ForumsGame WalkthroughsSSBB-Toonlink's Guide to LV. 9s and Stages(WARNING-SPOILERS)

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Hello, welcome. This guide is a guide about Toonlink, and some strategies you can use to beat LV 9s, and to good on some stages.


Mario- In my opinion, he is really easy with Toonlink. His only ranged attack that can cause damage is his fireballs. They move slow, and Toonlink has his useful shield with him, so if you are facing the fireball, it won't do damage. Because this is his only damage dealing ranged attack, the best strategy to use with Mario is to pull out those bombs, boomerang, and arrow, and fire away(don't get to far away though, ranged attacks work best in semi close combat). He will go after you, so change sides of the stage occasionally, and while switching sides, do some melee attacks. When his damage gets over 100, go in for the kill with a melee smash attack.

Donkey Kong-No ranged attacks at ALL, use Mario strategy.

Link-Oh, look. A more realistic looking you! Strategy: Hit him hard with your best melee atacks, down+A works great in almost all situations with all characters. If he charges, fire your boomerang/ ranged attack. When he gets close, keep hitting him more with melee.

Samus-The girly, alien version of Snake. Lots of ranged attacks, and some good melee attacks. Use the same strategy as Link.

Kirby-No ranged attacks, besides his recovery move. Use the same strategy as Mario.

Fox-A fast moving person. Use bombs a lot, down+A works well, just beware if he is standing still, it's a sign he is going to sidestep, then counter. Ranged attacks work well here too, but don't use the Mario strategy, because his ranged attacks are alot better than mario. Use a combination of melee and ranged, but more no the melee side.

Pikachu-Despite his awesome down+B move, he is not a human player so his does not spam it(luckily for you). Use the Fox strategy.

Marth-No ranged attacks. Use Mario strategy.

Mr. Game&Watch-A not very good ranged attack. Use the Mario strategy.

Luigi-Has a good charge missle launch attacks, with floating fast fireballs, unlike Mario. Use the Link strategy.

Diddy Kong- His ranged attack should not cause much of a problem, as without charging, it doesn't go far. if you see him charge it, jump. Use the Mario strategy.

Zelda/Sheik-Oh gosh. This one is a tough one. Very balanced, good ranged and melee attacks, almost as fast as you. Harder than Link in my opinion, but still use his strategy. Rely mostly on melee attacks, if you see her charge, fire a arrow.

Pit-A pain. Do NOT use Mario's strategy, he has guided arrows and will kick your ass. Rely almost ALL on melee, you should ocasionally use bombs if you are in semi close combat.

Meta Knight- No ranged attacks, use Mario strategy.

Falco-Use Fox strategy.

Pokemon Trainer-Multiple characters.
Squirtle-Use Mario strategy.
Ivysaur-One good ranged attack. Use half range, half melee.
Charizard-Use Mario strategy.

Ike-He has one attack where he charges torwards you, use Fox strategy.

Snake-Use ALL melee. Using ranged, he will kick your ass. No ranged at all. Period.

Peach-Use Mario strategy.

Yoshi-His egg toss is a pain. Use Fox strategy.

Ganondorf-Use Mario strategy.

Ice Climbers-Use Fox strategy.

King DeDeDe-Use half melee, half ranged, just a tad more on the ranged side.

Wolf-Use Fox strategy

Lucario-Use King DeDeDe strategy.

Ness-Use Link strategy.

Sonic-Use Mario strategy.

Bowser-Use Mario strategy.

Wario-I don't know why, but this is the hardest LV 9. He sidesteps your ranged attakcs alot more than the other characters. Use the Link strategy.

Toonlink-Use the Link strategy.

R.O.B.-Use the Ivysaur strategy.

Olimar-Use the Ivysuar strategy.

Captain Falcon-Use the Mario strategy.

Jiggly Puff-Use the Mario strategy.

Lucas-Use the Link strategy.



When I just say simple, it means that it is too simple for any special strategies, probably because it is only composed of a few platforms.


Final Destination-Simple

Delfino Plaza-If you see an item, and the platform thing goes up, don't go down to get it, you'll go off screen and die. At the part with the pillars, if all playes are clumped together and fighting, get out of there and use ranged attacks.

Lugi's Mansion-Simple

Super Mario Bros.-If you hold B while the stage is loading, it will do the underground version. The ? blocks have items. Be sure not to get stuck off-screen.

Mario Kart-You can look at the map in the backround to see how much longer the karts get to a part of the stage. Make sure not to hit them(Duh).

Rumble Falls-There are these things that kinda look like spiokes, stay a way away from them, they have alot of launch power.

Eldin Bridge-Stay away from King Bulbin and his bomb, they can cause damage, even though it does not seem like it. use the broken bridge to your advantage if you are playing against a character like Mario(See the Characters section).

The Great Sea-I love this map. Anyway, if you see a catapult come out of the ship, stay away from it, it will launch you far away. You can try to lure players into it. Sometimes in the backround, there will be towers. Watch their projectiles carefully so you can dodge them. Sometimes a cyclone will launch the ship in the sky, make sure you are on the ship!
Also, while falling, everything will be low ggravity, so a upsmash would be very effective then.

Norfair-Stay away from the lava when it rises or comes from the side of the screen. When you see it coming in the backround, a blue capsule thing will appear. Get in it, it will protect you from the lava, and if you can, keep players from getting in it.

Frigate Orpheon-besides the gravity change, simple.

Yoshi's Island-Only a few Nonstationary factors, simple.

Halberd-At the beggining, make sure you are on the platform, and if you can, keep others from getting on. Sometimes you will land on the Halberd's main deck, there are cannons and stuff that will attacks you. If you see a crosshair on you, try to go near other players, and jump out of the way at the last minuite.

Lylat Cruise-Simple

Pokemon Stadium 2-
The Ground-desertish arena has a hill on the lelt side, hide behind it if your opponent is spamming ranged attacks.
The flying arena is low gravity, Upsmash is very effective here.
Electric Type has conveyor belts, avoid them.
Ice is slippery. Nuff Said.

Spear Pillair-Pokemon Appear in the backround. Palkia and Dilaga do the same things. The make parts of the stage crumble, slow time, gravity, reverse controls, and fire beams. Lead players into them if you can. Cressila is different, she has a boombering and lasers. Thats it, but she uses them more frequently then Palkia/Dialga.

Port Town Aero Drive-Stay on the floating platforms and avoid cars.

Castle Siege-Simple, except on the last part, the platform will tilt where more weight is.

Wario Ware-Minigames. You can probably figure them out yourself.

Distant Planet-I wouldn't recomend going on the monster thing, it will eat you sometimes. Also, sometimes it rains, and the ramp to the left is a hazard then.


New Pork City-The platform at the bottom crumbles sometimes. And stay away from the red monster thing.

Summit-Falling icicles are a hazard, and the ice on the right side crumbles. When falling, there is low gravity, use upsmash. Also, there will be water at the bottom sometimes. Stay away from there, sometimes a fish will come and eat you.

Skyworld-Crumbling platforms.

75M-Stay away from the fire and the bouncy thingies, Donkey Kong too.

Mario Bros.-Kill the things, pick them up, and throw them. They have awesome launch power.

Flatzone2-In most of the cases, anything that moves is something to stay away from.

Pictochat-Again, anything that moves is something to stay away from.

Hanebow-The brown bracnhes are part of the backround, don't try jumping on them.

Shadow Mosses Island-Simple

Green Hill Zone-Fire a projecrtile at a checkpoint if a opponent is near it. You won't regret it. Some of the places crumble too.

Temple-Bottom area is good for holding out if you have high damage.

Yoshi's Island-The blocks are go throughable if you hit them.

Jungle Japes-Beware Water.

Onett-Beware Cars. A hazard sign will appear when one is coming.

Corneria- Beware Arwings.

Rainbow Cruise-Don't get stuck off-screen, you can fly the magic carpets.

Green Greens-The tree blows(Snickers).

Big Blue-Beware the road.


Pokemon Stadium-Basically Pokemon Stadium 2.

  • 36 Replies
1,186 posts

lol i was just stating that the dtilt does lock. just on luigi's mansion they get away on the third. but you can very easily combo off of it.

5,845 posts

Way to totally confuzzle us.


1,186 posts

i live to confuzzle.
anyway maybe we should get back on the topic of Tink.

9,821 posts

c-c-c-combo breaker!

^^^That's me.

I'm a combo breaker on SSBB.

You're all, like, Imma combo off dis dtilt! and I'm like, hell no! So you try and I'm like screw you and your combo, take this! Then I like dodge it and I'm like, bombs away Muther****er! and i like bomb you and then I'm like meteor smash tiem!!!11111! and I like kill you and then kill your corpse and kill your killed corpse!

Yeah. I'm a true Tink mastah. I can even confuzzle you with improper grammar AND pwn you XD

1,186 posts

i summonz chuck norris

i win

9,821 posts

i summonz satoru iwata

i win

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