ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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Wait, Thoad had criticized magic? When did I/he do that?

Well thinking back it was actually OOC conversation between you and Strop, I think it was something to do with a magic link between the ban hammer and its moderator or something. I'm not quite sure, but it was a while ago, before the end of the last round.

So if it's all the same to everyone else, I'd like to pair up with Crimson. Of course, I don't want to rush into anything, and I think that we should all consider each possibility carefully.

hmm well I actually have looked over every character, and found that an alliance with Leon seemed the most positive overall. Crimson is unlikely to be able to completely get along with any of the other victestants, mainly because each one of their personalities had something about it that he does not like, seeing as how he is not fond of chaos, and is a noble of sorts, but still for the sake of completing an objective can cooperate and tolerate any of them. So if it all works out then I suppose it will be Xzeno and I(Crimson and Leon) as a team.

o_0 I hardly noticed this before. The 20th? How bout, uh, no? 7 days isn't much time as is, and I have some stuff to do. Like, important, time-consuming stuff.

Hmm typically I myself have no problems with the deadlines, but this one in particular would require me to work on the entry over the last week of school(yay!) where I will have to work on final I don't know how that will work out...but in otherwords I'm most likely in a similar situation here.
10,816 posts

Clarification time!

However. Strop did say he might be large on the time limit. But better safe than sorry?

I do appreciate that 7 days for everything is difficult, given that I'm also asking you to sort out your own teams, and write as a team. That's why I was a bit hesitant on the deadline setting.

Unfortunately this is a time where as organised as I can be is somewhat disorganised. My exams begin on the 25th of June, and I'll be largely occupied until the 8th of July, which is my last exam. By this time I have a major (real-life) art project to attend to, and I also have to get my novel somewhat ready for editorial review, so I'll be pressed for time all the way until the end of the year. By this time, therefore, I'd like to have gotten all the rounds and character-involved writing stuff out of the way, and I can tell you now that the real test is yet to come.

As it stands I'd like to get the next round started well before the 25th of June. I'm aware that this probably won't be the case, so will try to negotiate on a case-by-case basis, even though my ability to do so is limited. Email me any considerations you need to bring to my attention, but do so quickly.


Right now, my real best bet to get the final part started is immediately after the end of my exams, which is 2nd July. So by the 20th of June, I'd like at least a good indication of progress to see if we can make that.

Wait, Thoad had criticized magic? When did I/he do that?

Crimson's right, you asked me how the banhammer works and then you said "you better not say some crap like magic!" Of course, that's OOC.

Also, I am willing to draw a team image to whoever throws the other team in he moat.

Ew. But note that since the hall is in the middle of the castle, you'll have to wind your way down the staircase, battle across the front foyer and up the path to the moat. And that moat is pretty grotty.
4,196 posts


Hmm...a ball hey...

Oooo fooood! Omnomnomnomnom


5,642 posts

"you better not say some crap like magic!"

I was referring to magic as in BS ways to cover up BS.
5,420 posts

I was referring to magic as in BS ways to cover up BS.

If I just read that correctly then I believe you just called magic BS...would this be correct?(I'm partially messing with you here, but the question still stands)

As it stands I'd like to get the next round started well before the 25th of June. I'm aware that this probably won't be the case, so will try to negotiate on a case-by-case basis, even though my ability to do so is limited. Email me any considerations you need to bring to my attention, but do so quickly.

Understandable I suppose. I will see what I can possibly get done with this later today if possible.
13,657 posts

Ew. But note that since the hall is in the middle of the castle, you'll have to wind your way down the staircase, battle across the front foyer and up the path to the moat. And that moat is pretty grotty.

Might even draw you not being in the moat, then.

I was referring to magic as in BS ways to cover up BS.

1,739 posts

Strop visits Ulimitedpanda for the second time. Strop wants his starsigns read. Ulimitedpanda wants an autograph from Strop.


Dp you want to discuss the current thingy I sent you (Like a month ago) or start from scratch? I know I sent you something...
10,816 posts

Dp you want to discuss the current thingy I sent you (Like a month ago) or start from scratch? I know I sent you something...

Oh, awesome! I was just about to email you, so I'll do that.
2,301 posts

On the deadline: I voiced my anti-deadline opinion so strongly so that my objections would be ignored in full force. As Cenere has pointed out, I can produce quality work in a short amount of time, and my relative busyness should not get in the way of that. Also, compared to what Strop's doing, I feel guilty for whining about it in the first place.

I am, however, still worried about the deadline for one reason: It is a cooperative entry. I expect to communicate with my partner a lot. I warn whoever pairs up with me (looking like Crimson): I am probably the hardest to work with out of any of us. I will want to spend a lot of time talking about how the entry should go, trading ideas, and devising a strategy. That's not even getting into the actual writing. Oops, got sidetracked there.

So, uh, my first choice is still Crimson. If everyone's fine with that (where's Poison?), he and I should start working on this.

5,420 posts

So, uh, my first choice is still Crimson. If everyone's fine with that (where's Poison?), he and I should start working on this.

Very well, we will need a way to contact each other though. I can go into more detail concerning this project with you after about 3pm AG Time(US Eastern Time Zone) today, but still for right now I think it would be a good idea to discuss an effective way to discuss this through our messenger possibly(If that made any sense to you)
5,642 posts

You know that just occured to me, what about poison's opinion?

Are we just going to like, disclude it and have thoad be on his own or...?

Speaking of, I don't see poison at all, really... Man. I think I just got the sharp end of the stick D: Oh well. Enough of my griping...

If I just read that correctly then I believe you just called magic BS...would this be correct?

Not quite. When I say magic as in BS I think of unexplained no-consequences magic that you say in order to avoid an answer.

AG magic is generally different. AG magic is technically coding and the ability to change the world... literally. It makes sense.

Saying "uh... Magic." is not a suitable reason for me, though. Why? Because I'm snooty.
10,816 posts

Hmm. I just poked Poison via email. I think he's actually away but should be back tomorrow. I really should have thought of that before setting the deadline.

Given this I'd just like a progress report on the 20th, if you please, then we can gauge how much time we actually need.

Saying "uh... Magic." is not a suitable reason for me, though. Why? Because I'm snooty.

I think the term you're looking for is either "cop-out" or "filling the gaps", where insufficient rationale is given for a system. Useful verbs include "elaborate", "justify" etc. The term "magical thinking" is actually used to describe when a person's "A -> B" thought process makes no logical sense, but this is used to describe a function rather than a single instance.
5,642 posts

*stares nat screen for five minutes*
Yes, cop-out was the term I was looking for.

and uh... Magic.

2,053 posts

And a very important date it is.

I've been without internet for the past four days... I got back from camp on Saturday.

So I'm teaming up with Thoad, right?

where's Poison?

Next to Waldo.
5,420 posts

Next to Waldo.


Anyways I'm still waiting for a reply from yeah not much progress as of are aware of the email I sent you right?
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