Like goumas said, IMDB says they are...but it's had a lot of delays and even been stopped all together numerous times. A problem is that their main character, Master Chief, has little to no dialog in the game series.
If they do it will probably stink because like Green said the "Cheif" doesnt say anything in the games so it would be hard for them to randomly make some diolougue for the actor. Antoher thing is the Covinent characters, in all the trailers they look VERY fake and they look like a bunch of guys running around with ALOT of flabby skin. If the do make this movie then they need to take the Covinaent ppl to a animation studio or else they will look like crap.
I heard they stopped I forgot the reason why though.
Antoher thing is the Covinent characters, in all the trailers they look VERY fake and they look like a bunch of guys running around with ALOT of flabby skin
Obviously if the movie was going to be done they'd make everything look a lot better. That was just released as a teaser type thing.
I don't know if these are just teasers but they seem very real.
That was just a test to see if they could translate halo to real life as well as to promote halo 3. My impression was that the halo movie got scrapped and they used what they had to make district 9.