Okay, after much thought, my new joke cannot be put up here... or any where were I am not allowed to go past an AO rating... >_>
And Strop... That picture you sent me in my Email is... >_> Disturbing... I mean, that is BOARDER-LINE sexual harassment... (cough)notthatwhatIamdoingisdifferent(cough)
p.s. please remember, this WoM is a thinly veiled excuse for me to go on a grand powertrip, so I reserve the right to take exception to anything you do or say in order to subjugate you to my whims. This power will mostly be abused to get you to stop posting whenever I feel like it
1) Everybody submit their drafts... quickly please, I need to get through this and the next round before I go rural on the 29th!!! I'll start dropping people from the tournament if I have to.
2) Everybody post. I don't care about the order for now, I'll show you how it all links up in the archive thread, now that I've created it.