This topic is made in 6/12/09 (Just puting the date because some people will read this after Father's Day)
Well, it's almost Father's Day!
What is Father's Day???
-Father's Day is a celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, special dinners to fathers, and family-oriented activities.
The first observance of Father's Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 in a church located in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia at the Central United Methodist Church of Fairmont.[1]
Sonora Smart Dodd of Washington thought independently of the holiday one Sunday in 1909 while listening to a Mother's Day sermon at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church at Spokane,[2] and she arranged a tribute for her father on June 19, 1910. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father's Day observance to honor all fathers.
It took many years to make the holiday official. In spite of support from the YWCA, the YMCA and churches, it ran the risk of disappearing from the calendar.[3] Where Mother's Day was met with enthusiasm, Father's Day was met with laughter.[3] The holiday was gathering attention slowly, but for the wrong reasons. It was the target of much satire, parody and derision, including jokes from the local newspaper Spokesman-Review.[3] Many people saw it as just the first step in filling the calendar with mindless promotions like "Grandparents' Day", "Professional Secretaries' Day", etc., all the way down to "National Clean Your Desk Day."[3]
A bill was introduced in 1913,[4] US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924,[citation needed] and a national committee was formed in the 1930s by trade groups in order to legitimize the holiday.[5]. It was made a federal holiday when President Lyndon Johnson issued a proclamation in 1966.
In addition to Father's Day, International Men's Day is celebrated in many countries, most often on November 19.
Well, post here about what you're gonna do in Father's Day and maybe what's you're going to get for your father???
A prison guard thought that many prisoners would want to send their parent's a car for Mother's and Father's Day. So when Mother's Day came around, he bought hundreds of cards to give to the prisoners so they could send them out to their mothers. Almost every prisoner sent out a card.
It was such a huge success, that when Father's Day rolled around, the guard bought hundreds of cards for the prisoners to send out to their fathers. Not a single prisoner sent a card to his father.
85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come fromfatherless homes.
71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.
75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes.
70% of juveniles in state operated institutions come from fatherless homes.
85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in fatherless homes.
80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes.
90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
To all men out there, take responsibility for your children.
Uhh...I don't know, we may go out to dinner or we may do something special, but I really have no idea. As for what I might get him I think I'll give him a laser level he's been looking at for awhile.
I don't have much luck in the dad department. But I'm giving my dad a card and a little trophy that says "World's greatest handy man". That's the only thing I can think of that he's actually good in. As for the step-dad, Probably just a card, my brother and I don't get along with him.
Due to the fact that citations still remain, I am guessing that the opening poster copied and pasted this from Wikipedia.
My father isn't here with me right now. He's thousands of miles away. Might as well give him a call. Or I could give him his present by the time he comes here, which is months away.