It's a similar method to the one I use to weed out pathological liars on this site.
Water boarding? oh wait no thats Bush....Mind Reading? No wait thats Matt Parkman from Heroes....put them in the same room as Bill O'Reilly for 5 minutes?....I don't think anyone else does that, and if not that then I am just going to guess using your ninja skills or threatening them with your ban hammer.
That's only after I've already confirmed my suspicions, Cenere-of-poor-discretion! Evidently nobody gets it. Good. Because if you did get it, there wouldn't be a point in running Way of Moderation now, would there? :3
Astound us then PonyBoy....
Wait I thought you have an exam today....why are you still online?
Hm, everybody's taking a week off huh? Well in that case I'll post the opening chapter and task on the 16th as planned but the round may end up being slightly extended! Seeing as it's so many of you, I'll just have to wait and see what happens by the original deadline. short, the original deadline for the end of round one will still be 30th July.