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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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4,196 posts

Nice Strop. And Cen.

I can't wait! This is all going to be SO MUCH FUNNNNN!!!!!

LOL ^_____________________^

4,375 posts

Word pad....right.

Round one - invitaion. Flipper and snelly.

"Fish!!!!!!!!!!!!" Flipper dived head long into a pile of tuna. However, it wasn't his, or Snelly's.
"Hello man! What are you doing? Have you gone mad? Would you get out of my tuna!" The fisher man branded his butcher knife, holding it over his head running at flipper.

SWOOP! Snelly swooped down grasping flipper and throwing him onto her back,
"what do you think your doing!!! You almost got your self killed"
"But...but...but He had fishy!!!!"
"O dear, what will we do with you......You know whatâs funny, youâre a bird but can't fly! AHAHAHHAH!!!!!!"
âYou know that hurts.â
âBut itâs just soooo funny. I mean, even planes can fly. Those things are like a billon and a half tons!!â
âFine, then i âm just gonna sing. Sing your favorite.â
âI hate that song, and you know it
âIâm sailing awayyyyyyyyyâ
âstop, you canât even hit those notes.â
âSet an open course, for the virgin seaâ
âI smell fish. Letâs go to the city.â
âCause Iâve got to be freeâ

Just then a flyer smacked her dead in the face.


They started spinning to the ground, smelly not realizing the danger was screaming in excitement. They hit the ground. Hard.

âIs thatâ¦.fish?â Flipper snapped awake, fully alert. He sniffed the air, looking from side to side. I wuv fish!!!!â

He started poking Snelly
âwake up! I smell fishâ¦â

She stirredâ¦âFlipper, get this off my face!â
He grabbed it, and pealed it off her face.
âWhat is this thing?â flipper ask, forgetting the fish for the time being.
âThe way of moderationâ¦â¦Itâs a new Moderator contest!
âIs there fish there?â
âMaybe, but who cares! We could be Moderators! Finally get to sit with them, meet Carlie, get strop out of the freezer.â
âHow can you not care about fish?â
âCome on, lets go.â
âWe donât even know were it is weâre going.â
âSilly Billy, I know! Itâs just overâ¦.well we will find it.â

âSnelly, do you think our parents cared about us?ââ
âOf course, what kind of silly question is that?â
âWell we were both abandoned. We just have each other.â
âOur parents had there reasons Iâm sure.â
âsign says to go left.â
âI meanâ¦â
âOther left.â
âO, right, Well Your parents probably didnât want to leave you. And Iâm sure mine couldnât keep me. After all there is only three giant butterflyâs in the world.â
âI want to see my parents again. Iâm gonna win this tournament, Then, Moderate the ice lands, and find them.â
âWell, better hold that thought, its right up aheadâ¦â

See if this works. So much fail....

1,252 posts

*bumps into Pazx* What? Oh hello. Welcome to my little piece of the world. *evil grin* *punches Vise in the face* Your not here your participating in the trials! Sorry about that...nice might want to check it for itching powder.

1,707 posts

Wow that's a lot of symbols!

2,053 posts

Yesh! The dude we're staying with has a computer! I can- Oh wait... The deadline already passed... Oh well. You can use Frank for whatever role you wish him to play! I don't really care what happens to him, as long as he doesn't end up dead.

1,707 posts

You can use Frank for whatever role you wish him to play! I don't really care what happens to him, as long as he doesn't end up dead.

hmmm, i wonder...
1,667 posts

Writers block ftw.

The Invitation
Well it was the day, the very thing that had been repeated in his ear over and over. Sadly, El Cholo had become very prepared for it too soon. He had all his supplies put away in a special spot, to keep it safe. And it was safe, tucked away waiting. But One night Cholo had become flustered over one of Georges blunders, and threw a tantrum. He went through getting rid of anything and everything that could be bad to him. In his blind rage, Cholo had accidentally threw out all of his supplies. Now, waking up three hours before the start of the tournament, he had nothing. Nothing. There wasn't enough time to put together the supplies he once had, so what did he do? He did the only thing he could do best. Nothing.

George walked up behind Cholo as the two stared out the window, what a depressing day. Such high hopes yet, nothing to pay off for their hard work. Cholo learn his back against the window looking back into the house, noticing something in the corner. It was a bag, the one he had kept one of his necessary items in. Walking over to it, his day was slightly lifted to the point of moderate acceptability, maybe it wasn't a complete loss. He picked it up and swiftly tucked it away, turning back to George. The two sighed. They walked to the window once more, looking into the distance, focusing on the building that was the amphitheater. Cholo put his hand up onto the window and rested his forehead onto his arm. The depression was still sinking in.

George turned around and went to walk to the door. He sneezed and slipped on a ball, faceplanting onto the ground. The ball shot out from under him with an alarming speed, shattering the window Cholo was leaning up against. Before he could do anything, Cholo was plummeting towards the ground at a ridiculous speed, and then he hit it. But he was fine, the window was at ground level, and only a 4 foot drop. He stood up and threw a carrot that he found at George. It hit him right in between the eyes. George shook his head and has an expression on his face that read;
"A carrot?! Wtf?!"

Cholo let out a little snicker, and sat down with his back to the house. He dazed off, looking up into the sky. Imagining what the competition would be like. Maybe a giant spaghetti monster would need to be warded off, or even the dreaded goat of the seas would need to be banished. Who knows, all he could think about was how much work it would be, and if he really wanted to do it. It would be a lot of work. And if he won, that would be even more work. He would have to watch his words, and even be nice to the idiots. Eh, it didn't sound worth it. But for some reason he still wanted it. George walked over to him and nudged him. Silently, Cholo knew what George wanted. So he stood up, and they set off for the amphitheater.

George broke into a sprint, nearly sending Cholo head over heals off his back. But he clung on for dear life. They came to the construction zone, at a dead sprint, they meat a downward slope. George decided that it would be more efficient to fly over it, so he leaped up into the air and started flapping his wings. They weren't going up. Cholo dared not look down, but he did anyway. George was struggling, flapping his wings at a speed only a hummingbird could achieve. It didn't matter.

They smashed into the ground, sliding to a halt. Cholo stood up and looked at George, he couldn't bare it.
"What are you?! You should be able to fly! Ducks fly! You tamed bred. YOU EMU!" he shouted

George was appalled. He walked over to George, face to face, he replied "You rat." And extended his wing right across Cholos face. Then broke into a dead sprint. Cholo tried to catch up, but he couldnt, so he reached into his pocket, feeling for something to throw, he found it. He chucked the carrot at George, pelting him in the back of the head. George looked at Cholo, as he did this he tripped over a log, sending him into a barrel role. He hit the ground and slid to a halt, allowing Cholo to hop back on. He tied himself to Georges back to make sure he wouldn't fall off again. George was not very happy about this.

The two continued their way to the amphitheater, they walked up over the hill, and gazed at the crowd. This, will be interesting.

1,707 posts

lol that's pretty funny!

10,816 posts

You can use Frank for whatever role you wish him to play! I don't really care what happens to him, as long as he doesn't end up dead.

Of course not, I just have the most awesome entry in my mind for him. And yes, since the deadline has passed, he is gonna be late.
10,816 posts

Also, I'm going to not work on WoM for tonight, because I just spent the afternoon being a paintball meatshield and am ****ing wiped.

6,921 posts

So Strop... Erm.... Were you going to write for me?

2,053 posts

And yes, since the deadline has passed, he is gonna be late.

That's fine.

because I just spent the afternoon being a paintball meatshield

Sounds like fun! Did your team win?
1,356 posts

I just thought..

Sholdnt this be stickied lol?

I Cant wait till the 6th =)

6,921 posts

I hope he won! It would be awesome to have a happy Strop!

5,838 posts

I just spent the afternoon being a paintball meatshield and am ****ing wiped.

I got shot in the neck first I went. Head to toe body armour, gloves and a helmet etc. And my mate somehow found the one part that wasn't covered... it looked like I had a love-bite for about a year.
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