Excuse me, but please clarify. Were they human zombies or an animal? Because some bugs can put themselves into suspended animation and then evil dead themselves to life 3 weeks later *coughwolfspidercough*.
Well from what I can tell, the best way to make a zombie is a genetic parasite or virus. Which we all know is possible, because we know of aids. Really it's pretty simple concept, but it really isn't. You can't sew something together and jolt it with electricity because that would start a heart, but it wouldn't get the tissue living again. If it was seconds dead youc ould bring it back to life because the tissue is alive.
The closest thing to real zombies was in Haiti when witch doctors would get people fucked on a mix of drugs which destroys their brains and they then spend the rest of their days wandering the forests and towns not knowing who they are or who they're related too. But they are only close in the sense that witch doctors would tell people they are reanimaed corpses to trick people into thinking they're magical. And that the people are mindless.
Were they human zombies or an animal? Because some bugs can put themselves into suspended animation and then evil dead themselves to life 3 weeks later *coughwolfspidercough*.
Wolf spiders don't come back to life when I'm finished with them =P
There have been some scattered cases in history where they believed a human to be dead & went to bury them; they got up out of their own casket at the funeral =\\ One of the nice things about modern medical science - not being mistakenly buried alive. It's plausible that legends of undead or zombies could spawn from that sort of thing.
The closest thing to real zombies was in Haiti when witch doctors would get people ****ed on a mix of drugs which destroys their brains and they then spend the rest of their days wandering the forests and towns not knowing who they are or who they're related too. But they are only close in the sense that witch doctors would tell people they are reanimaed corpses to trick people into thinking they're magical. And that the people are mindless.
As far as I recall, those are actually the real zombies. The movie/game version was developed later on, and altered to be more "interesting".
Only God can raise the dead from their graves. In the Bible it says when the rapture comes the dead will rise from their graves and meet the Lord in the air. Now that will be a awesome sight!
Only God can raise the dead from their graves. In the Bible it says when the rapture comes the dead will rise from their graves and meet the Lord in the air. Now that will be a awesome sight!
Back to more the realistic topic of Zombies
I don't think that the movie idea of zombies is true, but the witch doctor thing is pretty close. I mean, in some senses it is in the mindless kinda way, but in truth you don't have the death-come back as a zombie possibility
lolzburn. ----------------- There's also apparently this type of malaria that can temproarily restart the heart of it's victims after death, so they twitch around and stuff. Not confirmed though. . . . But it would fit the bill for movie zombie. . .just WAYWAYWAYWAY more subdued lol.