A tad late, but here you go!
The next day...
Finally, it was done. The users that had to be banned were banned. The task of cleaning up the moat had been delegated to the appropriate persons. All the unnecessary plaster and bandages had been removed. And Bananaking's kingdom had been informed of his passing, but none of them cared.
Strop cracked his knuckles ominously, as he stood before the assembled victestants in the cool Autumn morning, in the middle of the District Courts. Only a dozen remained from the hundreds that had signed up previously. Some of the departures had been stranger than others, but those were stories he would surely reflect upon when he had time. That was to say, not now.
"Thank you for making it out here. As you know, the past few days have been rather tumultuous."
Strop paused to wipe a imaginary (?) tear from his eye. "I shall now announce the results from the previous round. Cen?"
Cenere silently brought his clipboard to bear, and shuffled through the pages. Strop took the moment to reflect upon the deeds still left. Namely the matters of finding that terrible triad of delinquents, Nemo, 'voidy and 'tuna. Oh, and somehow figuring out how to cover for a sudden gap in the staff.
"By the way," Carlie had told him immediately after Klaus' exile, "I'll be going on a trip for a little while. And by a little while I mean a few weeks."
"What!?" Strop started. "Whatever for?"
"Secret business!" Carlie wore an unusual grin on her face. "So see you later- byeeee!"
And with that she poofed in a cloud of purple smoke, leaving Strop and Zophia to clear up the charred remains of the scaffolding.
"Ahem." Strop blinked, to see Cenere waving the notes in his face.
"Oh, yes, thank you."
Somebody tapped Strop on the shoulder.