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1,633 posts

My friend is a creationist and he told me that dinosaurs are actual only 5,000 years old. I understand that Christians think that the Earth is only like 6,000 years old, but isn't a little extreme even for hard core creationists? That raises another question how did the dinosaurs die off and every thing else lived? Did God have a problem with reptiles?

  • 15 Replies
5,838 posts

I think many creationists believe dinosaur fossils were put on the EArth by god to test the faith of beleievers by giving them something else that seemed out of place etc.

I believe that the predominat theory on thier extinction is the meteorite scenario. High levels of Iridium (a rare element on eArth but more common is meteors) seems to suggest a large impact from a meteor at this time.

I saw a very weird review of Walking with dinosaurs (the brillianr BBC documentary) on Amazon. It rejected the documentary for giving the theme an educational slant and for making it sound like dinosairs were real since "fossils are no proof of the existance of dinosaurs" made me laugh and think in equal measures.

1,633 posts

I saw that too! That was hilarious! But being serious now, The meteor theory is probably the best logical explanation. For the sake of discussion why don't we have a Christian post in here. I want too hear their opinion.

1,310 posts

I understand that Christians think that the Earth is only like 6,000 years old

You should know, not all christians believe that. Some interpret the bible literally, there are others who do not. Hardcore creationists? Yes. They're in the camp that would interpret it literally & think of carbon dating technology as a test of faith & that sort of thing.

As for what caused them? There are many plausible explanations that we have for the several mass extinctions that occured on the planet. The asteroid scenario hitting the Yucatan peninsula seems to be the cause of one - I did see an interesting episode of Nova Science Now! where they talked about this for the Permian extinction.
1,633 posts

I remember something in bio that apparently they died off thanks to an ice age. Or was it because of volcanic activity? Can someone confirm this?

3,176 posts

Well, if you believe in natural selection, it was plausible that the dinosaurs died off because
the climate was not in their favor, and they died off because of it, such as the cooling of the
earth, as deserteagle just pointed out. Now before I say this, this happened GRADUALLY, over
MILLIONS, not thousands of years:

Those that had more hair than others survived better, and they had the change to reproduce more,
as the others that were less suited died off. Over time, the earth cooled off more, and the
conditions worsened. Those that had MORE hair than the rest reproduced more, and eventually,
over millions of years, turned into feathers and a new species arose, AKA birds.

Others include alligators and other reptiles that are similar to them, but the key word here
is "geographical isolation", for the land used to be whole. When they were separated, their
DNA, their variations went with them, and in turn, became new species, again, over millions
of years.

So you see, I believe in the Natural Selection of this event. Even though something did in
fact kill off the dinosaurs, that isn't to say that ALL OF THEM were wiped out. Some survived
and gained the privilege to live on and become a new species and adapt to their conditions.

6,823 posts

I understand that Christians think that the Earth is only like 6,000 years old, but isn't a little extreme even for hard core creationists? That raises another question how did the dinosaurs die off and every thing else lived? Did God have a problem with reptiles?

Some people think that dinosaurs did not survive because there was no room for them on the arc when the flood hit. Yea, no joke.

And yes, it is extreme. But it tends to be only the hard core creationists that take the timeline so literally. Most people are able to use reason and accept perhaps it was not meant to be taken so literally.
3,176 posts

And yes, it is extreme. But it tends to be only the hard core creationists that take the timeline so literally.

This is why fundamentalism hurts. Believing every word of a written text or a belief binds
you so close and you have little room to think in another perspective.
1,633 posts

It seems that most people have their own idea of what happened. That is great because people should think for themselves and question the ideals around them. The world would be boring if we all thought the same thing. I'm glad I had this discussion.

1,633 posts

As Shintetsu was saying( he posted right before I did) You should try to think outside your beliefs and question the world around you.
I want to contunie this discussion so please post what you personally believe. As I stayed before the Theory of the meteor is the most logical. If you have any other theories please post them.

332 posts

Its funny, I was watching Religioulous (spelling always throws me off) the other day and it was talking about this park that was set up by creationists, which showed dinosaurs and humans living together since that's the only way they could explain the time period of a few thousand years having both forms of life. It even had an exhibit with a dinosaur that had a saddle on its back.

Simply put, this two don't combine well together. You can claim almost anything with religion in order to fit with what was already believed, but there is usually nothing to back it up. That's why I believe in evolution, because it actually backs up its theory's with evidence and plausible ideas.

1,122 posts

Some people think that dinosaurs did not survive because there was no room for them on the arc when the flood hit. Yea, no joke.

Dang! I was just about to say that!

And I am a Christian, but I don't believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. I believe that, like Shin said, it is billions of years old, and that the dinosaurs were gradually wiped off of the face of the earth.
1,633 posts

I'm with Mike. I would believe in a god if there was logical proof available. But to me there is a lack of solid logical evidence to creationism. Evolution is backed up behind logical evidence, that is why I am drawn to it because it makes sense.

1,015 posts

I'm with Mike. I would believe in a god if there was logical proof available. But to me there is a lack of solid logical evidence to creationism. Evolution is backed up behind logical evidence, that is why I am drawn to it because it makes sense.

Good way of thinking. As it will also help you keep out belief of other illogical theories, such as ghosts/spirits and many others.
3,562 posts

Some people think that dinosaurs did not survive because there was no room for them on the arc when the flood hit. Yea, no joke.

I think I had a demotivational poster for that. And here it is

I find it really absurd that creationists with stuff like this literally poking them in the face still choose not to believe that dinosaurs actually existed. I understand when they don't want to believe in a totally logical theory and opt for a more hocus pocus BS, but really when the truth is waving its pale butt in the face, it is generally hard to ignore.
176 posts

I agree with DDX. When there is undeniable evidence staring you in the face, and you insist it is a test of faith, I think that trying to convince them is a lost cause.

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