ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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Klaus is merely attempting to be a jerk on ArmorGames. Please be supportive of him in his endeavour, he's trying his hardest.


Also I'm just peeking my head in. En route to my rural placement from orientation. Cen is still your GM for the time being.

2,581 posts

Are you posting round 4 today?

13,657 posts

Are you posting round 4 today?

Whenever you have posted your part, Flippin. I am still waiting for that.
4,196 posts

Klaus is merely attempting to be a jerk on ArmorGames. Please be supportive of him in his endeavour, he's trying his hardest.

Ooohhh...That makes perfect sense! Will do!

Also I'm just peeking my head in. En route to my rural placement from orientation. Cen is still your GM for the time being.

Where are you this time? I would LOL if it was in my town...
2,581 posts

Oh, but I sent it in the email. Do I need to post here?

Just in case...

As I woke up this morning, I had slight deja vu. Well, I had it yesterday too. Everyday is the same, it seems. I started my morning listening to "Eye of the Tiger". It always gets my adrenaline pumping. As I threw on my clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror. Love handles, double chin, thunder thighs... I'm- I'm, BEAUTIFUL! I can totally tell why everyone's so jealous. As I walked out the door of my two room apartment, I grabbed my keys and my baguette. Time to start another day at the bakery.

I walked three blocks down to the bakery, as usual. I haven't got around to getting my Corvette out of the shop yet, so I normally walk. While I was walking I noticed everyone was smiling and pointing at me more than usual. "I must be extra sexy this morning", I thought to myself. When I got to the door of the bakery I realized that my fly was down. I quickly zipped it up. "People are so distracted by my beauty that they didn't even notice that my zipper was down", I mumbled to myself smiling.

As I walked in the door, I could already smell the sweet fragrance of French bread. I had kept up a pretty sturdy business at Flippo's Bakery, but things have started to slow down. I haven't had a customer in a week. Usually people are on their knees begging for my delicious bread. "What has happened to all my customers?!" Then I remembered. "It's that damn contest", I said with a vicious tone, "Everyone must be so interested in it that they don't have time for ole' Flippo anymore." I personally think that I would be the best choice for the job, but they said that I would do such a great job that I'd make all the other moderators look like pansies. I couldn't blame them. I would be pretty awesome at it. I guess they'll have to settle for one of the untrained, unexperienced and worst of all, non-French losers they call users. I don't know where this city's going anymore...


If you didn't want me to post this here, I'm sorry. You can just delete my post. On the other hand, if you were waiting on me to post this, I'm also sorry.

13,657 posts

Strop strode onto the stage watching the last few contestants settled in their seats and went silent. The ninja pony took a moment to look out on them and conclude... That they still looked either boring or crazy. Many of them the latter. Then he began speaking.
"Now, you all know why you are here. Throughout the last couple of weeks you have been trialed and waiting, and I have the results here!" He held up a few papers and the crowd clapped loudly and cheered.
"So, you want to know?" The crowd cheered louder and more impatiently, stomping.
"Okay, I will tell you." He smiled through the mask, and looked at the papers.
"The result is..."
"WHO DUN IT!?!" A hippo in a striped shirt shoved the pony to the side and yelled into the microphone. "WHO DUN IT??!!"
"Uhm, I am sorry, sir, but..." Cenere got violently stopped by a shove and the hippo grunted with anger.
"I, the marvellous Flippo le Hippo, the most famous boulanger in this city... 'as lost my wonderful boulangerie to those... Those...." He took a deep disapproving breath.
"Lost your... What?" Strop stood out of reach for the hippo, so Flippo just gave him a huff.
"My bakery. It exploded. With me in it, and I am sure one of those are the offendure." He glared out on the crowd, but due to the lack of light he could not make anyone out clearly.
"Uhm, were you in it?" Strop looked at Flippo.
"Of course I was in it! Can't you not see how my perfect clothes has been ruined?!"
Strop saw nothing but dirty spots, but concluded it might not be worth commenting on in front of the baker.
"I barely managed to escape, and only because I was so clevur and fast, I came out alive! With people cheering at my 'eroic act! I even saved a child!" Flippo looked rather proud of himself, while the contestants simply stared in disbelief. "But my boulangerie is still ruined..." Flippo changed his expression to a dramatically sad one in seconds.
"I guess we need to solve this..." Strop looked a little sad that his suspense had been broken so brutally, but on the other hand, this seemed like the perfect time of a "Detective story..." He mumbled with stars in his eyes.
Cenere, who had finally gotten enough breath to stand up, gazed at him. "Strop..."
"Okay, listen people! No one leaves before we have found the one who blew up this guy's bakery!" Strop grinned, getting an approving, but rather hard clap in the back by the hippo.

The situation is this: Flippo, French baker who runs a small shop in the Shopping Quarter, has been victim of an alleged terrorist attack! Possibly a flame bomb ignited all the surplus flour hanging in the air causing it to explode, with Flippo inside it. Although unhurt, Flippo is VERY ANGRY and demands that somebody be punished for it. Nobody is leaving the Amphitheater until somebody cops the blame!

1) Posts in this thread are now solely for the purpose of discussing who is to blame for blowing up Flippo's bakery, and this is to be done in character.
2) It doesn't matter if your character could or could not have, or did or did not. All that matters is that everybody has to find somebody to blame!
3) If you MUST post out-of-character, preface your post with an <OOC>.
4) This round should last approximately one week.
5) The following characters are present:

Strop- Strop the Ninja Horse
Gantic- The Bullman
Cenere- Cenere the Sincere
Thisisnotanalt- Chill the Grandmaster of George
Crimsonblade55- Crimson the Mysterious Swordsman
Dudeguy- Dudeguy the Dudeguy
Skater_kid_who_pwns- Flipper the Penguin & Nelly the Butterfly
Poisonarrow- Frank the Sky Pirate
Gametesta- Gametesta the Game Tester
Goumas- Goumas the Alchemist
Kingryan- King "Since Beta" Ryan the Archivist
Xzeno- Leon McAcid the Deranged Gnoll Trader
The_manta- Manta the Fish-man
Parsat- Parsat the Chinaman
Pixie214- Pixel the Pixie
Thoadthetoad- Thoad the Zombie Slayer
Zlith- Vise the Heart of Darkness

Flippin3500- Flippo the (very angry) Hippo
Soulhack117- Gabriel the Intrepid Reporter

You may notice that quite a few victestants are missing. There's good reason for that and will come to light later.

The other reason is that they dropped out >_>

10,816 posts

I approve of this post! HAVE AT IT.

Where are you this time? I would LOL if it was in my town...

Was in Dookie, now I'm going to Bacchus Marsh i.e. not even close haha.
5,838 posts

So how do we know it wasn't Strop or Cenere? >.> and monsieur Hippo how do you know it was one of us? Where is your proof? :O

5,642 posts


Flippo's bakery was ignited, eh?

and it seems that it was from a flame bomb....


A skypirate like Frank would know about bombs, WOULDN'T YOU FRANK?!

and I bet you have a grudge from when Flippo didn't let you have free bread during his "FREE bread day".

So you have the PERFECT motivation to do so, HA!

1,828 posts

Hectichermit-The Hobo

Nooo I gots no place to gets me moldy bread from...they hads to blow up the dumpster too...B( throws cans at every one blames it as a mass conspiracy against him organized by his arch enemy "Smelly Sock The Bum"...

1,828 posts

Quickly picks up his cans and seems something peculiar under a bush....A nice looking remote with to big shiny red buttons....presses nothing happens...the other....Funny music can be heard off in the distance...doo doo da doladii doo pop goes the weasel.....

2,581 posts

Sacrebleu! WHO DUN IT??!! I want answers and I want them now. I wasn't taught martial arts for ten years in France for nothing. >:[

2,917 posts

When the hippo finished bellowing out the words, I started to choke up, get a little sweaty. I started arranging my hair. Parted this way? Or in the middle. The guy next to me whispered, "That lard's cupcakes sucked." Forcing the words out, I managed "Yea, especially the vanilla." I payed a serf to blow Flippo's bakery sky high. My motive- the lard ripped me off. When I asked for a baker's dozen, she gave me a regular dozen. I lowered in my seat.

4,536 posts

<OoC> WTF Hermit? Random...

Oh, was that you as your character? You know you can be a cameo role, right?


*Holding head*

Nyah... I don't need this... normally... but since it's Flippo... I'll help. Flip, do you have any decisive evidence?

*Lays down, half-closes eyes*

1,845 posts

<OOC> So I am there as well, correct? or do I wait to post in character?

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