That's a lot of implied implication for something that effectively implies nothing :P
Yeah, well... yeah.
Anyway: Players, with our revenge we must try to throw the story as off track as possible without breaking any rules. It is up to us to do as much harm to Strop as possible without permanently harming him. This pretty much eliminated the possibilities of violence because a) it is difficult to do lasting harm without doing permanent harm and b) I'm a bit squeamish about violence anyway. So yes, we must damage Strop with out hurting him. With this in mind, Leon has an idea, thought up for out of character lulz (trying to screw up thee GM's plans).
Leon says: "I know how we will have our revenge. We will frame Strop for assault with a deadly weapon, forcing the administration to revoke his moderator powers. Here is the plan. I will place my bow in his hands and help him draw it back, making it so that his hands fire an arrow that will, say,
pierce a living creature. This, of course, means one of use will have to take one for the team ('one' being an arrow to the chest). I nominate Chill."
Emphasis mine.
If this plan goes perfectly, we should do some harm to Strop without really hurting him. Oh, and he might be blamed for assault. That'd be nice too.
Needless to say, Strop has an admittedly fair and obvious way of getting out of this. Still, it was a fun plan to think up.