ForumsWEPRRacism, Political Correctness, and Double Standards

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Picture this scene:

Letâs say that one day, you hear about the World Bacon Festival, where bacon in all its various forms would be served for free sampling. There would be chicken fried bacon, turkey bacon, BLT sandwiches, baconnaise, bacon by itself...everything bacon you could possibly dream of.

Sound good?

But when you get there, you notice that for a World Bacon Festival, thereâs hardly any bacon to be seen. Instead, all the people there are serving salads. Perplexed, you ask a vendor what in blazes is going on. Their answer is simple:

"We were just trying to respect vegans in this World Bacon Festival, so we all decided to bring along salad instead. But donât worry, some of our salads have bacon bits in them!"

If this sounds outlandish to you, then I need to tell you this: This is what the political correctness of race has become.

Some of you may remember the fiasco that happened when the Resident Evil 5 trailer came out, depicting a Caucasian protagonist shooting black zombies. Apparently it was racist to have African antagonists in a game set in Africa. When the game came out, I learned that Africa was a land of grayish people and distinctively Caucasian features.

This is quite ridiculous, and this is coming from a minority (Chinese) like me. The problem is that we have people who are much too quick to pull the race card in their own insecurities. Iâm not saying that we should immediately stereotype people or become completely numb to racial criticism, I'm saying that it has created a double standard between the majority and the minority, and vice versa.

I go to a school with a variety of minorities. We have groups of Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians... The Asians have AZN Pride, the African-Americans have Black Pride, and the Hispanics are proud to be their race too. But when someone mentions they are proud to be white, boom, that makes him an instant racist.

It's almost as if minorities are forcing the majority to atone simply for being the majority, or for unhappy memories of repression or colonialism.

And really, some things are not so much generalizations, but percentages and averages.

My skin tone is yellowish under most types of light. My eyes are smaller than average, I'm sure, and many of my Asian compatriots have smaller eyes still. I eat rice or noodles basically every day, along with various stir-fried vegetables and meats, cooked in an Asian style.

Really, if you saw me and consciously or subconsciously deduced these physical things about me, I wouldn't fault you at all for doing that. As long as youâve kept your analysis of my inner character neutral for the first five minutes, Iâm okay with that. Where there's something different, there's going to be some kind of different perception, and I accept that. Do you accept that?

  • 3 Replies
5,579 posts

Racism is a pathetic excuse to pull. The two biggest racists I see are blacks and hispanics. I see more racism towards each other and other races come from these two than any other. Also, to be honest, I've never met a racist asian. Granted I've not met very many, but you get my lingo. But, of all who take racism to an extreme, white people are at fault. Groups such as the KKK are the people I'm talking about. Everyone is innately racist, as in they might treat some people different than others be it minor or major. And, not to bring politics into this, I thing our current president (US) was voted in due to racism. Not racism towards others, but racism towards ourselves. Especially white people. They vote for him because they're like 'I feel bad that I enslaved them' when in reality that's old news. And the, 'If you don't vote for him you're racist' trick. And all of this is because of political correctness. We can't make a joke without people scrutinizing every word of it searching for any hint of racism or enunciation issues, or what have you.

671 posts

I think Maddox brought up a good point about the racism in political correctness. People assume all black people in America are African American. Even though black people come nativly from other countries too. And so because white people come from Africa also the only real way to be politically correct would be to call everybody in America that is black or white African American.

There is a dude at my school who came to the school at the start of this year. He had his head shaved with a razor and swastikas all over his bag. Then he started liking this hippy girl at our school. Over like a week his hair started growing out and he know has a new bag with a huge peace sign on it. In short, racists but mainly racist extremists are just weak minded.

3,224 posts

People make snap judgemnts about other people all the time, based on many arbitrary attributes they can perceive. I don't see why race should be exempt from this mechanism, or indeed how it can ever be.

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