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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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3,562 posts

*Puts on highway man mask and assimilates within the new recruits*

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I have to keep an eye on this thread.

4,536 posts

Goumas! Post the Horatio picture!

His gaze makes me want to confess to every bad thing I've ever done. T_T

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Goumas! Post the Horatio picture!
The classic one:
A new one:
p.s. I have an album with only photos of myself (Horatio) with zeh look.

1,707 posts

So are you saying you will open it sometime later today?

10,816 posts

Okay guys. It's here. As promised, it is now the 16th of July, and I am going to open the Way of Moderation.


Before I do this, I have reposted the character sketches. They can be found here. If you want to see them all in one place, see them here.

That's it for this post. Next post will establish the ground rules of the competition!

10,816 posts

Okay, let's do this thing.

I welcome you to The Way of Moderation! We have over 30 player characters here, which is a big number for an original character tournament. By now you will hopefully all know what is involved and how it's going to be run. But maybe this is big and confusing and you need a little direction (I know I do with my coursework!) So to help you out, I'm writing here a definitive list of:


* I'm the host and creator. Cenere is co-host. Since my work is getting busy again, I will only be here on the weekend. So most of the time Cenere will be the one to approach...and if Cenere needs urgent help, Cenere'll contact me.

* That said, keep in your address book. You may be sent specific instructions from there if told to do so in this thread. You should also direct ALL your WoM posts there until we notify you, via that email, that you can post the submissions here, which makes it official.

* Because this is a Moderator themed tournament, there's a little sneaky extra clause I'm putting in here: if any of the users participating are banned, they are automatically disqualified from the tournament. This is strictly a real life -> fiction does not work the other way around i.e. misconduct of the characters themselves does not result in a real ban.

* That said, remember that the WoM world is a metaphor for the AG community. Therefore there are a few parallels...there is such thing as spam and flame. Slinging these things around in the fiction will elicit a response from the moderator characters as doing so in the forums will from the moderators themselves. If you unlawfully harm or kill a contestant in your fiction, if your version is used it will result in your character being banned (in fiction). Your character being banned is also grounds for disqualification from the WoM tournament itself.

* But don't fret- sometimes one's truer goals are best indirectly achieved...if your character is DQ'ed from the tourney, we may ask you if you wish to remain involved in other plots that directly interact with the WoM. Again, check your emails if this happens.

* The schedule of the WoM will be as follows: Start of round -> one/two weeks elapse (depending on how much is involved) -> deadline expires. Those who have not submitted may appeal against disqualification. -> Another week elapses -> New round released, and deadline set.

* I may give you group assignments by pairing some of you to work together on tackling a subplot. I will endeavour to match people who can actually contact each other but sometimes the temptation to make your lives hell will be too great to resist >:3 In these cases you may either work together and make one submission, or work separately and make two...but in the latter case I will take extreme liberty!

(psst, Cenere, if there's anything you want to say at this point, I'll let you make amendments, since I didn't exactly consult you on some of these points :P)

Okay that should do. I will summarise in a nutshell:

* What I say goes. What Cenere says goes. I'm only here weekends. Feel free to ask if you're not sure about something.

* Official material only in this thread. All draft submissions and questions to go to

* If you the user are banned, you are eliminated from the WoM.

* Don't kill the other contestants. That can get you banned too.

* Getting your character banned/eliminated isn't necessarily the end of the road.

* Deadlines are strict. You get a week or two, I get a week.

* Group assignments are on the cards. I will explain when we get around to them.

That's all I can think of now. I shall post the opening chapter in a coupla hours.

13,657 posts

Oh yes:
Is is mainly RL time (AG) to fiction time. This means there will be mentions of weather and so, and as some of these rounds take 1-2 weeks rl, it will take such time in the WoM as well.
There is a condition, though, and as this is Strop's fiction, he will determine things as weather, and possible other things relevant.
The length of this might go on till winter.

Also: Implementing details that will work together with the other submissions is great, and will earn at least a little approvement from here.
How you will do this is up to you, but working together might help a tad. We will never know:P

1,973 posts


And here was I, so pumped thinking we were going to get our first assignment.

10,816 posts

Oh god Esteltree, have some patience! xD

At the bottom of this post lies your first assignment! You other moderators are welcome to do your own as well...after all you ARE part of the tournament...

But's story time.

Part 1: The Invitation

From the skies, the leaflets rained. Posters were stuck on the wall for all and sundry to see. Crowds flocked and chattered amongst themselves, all those users with those secret desires finding a new glimmer of hope, speculating and perhaps fantasising. There was a buzz of excitement in the air.

"Che-" Nemo spat as he plastered up another poster in the recesses of a dark alleyway (of all places), "There they all go, getting worked up because they think they'd make a good mod."

Ubertuna flopped next to him, leaving a trail of water that must have been dripping from some indeterminate location beneath his robes. "This mightn't seem like the best idea," he grated, "But I'm sure we could have some real fun with it."

Nemo tugged on the ear of his wolfskin cape nonchalantly. "Do I smell rotting fish?"

Ubertuna cringed and seemingly shrivelled up inside his cape: "That hurt my feelings..."

Nemo turned and flung a wad of posters in Ubertuna's face: "Then quit moping around and get back to work, otherwise go back to your moat!"

Ubertuna completely shrivelled up, then suddenly turned and flopped as fast as his fin-feet could take him, bawling.

"And say hello to your shark buddies for me too!" Muttering, Nemo turned back to the poster he was plastering. The top corner had somehow peeled off again, stubbornly refusing to stick to the wall. "Zophia drew out the posters. Dank's in charge of the ampitheater. And Strop and Carlie are both planning out the tournament as we speak. And here I am... poster duty. Why? Because it suits my way of life...tssk."

Just then, a giant tail swung around and dislodged the corner of the poster again. Nemo looked up, ready to spray the culprit with vitriol, to find a dragon head hovering so close to him the red goatee hairs were scratching his nose.

"Why so serious?" Devoidless quipped, engulfing Nemo with puffs of smoke. "Like the scaly manfish said, we could be having fun with this..."

Without another word, they disappeared down the alleyway, the poster stuck to the wall the only evidence of their presence.


* This is STILL a work of fiction. Nothing to do with being made mod or not!

* All characters used with permission.

* That is not an accurate portrait of Carlie, but I'm in a hurry.

* Zophia didn't design that poster, I did. If Zophia had done it I suspect it would look better.

Okay, and now...HERE IS YOUR ASSIGNMENT!!!!!

Task: A Day In the Life Of-

Portray your character's preparation and journey from wherever they might be to the Ampitheatre.

This is your opportunity to introduce your character. You can write as much or as little as you like, though more is better as I need to have some idea as to how to treat your character in as satisfactory a manner as possible. However there is a limit- the earliest point you can write from is from when your character hears of this WoM tourney.

Deadline: 30th July, 2009. The next round will begin on 6th August, 2009 as shown on the poster.

But that's not all! I have a few perks and features for you guys:

1) First In Best Dressed: the first person to submit their story (to a quality within reason) will be the first character introduced in the next part.

2) Moderator's Pet: the best entry (as decided by me) will get the most detail in the next part.

3) Last One There Is A Rotten Egg: the character of last draft to be submitted will suffer some form of in-game humiliation >

And that's that. HAVE AT IT!

...but remember. Drafts to be submitted to Not here.

2,581 posts

Aww, this is great. I'm so bookmarking this.

P.S. The picture of Carlie is a little creepy... Great jorb though.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I am really Horatio, I had wrote a story about my character's life some days ago when I was bored so I will send it only with some changes, if it's not Ok I will remake it, I am in a writing mood these days.

13,657 posts

I am really Horatio, I had wrote a story about my character's life some days ago when I was bored so I will send it only with some changes, if it's not Ok I will remake it, I am in a writing mood these days.

Did that have anything to do with the round?
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Did that have anything to do with the round?

It's about 40% right, has only a little mistake here:
However there is a limit- the earliest point you can write from is from when your character hears of this WoM tourney.

I started a bit earlier, sorry, so don't consider that part, it does not exist, though it does.
10,816 posts

lol the resemblance is creepy. I hope for your sake that Goumas the Alchemist doesn't make corny one-liners about dead people.

Just make sure it starts around the point where he finds out about the WoM (or at least includes it) and it'll be cool.

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