No fishboy, we will figure this out... Okay, let's keep Strop out of this then... That leaves The bullman, Cenere, Crimson, Dudeguy, Flipper & Nelly, Frank, Gametesta, Goumas, Ryan, Leon, Parsat, Thoad, and Zlith... Which of these 13 would be the most likely of them?
Well I'm no scientist but I think it might have to do with some things... umm.. sparking... and umm... exploding. Yeah, that sounds 'bout right. The impact was so big that it may have caused me to forget my 10 years of chemistry.
Wow I'm surprised no one has suspected me, I mean look at the facts. I'm poor, everyone already hates me, no one really ever pays off their dept to me, and I'm extremely depressed ever since I had to wear this stupid helmet. Not that I'm confessing.
Yes he is pretty nervous, but don't forget he might have left the stove on or something, and seeing as no one can leave until this mystery is solved he has an obvious reason.
Leon says: Less discussion, more baseless speculation.
Blowing up a building seems outside the scope of the law.
Ever killed a man? I have. I didn't want to; none of us did. He did nothing to me and he certainly didn't deserve death; none of us did. Why? It was a goddamn war. He was in one army, I was another. After this, does blowing up a building legally seem so ridiculous?
It wouldn't be fair for me to say my guess when I can just- Oops. I forgot. Nevermind.
Maybe this is like an orphanage after all. None of us are looking for the answer, we are all trying to shift guilt: Not because we know ourselves to be guilty but because we don't want to be blamed. We fear the consequences especially because we are not guilty. If the group decides we are guilty, the truth doesn't matter. We are powerless to resist the many who now control our fate. This is what each and every one of us fears most deeply. This is why we feel a pathological need to blame. Do not descend into such an animalistic circle of paranoia and hate but rather come with me, into the light.
*interrupts bluntly* Is it me or are people TRYING to incriminate themselves. *takes out cards and walks up to a serf* Want to play a game to pass the time? How about a wager on it?