master of stealth" I whispered.
The raiders were headed towards the main gate of Armorcity. But even I couldn't take them alone. I'd have to gather help... but could I panic the Armorites? Probably. No doubt I already had. Either way, I was already too far from the gate to turn back and warn everyone. I'd need help holding them off while someone warned them.
And so it came to me.
"The fishpeople!"
The raiders stopped in their tracks. I clasped my hands over my mouth and stood very still. They moved on again. They were clearly very stupid.
"I've gotta tell them..." And so I ran ever faster towards home.

13,657 posts

I wonder when I will start counting as a mod.

Anyway, Thoad, you said you had sent something like... the day before yesterday? Haven't gotten anything at that time.

3,086 posts

Cenere, how did the moderators manage to synchronize their inactivity today/night?

13,657 posts

Cenere, how did the moderators manage to synchronize their inactivity today/night?

We don't. We all just happen to have real life issues. Strop is in exam mode (as to what he stated in his about), which will last till... Tuesday evening. Then he will be active a bit again. I have exams too, which means I am not very active either. I don't know about the rest of the usually active mods, but I am guessing they have some real life.... to live as well.

So, this means that Strop will come going "Chopchopchop" to you all around Wednesday next week, possibly setting off the next series of events which will need some entering, I guess, where the deadline is set Friday or Saturday, as he really wants to be done.
Then he will wonder about all the other contestants who doesn't seem to be replying much anyway, even if this is more or less the last ever chance they will get for some heroic action in this tournament.
Then he will put up the last few scenes that will end this, or at least end people's participation (more or less, there might be some responding from the last few active contestants, we might never know), then there will be resolutions, heavenly cheers and a epilogue. Possibly credits and bloopers some time after that.
And them possibly a series and a game, or something similar.

But for now, the only issues are to finish strong on what you have, and make sure to have all the material you need for your entry, not counting on Strop to do any of it.

And my wondering still stands.
5,642 posts

Anyway, Thoad, you said you had sent something like... the day before yesterday? Haven't gotten anything at that time.

ask strop. I had a field night with him critisizing my entry. I gave the revision'd entry a while ago, but Strop never got back to me on whether or not it was acceptable.
3,086 posts

Just so I make sense:
I've been sick for a week now, and AG is one of the only things i'm doing. I am just very bored so AG right now is my anti boredom corner. Wish I could get back to real life. That may hopefully convey why I asked.

1,828 posts

just wondering if it was too late to tell ya'll about something my character is planning, all i got to say is "No Shave November" though I'm more then a week late I have to give ya'll a chance to try and grow beards...that is your characters, you got till the last day of November and I might reward the best would help to progressively show your character is growing a beard through out the rounds in November.

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