Sales of health foods and organic produce have been rising steadily over the past decade. Many people get enormous satisfaction from growing their own food. They also feel safer knowing that no chemicals have been used in the process and, of course, they enjoy the taste. Hundreds of former city dwellers are moving to coastal regions, or towns and villages near rivers or lakes, so they can catch fishes. Some of them raise sheep, goats or cows for their meat and milk. What will happen if the current trend keeps growing? Will be room in the countryside for all these mini market gardens? Will be room on the see for the thousands of amateur fishermen? What will happen to developing countries, once commercially food becomes a thing of the past?
I'm not sure that the trend of raising ones own food would ever truly destroy the commercial food intustry. There will always be those who do not have the time or the inclination to grow their own fruit and vegetables and raise their own livestock. There are also those who well being willing and desiring to eat meat and fish are unable to stomach the process of butchering.
Commercial food will not be a thing of the past. It has enabled us to exceed our carrying capacity for centuries, for one.
I don't know about you guys, but I could care less whether my food are natural or artificial. Once you get over the psychological effect, nine out of ten times it all tastes the same...
Erm... No offense, but... People already produce their own food... My dad has a vegetable garden so he doesn't have to go buy organic stuff... But it wouldn't kill the food industry... Also, you're missing a few words in the last couple of sentences... Will there be... Commercially produced food... Might want to touch up on that...
We would all die because the modern human is too pampered and the thought of producing our own food is obsolete to us, I mean come on we now go to fast food restaurant and order pizzas everyday because the thought of cooking is like thinking about death(when you dont want it).
In America this will never happen to many cities, to many people with not enough time, to many people that simply would rather buy their food than make it. However, I could see this happening I'll use Greece as an example (since that is my native country and I'm there most of the year) in the island where I am from the only food sale is food that is not native to the are such as Bananas and other exotic fruit. All other food is homemade everything from the pasta to the bread we make ourselves. I myself have 5 large farms and about 10 smaller ones on the island and grow many things there and also have much livestock as do most of the other people there.