ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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Thoad awoke from yet another nightmare. Whenever he tried to sleep he was constantly reminded on how he had lost. False memories of armorgames users laughing at him as he lay unconscious on the floor haunted his dreams. The light from his broom closet porthole came into the world again. Thoad felt his sorrow once more and put his hand on his forehead.

âYou know, you actually did good out there,â said a nurse who came to check on Thoadâs IV. âI know that Iâm just a faceless user to you,â She looked up and smiled at Thoad. A girl on the internet? On Armorgames of all places? Absurd. Her face was cute, it had dimples and was fairly pale in the face. Her hair was of a dark brown, slightly more brown than Thoadâs. Her eyes were a warm hazel and her voice swam through the air in a graceful and beautiful fashion. To be complimented from such a beauty was an honor to Thoad.

Then Thoadâs sense of ârealityâ came back to him. âYouâre kidding, right? I lost. I lost. That was my only-" he was cut off by the lady.

âThat doesnât matter. Think of what youâve done. Think of your handicaps. Youâre inexperienced and fairly scrawny, yet with wit and with enthusiasm, you got to the semi-freaking-finals. Most people were eliminated in the very first round.â She started strong, but after she said âfreakingâ she became a little bit more quiet. Thoad found it apparent

Thoad looked downward, trying to take it all in. He sighed an appreciatively started to say that the nurse had helped him, but was quickly cut off. The nurse anticipated Thoad, thinking that he would protest and say otherwise, being stubborn as he usually is.

âNow you listen here, you should be thankful youâre as good as you are. Believe it or not, I bet you could be a mod, if you really set your mind to it, and became more mature-" This time, she was cut off by Thoad.

âHey, I got the message. Youâre right, I should be impressed by what Iâve done so far. Iâm not being thankful to myself enough, Iâm sorry,â Thoad said in defeat to the nurse. An awkward silence fell over the small broom closet that Strop improvised into a care unit. âSo, whatâs your name, lovely nurse?â

âJust call me Rose. Itâs nice to see an AG celebrity. Though not in this conditionâ¦â she told him. Thoad was flattered from the statement, and looked the other way for the time. He couldnât help but to stare at her chest as any horny teenager would do. He tried his best to be polite, but it ended up being in vain. Thankfully she didnât notice.

Then, another nurse, blonde with blue eyes burst into the door, âROSE!â she screamed, âNewGrounders have broken through the gates! They speak of flaming and destruction! What are we to do?â

Nurse Rose stood there and put her delicate hand on her chin. She grumbled, as she wasnât too great in survival situations. Thoad was already up and pulling his I.V. along outside the door. âBarricade all windows, use tables or beds to cover the bulk of them and use some form of sturdy triangle to wedge them in. Iâll gather some suitable tables and beds in order to make a wall for our last stand. Iâll be setting up tripwires and pitfalls in the mean-time. Iâve met NewGrounders before. Theyâre either full of themselves ore theyâre stupid as hell. Or a little of both,â Thoad was caught in his Zombie Survivor Trance mode. Speaking only of possible strategies and what everyone should do, their best weapon provided the situation, etc. Thankfully ArmorHospital was devoid of all life save for 5 nurses, 4 of which were female, and Thoad.

He marked a big red X on the places he wanted pitfalls. The pitfalls were made mostly by him, his sweat poured into his eyes, but he didnât care. The ill zombie slayerâs head-flap had flopped about and slapped at his brains. He tried his best to ignore it as he continued digging with a jerry-rigged shovel made of boards and a mop. The pitfalls werenât deep whatsoever, not any more than 3 feet. But it would be more than enough to stop any floods of AgnryFaices that may invade. The main concern was the front door. The traps were set, Thoadâs eyes were filled with sweat + eyes induced tears, and all the windows had been barricaded in Thoadâs fashion.

âOkay, now I need a ranged weapon. Get me onto the roof and-" Thoad was cut off by Rose. She was starting to annoy him, for whatever reason, Thoad liked it..

âThoad, all of your weapons have no ammo, you need to rest anywa.-â Rose was cut off by Thoad. It was starting to turn into a chain of cutting off.

âBut surely I-" Thoad continued, but was cut off by Rose once more.

âNo, get in your bed. you have to rest.â She told him. She even had the gall to point a finger as she said it. Thoad grudgingly accepted, knowing that if he persisted Rose would have likely been more focused on her nursing duties rather than dodging the imminent flames the Newgrounds Users would bring.

So Thoad sat there in his bed, staring up at the concrete ceiling, waiting for the flames. The NewGroundians should have already gotten there, but the hospital was still as always. Thoad went out to investigate. The 5 nurses were staring at the door, waiting for the moment. Rose noticed Thoad and her nursing alarm went off. Rose ran towards the only awake patient, flailing her arms about.

âI SAID GOTOBED, WEâLL HANDLE IT!!!â Rose yelled. Thoad was tired due to lack of sleep, and didnât respond. Rose continued to flail around and such when a thumping was heard on the ArmorHospital.

âTheyâre here; do you know what to do, Rose?â Thoad wanted to prove his point by using the â****âs hitting the fan and your head is up your assâ tactic. Rose calmed down and stood there. She was still thinking when the front door burst open. A newgroundian burst in, the unlucky sucker to have to take point. The look of it was horrendous. It looked like a mix between trollkin and new***. Itâs constant âdat*ssâ face was green and had horns in places they shouldnât be. Brass piercings in the eyelids, horns on the bottom lip, nothing about it looked right. Oh, and of course the new*** just HAD to have a boner in its pants at all times.

Rose automatically let out an âEWWWWâ, and the other 3 nurses followed suit. Thoad went into Survivor Mode, and told the one male nurse to get something blunt and heavy for Thoad. While he was doing this, the first trap was set off. The (currently unused) water heater swung on a chain towards the front door. The first Newgroundian made an odd noise. It was a mix between âoof!â and a âGRAKLFKALFKLâ. Its body was thrown out the frond door.

A screech of a hundred Newgroundians was to be heard. A horrendous combination of sounds, claws grinding on metal, nails on a chalkboard, screes from octopi, and the sound of a kitten in a blender were heard from the area around the ArmorHospital. Thoad was starting to get a bit ecstatic, almost brave. âSH*T JUST GO REAL, YO!â he yelled, picking up a rock as a temporary weapon.

At least 10 more Newgroundians swarmed through the door. Their gnarling mouths spat bodily liquids all over the floor. The first trap slowed them down a bit- the boiler was in their way- and the second trap was set off. Probably one of the simplest traps in the book had been one of the most effective. The trap was nothing more than a simple metal tripwire. For the weaker newgroundians, the wire had managed to cut off some of their feet, leaving the poor sods writhing in pain and blood on the floor. Luckily, they were in a hospital.

The next trap was set off. They were still a great deal away from the barricaded hall where Thoad and the other nurses was holding out. The third trap was a pitfall. Still only about 3-4 feet deep, it could only keep the weakest inside. The newgroundians who had their feet cut off were starting to recuperate, and crawled away, defeated. The nurses regretted not jumping into the fray to help them, but it was unlikely they were going to die anyway. The pitfall worked in tripping a few of the taller ones, and the smaller newgroundians managed to fall into the pit. Some had the enthusiasm and valor to climb out, but most stayed in and sat defeated. By this time, the male nurse managed to get a big metal rod from a hospital bed to come off. It flew towards Thoad.

The fourth and the fifth traps were pitfalls as well, and were working about as well as the last one. During this time, Thoad was able to think about what heâd do once they got to their current position. Would he fall back? Would he fight them off while the others worked upon barricading a position? There werenât many options for a non-mod. All he could do is incapacitate or divert the flow of the Newgroundians. He scratched his chin. Heâd have to try and divert them for now.

âRose!â Thoad called, for one reason or another, she gave her full attention to him. âGet the rest of the nurses to my quarters, Tell them to barricade themselves in. I am fairly sure they donât really know how to fight,â Thoad turned toward the only male nurse, âDo you know how to fight?â He nodded and didnât say a word. He picked up a few rocks.

Rose crossed her arms and asked in a snide tone, âAnd exactly what makes you think that I can fight?!â

Thoad smiled warmly and told her, âWell, with a physique and face as beautiful as yours, you must have fought off a large amount of suitors.â Rose responded with a scrunched up blushing face. âYour silence is a confirmation,â he looked the other way and started in a mind-debate. The one thing he learned from Newgrounds may have been his savior.

The pitfalls had been filled by the weaker Newgroundians, and only 25 or so of them were left. Or at least, only 25 were in view of Thoad, Rose, and the faceless male nurse. The remaining 25 were even uglier than the rest. Their brass jewelry had been gold, and they wore garbage whistles around their necks. For whatever reason, they constantly had the whistles in their mouths, blowing furiously. There was only a fragment of the human side which was left. It was likely the fake lump that was in their pants.

Finally, the last trap was set off. Thoad wasnât exactly proud of this trap, but it was his best bet on weakening the strongest Newgroundians to a beatable level of troll. It was a custom flame-trap. They were difficult to make in order to affect Newgroundians. Thoad had spent many hours in the forums of Newgrounds, and tried his best not to show it. This flame trap was a horrible construct in which came from those days of sorrow and flaming. Blue flames bursted from the trapâs nozzles, coating the Newgroundians with insults and belittling phrases. Their nails-on-a-chalkboard screeches filled the halls of ArmorHospital.

Thoad used the pole from the bed to smash at the ground, causing a cracked, usable tile to form. Picking it up, Thoad closed his eyes and thought of an insult. The tile became warm to the touch, a simple âYour motherâ would be a decent finisher. The zombie slayer brought the tile behind him, when it suddenly burst into an incredible white flame. The heat was too much, and he dropped it.

âLet me handle the flaming, noobsauce,â Rose said to the zombie slayer. She picked up the tile and chucked it at a Newgroundian. The flame trap was out of insults by now, and they were starting to proceed down the remaining feet of the hall. The tile hit the Newgroundian in the face, and his feelings here hurt beyond any repair. Not even âYouâre the best aroundâ could possibly make him feel better. He cried and ran out the door.

Rose gave a smug smile and said to Thoad, âNow then, donât make me do that to YOUâ The boy with half a head hung his head and got the message. The male nurse seemed to have been the only person with enough sense to actually remember the other four Newgroundians going in on their position.

âGuys, I would appreciate it if you guys STOPPED BEING STUPID, and actually GOT THESE GUYS OUT OF HERE,â the male nurse called to them. He had made his own red-flamed rock, and chucked it at the Newgrounds users. A direct hit to the left leg didnât do much in order to defeat it.

Rose continued to chuck her white-flame rocks at the users, and the male nurse was doing what he could. Thoad was thinking on what to do next. He ducked under a table which he was using as cover. He pushed it onward towards the Newgrounds users, hoping they would be dumb enough not to use their long-ranged flames. The heat of the battle became stronger, and Thoad almost wanted to cry due to the heat. A single white flame was going to be all that he needed to fend off the Newgroundians. One last flame would be able to take them all out. Thoad crafted one last insult, an insult so cold that Thoad hated himself for making it. He endowed his metal rod with the flame.

With one final yell, he jumped from behind the table. He was met with heat from all sides. The Newgroundians began shooting their own blue-yellow flames at Thoad. The metal rod flew through the flames, and hit the Newgroundians on the head. The final 2 which were not hit were quickly dispatched by the male nurse and Rose.

They ran, falling several times on the way out. Thoad smiled warmly and slowly walked back to Rose. âRight then. Iâm going to go lay down,â He told her. He straightened up as he remembered something. His safe place- the clearing with the Tangleroot tree and the glowshrooms was in danger!

âI have to go!â Thoad shouted, running past the pitfalls and the tripwire with precision. He had to go and find his special place again. Hopefully it wasnât totally destroyed. Rose gasped and dashed ater him. Thoad was too headstrong, too focused in order to not think about getting to his safe place. He completely ignored any and all of the Newgroundians in the streets, and Rose barely managed to keep up.

All during so, she would call out to Thoad, âWait! Wait Thoad! YOU DONâT HAVE HALF OF YOUR HEAD!â

4,196 posts

Okay, if I could have responses from everybody on the last communication entered between themselves and we hosts (Cen and I), that'd be awesome.

Just fired an email in your direction, let's get this thing finished!
2,301 posts

Okay, if I could have responses from everybody on the last communication entered between themselves and we hosts (Cen and I), that'd be awesome.
What Thoad said. If you emailed me, I didn't receive it.
13,657 posts

Have you checked your spam folder? For some reason whenever we email ourselves, it always goes to the spam folder.

5,420 posts

I just sent an email your way Strop. I should have sent it about a week ago, but I was waiting on something.

2,301 posts

but I was waiting on something.
Yeah, uh, speaking of weird email things, my response to Crimson was also apparently not saved. I take it he didn't receive it and I assume that's what he was waiting on. It's also not saved as a draft... maybe I accidentally deleted it. Sorry Crimson.

Anyway, I haven't received an Email in response to Round 10 from anyone but Crimson.
5,642 posts

Have you checked your spam folder? For some reason whenever we email ourselves, it always goes to the spam folder.

If you mark it as "non spam" one time it should never go there again.
4,196 posts

Have you checked your spam folder? For some reason whenever we email ourselves, it always goes to the spam folder.

I haven't got a reply back to the email I sent yesterday...and I've checked my spam folder...
13,657 posts

I haven't got a reply back to the email I sent yesterday...and I've checked my spam folder...

Yours was in the spam folder. If you don't mind my opinion, there will be a reply in a moment or two.

If you mark it as "non spam" one time it should never go there again.

Keyword is should.

Anyway, I haven't received an Email in response to Round 10 from anyone but Crimson.

Yes, sorry, I can see that. Monday the 11th should be the latest email, right?

Other than that, the only other email that has not been replied to is from Poison, but that is due to us waiting for him to write up an entry.

Other than that, Skater is waiting for a reply on... Location, I believe, and the people I tried to rally last week seemingly does not want in anyway (sad sad).

Either way, that is where we are.
I am not sure I can respond to you Xzeno, but I will try to remind Strop, in case he gets online before I go offline.
13,657 posts

Just a quick follow up:

Replied to the Royal Ryan, hopefully it is as useful as it would have been, had it been Strop replying.

Marked both Xzeno's and Crimson's emails as unread and flagged them.
Btw, you two are not going to get the last done? Just so we know if what we have is final.

2,301 posts

Glad that's sorted out.

Part Ten Part One: Metal Hyena Man

"Now everybody-" Strop is talking but Leon can't hear him. A screaming drowns out the sound. Leon's ears flatten. He has half a mind to join the torrent of people fleeing. He pushes past them. Flames streak overhead. Leon stands looking over the scene. Flames, fighting, everywhere. Leon darted into a house. Knife clutched in his hand, he sought solace in the burning building. His eyes widened as he realized he was not alone. A man with a fierce spear stood in the doorway between the atrium and the kitchen. Leon searched for an exist as the man began to turn around. With a deep breath, he pounced on the man, screaming. Someone throws a punch at Leon. Leon breaks the offending arm without a second glance. As Leon runs off. Young man collapses on the ground. A screaming pierces the air. Raiders throw objects at Leon. Sticks, stones, flames break harmlessly against metal. Leon takes no notice of the attack or maybe he doesn't care. His focus is elsewhere...
He pulls a boy in a black, flaming shirt to his feet. HE looked over to see Armor Gamers fighting raiders: A kid in a cowboy hat takes down Guy Fawkes with a Mongolian bow and arrow. A twirling revolver takes down two more raiders bang bang as Leon calls for his hyena. The hyena bounds up and licks Leon's hand. Leon stroked Marley's fur. The vigilant hyena rubs his head against Leon's hand. The gnoll pulled his hand away and indicated a target some thirty yards off. Leon continues to ignore blows to his armor as he watches the hyena duck through the crowd. An inflatable clarinet is beating against Leon's back, but he is focused on disarming the attacker in front of him. Leon grabs the pipe, but the raider's grip is tight. Leon tries to wrench it from his grip, but the raider pulls his elbow into his body. Meanwhile, the clarinet begins to bop Leon on the head (squeak! squeak!). Rolling his eyes, Leon breaks the raider's arm. He tosses the pipe on the ground haphazardly. Bop bop. Squeak squeak. Leon is getting kind of annoyed now. His knife is ready, but he doesn't want to stab anyone yet. He leaves his knife in a stick man's chest and shoves the clarinet troll to the ground. He vaults over contorted grappling, running for the exit, perhaps to escape. Or maybe he wants to help stem the tide of invaders?
He stopped and looks at a group of black-coated trolls. These elite raiders are hurling fearsome spells, freezing users, bolstering raiders, collapsing entire buildings. They are in the center of a firestorm. "Stop feeding them!" Strop shouts but the Armor Gamers are to vehement in their attempts to save the city. The flames run along the trolls' magical shield, funneling into an open maw. The troll grows larger and larger as the flames pour into its mouth, dwarfing its friends, Leon or even Bullman. That one is running through the streets swinging a stick.
Leon fires an arrow at the well-fed troll, but it doesn't seem to care. As Leon nocks another arrow, he sees Strop running. He leaps through the air, swinging Thor at the head of the defenseless troll. Squeak squeak. It strikes his head. At the moment of impact, Leon whips around, smashing the troll with a backfist. He tackles it as it stumbles. Hand clutched around its neck, Leon begins to punch the troll. It throws up its hands as the metal glove slams into its face. Leon soon smashes its guard out of the way and breaks its nose. It lets out a roar. Leon keeps punching. Leon feels the skull cave in under his fist. He continues to pound the bloody mess as shards of bone and nervous tissue coat the ground. The trolls body has stopped twitching. It holds the clarinet limply in its hand as Leon further reduces the structural integrity of its visage. Leon shouts as he continues the assault.
"Leon!" Crimsonblade dances over to the hyena's side. Metal hyena man bounces to his feet, shaking his bloody knuckles. The troll's face is unrecognizable, but its flesh is already beginning to regenerate as Leon turns to Crimson. He glares at him. He responds with nothing but a quiet nod, eyes still locked. Leon grabs his bow, Crimson raises his sword. Leon averts his eyes and fires an arrow at a raider. Crimson jumps into the air and casts a rocket spell. He blasts behind Leon, fending off a mob with a wide jet of flames. The two of them stood back to back, daring the hordes to advance. An armored man with a spear rushed them. Leon's companion sprung into action, knocking the spear to the side with an outside twist kick. Leon slams his shoulder into a raider. A quick swipe of the knife is enough to get the raider to back down. Fall down. Crimson parries a tire iron and sends the kid flying backwards with a side kick. Leon throws a stick man to the ground as he smashes the face of a many-armed demon with his steel glove. He follows up with a palm strike to its sternum as it raises its tail, dripping with poison. Leon is about to jump when Crimson slices the tail from the beast with a lazy cut. As it howls, Leon delivers a close punch to its abdomen. It lunges at him, trying to bite. Leon dodges to the side and grabs one of its pincered arms. He breaks it as he twists it behind the demons back, spinning it to the ground. As Leon sets to work stabbing the demon, Crimson fires a cloud of blue energy at an oncoming steam punk. He slips falls backwards as the cloud strikes him in the chest. The raiders are forming a circle now, surrounding Leon and Crimson. Leon and Crimson stand back to back, weapons at the ready, eyes glancing from raider to raider. The raiders stand around them, holding chains, barbed-wire bats, and flames of pure malice.
"Well if it isn't emo kid and the fur***." a raider says. In his left hand he holds a long chain. In his right, he lugs a claymore to large for one hand. In both, Leon sees the beginnings of flames. A skull mask covers his face. Leon shivers involuntarily. The skeleton raised its chain above its painted head, thrusting the red hot whip at Leon. He dodged out of the way as it swung back, leaving shallow scores in the earth. He fired two shots rapidly from his bow, but they sailed uselessly past its pulsating heart. It raised its claymore and stepped towards him, fire in its eyes. Leon catches the chain and yanks the skull-masked raider forward. A quick kick breaks his knee as Leon throws him to the ground. Another raider loses a hand as he attempts to rush Crimson. The raiders push a black-hooded hooligan towards Leon. He tries to rejoin the circle, but his comrades keep him out. Leon raises his hands in front of himself and steps forward growling. The hooligan glances back at his friends before he charges Leon, swinging a lead pipe. That one blocks the pipe with his left forearm, punches the raider in the face with his right hand and delivers a left-handed close punch to the gut. As the raider doubles over in pain, Leon throws a hook punch to the head with his left hand, sending the raider sprawling across the ground.
"Anyone else wanna try it?" Leon growls, drawing his knife. As it so happened, others did want to try it. Together, a horde of trolls and raiders rushes in, weapons swinging. Leon punches one in the neck as he knocks a fist out of his way. He blocks a knife thrust with his empty hand and slices at the wrist of the offending appendage with an upward motion of his knife. He brings the knife back down into the raider's elbow. As the raider howls, Leon brings the knife up before thrusting it into the side of the raider's neck. He yanks the knife out and prepares to confront the troll in front of him. Meanwhile, Crimson is running a troll through. He pulls his blade out quickly to block an incoming spear. He grabs the spear and pulls on it, swing the sword back in front of him. The spear-wielding troll yanks back, trying to hold on to his spear. Crimson raises the sword above his head. Suddenly, he thrusts the spear back at the troll, hitting him in the side. The troll falls forward, clutching the shaft. Crimson neatly decapitates him. Leon takes down two more raiders with quick punches. He dodges a board with a nail in it as he delivers a quick punch to the raider. Crimson hurls a smoking orb with his left, sending a raider spinning. With his right, he fires a glob of quintessence, which bowls into a group, sending kids flying, shredding stick-men and scorching a troll's flesh from his bones. "You're gonna get creamed!" A hulking tank man steps over Leon as he is throwing yet another attacker to the ground. Crimson springs to Leon's aid. He sweeps at the tank man's feet, running the crimson blade along the ground. Sparks erupt into flames as Crimson pirouettes through the air, flaming blade creating a spiral of fire behind him. The flames pull the tank man up as the spinning blade strikes him. Drawing his bow, Leon takes a knee as Crimson reaches the zenith of his jump. Crimson runs the blade, now totally wreathed in flame, along his back as Leon nocks an arrow. Crimson swings his blade around, striking the take man and sending the flames flying from the blade. Having drawn his bow fully, Leon looses the arrow. The flames solidify, taking the form of three golden long swords as they fly through the air. The swords strike the ground, neatly pinning the tank man as Leon's arrow hits a white-hooded teen in the chest, knocking him off his feet. Crimson lightly falls beside Leon. Around them, the circle has been decimated. Remnants of stick men, injured raiders and maimed trolls lie in various states of twitching and agony. Panting, they raise their guards again as the trolls begin to regenerate.
"We can't kill 'em all, Leon!" Crimson shouts
"Not if they keep regenerating anyway." Leon says slyly.
"We have to do something." Crimson sets a particularly close troll alight with a spell.
"Find their leader, or something that can kill them." Leon looks around the battlefield with a trained eye.
"There!" Crimson shouts, pointing to a green-faced troll in a dark, pinstripe suit. The troll struts through battlefield, head held high. He glances around as he draws a mini-Uzi from a pocket inside his jacket. Crimson uses his rocket spell to blast past the crowd. Marley ducks through legs and under fights. Leon runs through the crowd, knocking people out of his way fast and hard. He does not have time enough to check if they are Armor Gamers or raiders. Swift-footed Crimson closes in on the suit-wearing troll before Leon. He blocks a burst of Uzi fire with his sword (assisted by magic). The force of the bullets causes him to stumble, falling. He regains his composure for only a moment, but it is enough for him to throw his blade straight through the troll's chest. The troll stumbles backwards, apparently more shocked than harmed by the blade lodged in his chest. Crimson falls face first on the ground. The successful troll, successful in warding off Crimson, turns his gun to Leon. That one grabs the weapon and strikes the troll in the neck with a knife-assisted hammerfist. He twists the gun out of the troll's hands as he stabs him twice more in the neck. He smacks the troll across the face with the butt of the Uzi before turning to Crimson.
"Hey! Stay with me, kid!" Leon shakes Crimson's shoulders. "Will you be alright?" Crimson reaches for the Uzi. "I'll be fine. We need to worry about this troll." The troll was beginning to stand up, brushing off its suit with flaming hands. Crimson quickly casts a spell, slowing the troll to less than five frames per second.
"There we go." Crimson shrugs, but the troll in already speeding back up. Leon breaks its neck, slits its throat and throws it to the ground.
"We need to take care of this thing permanently." Leon stomps on the regenerating troll.
"It only gets stronger when you attack it." Crimson informs him.
"What else should I do?" Leon snaps.
"Hmm... I may be able to stop it temporarily with a spell. But I'll have to keep recasting the spell. Only a moderator can really stop it."
"Sounds like a plan. You keep it down, I'll go get Ed." Leon nods.
"Who?" Crimson begins to lag the troll with a fancy program.
"Strop. The moderator. Any idea where he is?" Leon asks. Without waiting for a response, Leon scampers towards the sounds of bannings.

Strop is waving his arms and telling a mob to remain calm. Meanwhile, their panicked screams lend power to a group of blood-thirsty trolls.
"Strop!" Leon calls, running up to him. Strop glaces at Leon. He does a double-take, seeing his blood-stained armor.
"Not now, Leon. I'm busy!" he sends a spammer bouncing down the road with a spinning back kick and trots towards a throng of civilians.
"Wait! It's about Crimson!" Leon shouts.
"Not now, we're in a state of emergency, at least we WILL be once I figure out what's going on!" Strop shouts over his shoulder as he pulls a kid from under a tank "No time to argue about fighting."
"We found one of the leaders." Leon growls, putting his hand on Strop's shoulder. "I killed him, but he won't stay dead." Strop continues working. "We need you to ban him." Leon adds. Strop rolls his eyes.
"Let's make this quick." Leon begins pushing through the crowd without waiting for Strop. Leon has no trouble seeing where he is going over the crowd, so Strop follows him. They trek undisturbed until Leon greets a gangly kid with a metal fist to the face. His friends are displeased with Leon's conduct, and begin to attack him with anything readily available. He blocks most of the attacks and throws quick punches at his attackers. A hulking tank man swings an enormous fist at the side of Leon's head as he snaps his jaws at a ninja Guy Fawkes. Strop deflects the punch with a circular kick. He taps his hoof on the ground before throwing a front kick, sending the tank man stumbling backwards. Another runs forward, trying to grab Strop. The pony slides under his legs and delivers a back kick to the tank man's spine. He stumbles forward into Leon, who delivers close punches to his gut. Strop knocks a stick man down with a roundhouse kick and uses the momentum for a spinning back kick to the chest of a teenager. He adds a front kick for good measure before turning back to Leon.
Leon is throwing a raider to the ground while supplying one or two punches to the face. He has evidently made a habit of this, as three other raiders lay on the ground by him, clutching their well-punched faces.
"McAcid! Excessive force!" Leon looks up.
"Behind you!" he punches the raider's face. Without looking to see what exactly is behind him, Strop jumps up, spinning through the air. He sticks his leg out, whipping it into the troll's face. He lands facing Leon.
"What were you saying?" Leon asks cheerily, stabbing a teenager in the side.
"I said-" Strop knocks a grammar Nazi down with a side kick "-no excessive force." Leon looks genuinely confused.
"I thought 'excessive force was a directive." Leon pulls the knife out with a twist.
"I can see that." Someone leaps in front of Strop swinging a torch. Instantly, Strop reacts with a quick cross-leg kick to the knee. He looks over his shoulder and throws a high back kick to a troll's face, having seen him over his shoulder.
"My bad." Leon shrugs, returning to a fighting stance.
Strop throws two rapid fire kicks to a raider before turning to the next. A roundhouse kick to the face carves their path. Leon bounces forward and bowls one over with a fist. When the raiders press in on them, Strop becomes a whirling dervish, legs of swinging legs and tornado kicks. Leon takes down a hulking enemy with a rock-solid assault. They are making fast progress towards Crimson, but as they go, they earn more attention. Strop fires an arrow that explodes in a net, ensnaring entire circle of troll magicians, but another phalanx of green-faced, purple-tongued monsters stands between them and Crimson. These ones have formed a defensive wall with their shields, and are brandishing gladii at passersby. Leon fires his bow with practiced precision, sending arrows whistling through the gaps in their shield wall. They reel back in confusion, shield wall faltering. Strop slides towards the confused squadron, throwing fast, spinning sweep kicks. As the trolls are knocked off their feet, Strop rolls his weight onto his hands and shoulders and begins to spin around, legs extended. He knocks trolls flying as the weaponized windmill twirls its way through the horde. Strop springs up to his feet as Leon takes down the stragglers.
Only two hundred feet away, they resume sprinting towards Crimson, Strop taking in deep breaths through his nostrils, Leon opening his mouth wide to force air into his lungs. Their swift steps falter slightly a pair of huge, jackal headed men appear in their way. Each stands at least nine feet tall and wears only a loin cloth, muscular red body exposed. Leon lowers his body, barreling forward with a galloping gait. Strop steps forward, light on his feet. He begins to turn as he runs forward, sinking after a revolution. He jumps as he shifts his weight to his front foot, sending himself flying. His legs kick out as he twirls through the air, hands extended swinging to give him momentum. Sprawled out against the sky like an anesthetized patient on an operating table, Strop sails towards the second jackal man. As he nears him, his right foot swings from an oblique angle, catching the jackalman on the side of the head. The force of the blow sends the jackal flying, Strop bounces back to a standing position as the jackal demon bounces to a stop some twenty feet away. Strop straightens and turns back to Leon. Metal hyena man pounced on the jackal man, coming up from below. He bowled the jackal over with the ferocity of his pounce and has pinned the jackal to the ground. He is now punching it, but he'll stop when he sees Strop has defeated one of the jackals. Together, the two of them walk the last nine yards to Crimson.
Green light is flowing from Crimson's hands into the troll when Strop arrives.
"Watch yourself." Strop instructs as Thor appears in his hands. Crimson backs off as the hammer falls. The troll's suit is the first to go, but soon the rest of the furry monster is knocked into the stratosphere. Crimson will be disappointed to discover that the mini-Uzi has disappeared with the troll, but he makes no mention of it. He hasn't noticed yet.
"That's all?" Strop asks.
"Yeah. Now it's just me and Crim-" Leon sees Crimson rocketing his way down an ally, away from the trolls. "Guess he has more important things to do."
"Yeah, speaking of more important things to do..." Strop steps back a little and poof.
"Go ahead, Strop." Leon growls as Marley bounds to his side. "We'll be alright."

Leon gazed across the battlefield, reflections of flickering flames dancing in his eyes. He smelled the blood and the flames as they seeped across the landscape. He clutched his bow. Black figures fought blackness, occasionally lit by the burning buildings or the scorching light of the seraph. From his high roost, he saw confusion, frenzy, death and destruction. The all-consuming chaos of war. And nothing else mattered.

10,816 posts

Just to confirm:

Emails sent to Crimson and Xzeno. We are now waiting on Crimson to post his segment.
Manta has posted. Thoad has posted (might need to fix those characters again though.) Goumas has posted.
KR was emailed by Cen, this is a-ok by me.
I've gotten in touch with Poison, that's a bit touch-and-go.

Now I'll get my stuff done. It'll have to be done on Tuesday, my final exam is in one day and I have to prepare well for it.

5,420 posts

Alright here you go!

Round 10 Part 1: The Great Escape

Crimson didn't want to leave Leon behind, but felt that he stood very little chance against the army that was attacking the city, at least without one of his own. He had to get to the wilderness and quick, and lead as many trolls into his trap as he did so. He already had a few tailing him, but it was not enough to make a decent impact. He shot another rocket spell, and looked through his scrolls to see what he could do, realizing that a few more trolls were now following him. He pondered for a second then simply stated to himself
"That's it!" he shot a fire ball straight into the air mimicking a flare, and another into the air directionally towards his destination. The trolls wanted only one thing when they went into a raid, and that was the flames of their enemies, regardless of how they got them. As he shot more fireballs into the air, and shot more rocket spells to keep flight, more trolls followed. He managed to gather a small horde as he finally reached the entrance to the wilderness. As he landed he knew he had to act quick if he wanted his plan to work. He pulled out one of his summon scrolls, attached to his belt in a batman like fashion, and went on to create a wall of Sasquatchs who converged to the side, trying to attack the weakest enemy.
"I suppose my weak code is coming back to haunt me now!" Crimson commented as he pulled out his other summon scroll attached to his belt in a similar fashion, and with it he summoned 300 Crimsons ready to fight, die, and respawn at his command just as the trolls finally reached them, taking care of the Sasquatches along the way. Crimson stood firm, and raised his sword to the virtual heavens.
"Crimsons prepare yourselves, for TONIGHT WE DINE IN HECK!" he bellowed before adding
"or maybe the tavern, if that's-" stopping after he realized that he was literally talking to himself, or really himselves if that is a real word(it's not). As the trolls lined up in an expected disorderly fashion, the Crimsons prepared themselves for a true battle to the end, or until one of the moderators got around to helping them out at least.

98 posts

awesome thing you made did you make it?

4,196 posts

Okay, that is my last exam finished, so I will get around to fixing up everything sooooon!

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