Thanks, Strop.
You're welcome.
I sort-of see what Xzeno's point was- it's not that nothing
bad happened, it's that the player interaction ended up feeling limited. Seeing as the nearer end of the MWT, there was (what seemed to be) a huge chunk of action that had no input from the players. Though to be completely honest it only seemed this way because there was such a long delay in getting it written :P It really wasn't that much, and to be completely honest I don't think this is a result of Cenere's shortcomings because how is one supposed to write individually how you deal with stuff as a group? Give people group assignments? Delegate individual tasks? That defeats the purpose!
I thought about how this might be addressed so I'll give you the following points:
1) This is set in the AG-verse of which there should be slightly more common knowledge of how things work. So there's more room for character involvement.
2) I'm relatively flexible as I'm going to adapt this however I want later on anyway.
3) You'll have to just wait and see how the plot unfolds to see what you'll end up doing!
So in short, don't
you worry about what
I'm doing. Worry about whether you're going to be able to handle your own character. After all, this, in essence, is an
audition, and places are limited.