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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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2,770 posts

Anyway, care to take it somewhere else?

Continuing immature quasi-flamewar "somewhere else" as per Cen's instructions.
Anyway, I thought that Strop was a professional doctor and didn't know you were a writer. You should be more open to criticism. If you want some, I'd be happy to supply.
I'd also like to point out that I did in fact get the Freemason joke.
-Posted by xzeno, on my profile

Hey Cen, I don't really care for talking on my profile because
A) I hate profile.
B) I am against the dumb comment system in the first place.

So I will reply here. :0)

Anyways, XZeno, Strop is a doctor, but his writing skills are incredible. And I am not a professional writer, just me and Strop are pretty much better than any room of monkeys with typewriters will ever be. Anyways, I don't need your criticism, I am happy with our quality writing. Just because kids don't get high caliber jokes that are inlaid into the writing, doesn't make it less than pro.

What's up Cen.
10,816 posts

I look at this thread for the first time this week and whoa wtf. Let me answer the stuff on page 260 first:

Well the only one I'm really concerned about is what type of booby traps are in Turbulent Tunnel, but as I looked at it a bit better I have a better idea of what is required.

Anything you can think up, as long as it fits in a tunnel. Let's just assume Moe made it the tunnel of utter doom.

Two things you KNOW are in there are false panels in the floor, so anybody who isn't wary AND agile will fall into the moat, and a lot of sliding doors.

Strop! I am offended! You didn't give me an Idiot score!

I didn't give any cameo characters an idiot score because they were solely based on the Dodgeball test.
10,816 posts

I would have to disagree with the analysis that any of the victestants are idiots, but maybe I'm being to literal.

I assume that none of the victestants have an IQ of under 20 (the original formal definition of idiot), so yes, you were being too literal.

In the spirit of modern cartoons, however, "idiot score" here means "index of propensity to doing dangerous, inappropriate or dangerously inappropriate things." Strop's idiot score here is for the purposes of the WoM only.

Are my 5 idiot points for insulting you crown strop?

Yes. Also, because you got cocky while perfoming suboptimally.
10,816 posts

DMing is a lot of work. Ask Strop. Actually, DMing D&D is very different from GMing the WoM, I think.

Yeah, I can't really saying this is DMing, because it's not a dungeon-type game. GM seems vaguer and slightly more appropriate. Other terms include "storyhost" or, if you wanna get jiggy wit' it, "master of ceremonies" hahahaha.

Okay, I'm taking the piss now. But the serious note was that I've never played any D&D (ask Xzeno) in my life, nor anything resembling it. The most "formal RPG" I've ever gotten was freeform text with some parsing code.
10,816 posts

Now onto page 263, where the drama unfolds...

I was implying that while you may have spent a long time on your entries, they weren't very good.

Not to drag it up again but lololol that's technically more insulting to me than it is to Klaus, because...

that's why I force him to write my entries

Yeah. I'm doing the actual writing of Klaus' entries. I'll take the opportunity to inform you that this is NOT a game and more of a multi-collaborative process in which I'm merely a co-ordinator. More detail on the exact nature of the writing process to follow.

We must all recognize that we are fairly amateur (unless someone here is a professional writer) and none of us can expect to be great.

This requires a few premises, most of which are dodgy:

1) You believe you are either the best writer in the thread or are somehow the most qualified to make an assessment on everybody's writing skills.

2) You believe there's an objectively superior sense of humour in writing or else that everybody should hold have the same tastes in writing.

I criticise this argument primarily for the purpose of forwarding what I believe the scope of judgements on good writing should be: form and structure. Tastes differ and this tournament specifically promotes the (multimedia) individual expression of self. One is entitled to hold an opinion on whether an entry is good or not but keep in mind that I don't give a rat's a** for the purposes of the WoM: the majority of the content will eventually become a series of in-jokes that select groups will get and the rest probably won't, and I'm here to make the most of what everybody has to offer.

In future, to avoid overstepping the mark, I would suggest sticking to "I liked" or "I didn't like" as opposed to "This is good" and "This is bad". As one person, you certainly don't speak for everybody here, Xzeno. Nobody does.

On a personal note, I'm not a writer by profession but I am published (nothing hugely major mind you) across a range of genres AND forms of content, both prose and music. Anyway, I do keep practiced: I write an opinion piece on the current news almost daily. And the novel is now undergoing its second revision. I note NaNoWriMo 09 is coming up... and it is tempting... but my first priority is to the WoM. Which is a pity, because after 2 years of on-and-off, I'm finally confident that my plot and characters are now convincing.

In short, I'm not going to be modest. I decided to give this project a burl because I was sure I could do it because I think I'm a good writer (and by "writer" in this case, I mean "can craft a big story", but I also mean in the other senses.) There. I said it. I think I'm a good writer, but that doesn't mean everybody's going to get what I wrote with Klaus. By the sudden jump in inappropriateness in my writing between that and my main storylines, it should be obvious that's more a "just between the two of us this makes me rofl" thing, because I know him and he knows me and together we're like an avalanche.
10,816 posts

Oh yeah, and I'm back. I'm not taking back the main-GM role yet though, because I'm too tired to chase up entries and I haven't even said a hi to Cen, so we can't do a handover.

31 posts

Sent in my entry.

13,657 posts

By waiting I don't mean don't write anything down! I just mean read over it and say "what else could I do, or how could I rephrase this for added inlaid humor." But being a Dane, you are doing a really good job and I applaud your work.

I usually work with the instinct. I cannot remember if I have ever worked over a story of mine, but on the other hand I hardly ever finish any of my stories if they have more than one chapter.
But well... Idk....

What's up Cen.

*tired facepalm* Whatever....
2,770 posts

if you wanna get jiggy wit' it

I don't think anyone wants to get jiggy with you. Unless it's Banjo or Kazooie, they are all about jiggys.

I usually work with the instinct. I cannot remember if I have ever worked over a story of mine, but on the other hand I hardly ever finish any of my stories if they have more than one chapter.
But well... Idk....

Lol, your stories are highly appropriate to your personality, so I think you are on the right track!

*tired facepalm* Whatever....

You are aware that deep down I love everyone on the forum equally right. ._.
1,252 posts

Yes. Also, because you got cocky while perfoming suboptimally.

Suboptimally...Congratz Strop, your the first person on AG that's used a word I had to break up into word parts to understand. But actually responding to that, when Vise's evil is weak his true self shows and it usually results in hilarious embarrassments.
2,917 posts

Strop, could you just tell me what some of the booby traps would be?

10,816 posts

I've decided to detail "the tunnel" a little more since I think nearly everybody is struggling with that part.

Gimme a few hours!

2,917 posts

Yes, because my fish can only handle so much.

10,816 posts

lolwhut, okay I guess I'll see where that goes.

I've got the story arcs sorted out for the next chapter, but I just have to draw the comics now. I know I've been pretty relaxed about the deadlines up to now because I knew my rural rotation would stuff me up, but we're now getting to the absolutely time-critical point where if, after this round, we don't run ship-shape, we won't finish by Christmas.

I'd very much like for this not to happen, so I anticipate this round will finish within the next few days (i.e. as soon as I post the explanation of the tunnel, I expect you to jump to it!), and after that, if too many people get delayed, I will have to either move the plot by my own steam or put the WoM on hiatus until a more convenient time.

10,816 posts

Okay, as promised, here's a very basic concept for the tunnel.

The top bit shows you that the tunnel is a square cross section except, just like the twisty corkscrew thing at the start, this is a bit like an escher's maze. You won't be able to recognize which way is up and it's just a bit crazy.

The bottom shows you that you can expect to encounter traditional booby traps. I leave much of it up to your imagination, it's so chaotic continuity between entries isn't a must.

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