I have a few questions I'd like to ask, all those who give me good feedback will be credited when I make the sticky for this section.
1. Can you post me some links to the best of the best walkthrus in this section? The criteria for this would include: thoroughness, complete, actually works, and little grammatical errors
2. Are there are a lot of walkthrus that are repeated? If so, which ones?
3. Would you consider glitches or cheats as a viable walkthru that should be posted in the sticky?
4. I would like to list the needed walkthrus as well. Could you list a few game walkthrus that are needed?
5. If you have any suggestions to be added to the sticky please list them under #5.
There's a lot of Sonny topics. I think that glitches are not certifiable hints, but if you want to use a cheat that it's a real walkthrough that tells you how to use it(even though cheats make the game way too easy in my opinion.)
I am new here, but I'm a regular on Kongregate and I make guides for my friends. I could do this if no-one else has posted one yet. Also, I could check spelling and grammar if required.
I think cheats and glitches are not "real" walkthroughs. Walkthroughs should be legit, have some form of strategy, tactics, tips instead of just mindless hacking and exploiting a game's errors. Maybe there should be a special section just for the cheats and glitches specially for people that frequent those threads?
I made a gemcraft walkthrough that is pretty well done, but excuse the gramme, because it isn't that great. Well, here it is.. Anyway, I agree with nichodemus that walkthroughs shouldn't include glitches, because that just takes all of the fun out of flash gaming.
hey you know the people who use glitches can go jump off a cliff. Its like modded controllers in COD4: not banned, but not a good idea to use if you want a good reputation.
I have a little question. What is more important video walkthrough or just written manual for example for TD games or another strategy defense games. And if i have a problem with english grammar(i'm from russia) should i write game walkthroug?
Both are acceptable, but you can't embed videos here. I personally prefer text walkthroughs, but for some games video walkthroughs are the best, particularly puzzle games. Strategy games are best with text.