It's a well-known fact by now - North Korea has (a) nuclear weapon(s) and the rocket technology to fire their nuke(s) as far as Alaska. No matter how many warheads Kim Jong Il has under his control, it's blatantly obvious that he wants more nukes. This, and the latest military escalation by North Korea, seem to be pointing in only one direction - a Second Korean War. No matter how far off another armed conflict is, the stage is set for the war of the century.
Complicating things is China. Their close economic ties to the US, coupled with their "disowning" the Communist son that they "gave birth" to, means that North Korea would probably not get backing from the most populous country on earth, as they did last time.
As I type this, the destroyer USS John McCain is on an intercept course with a North Korean shipping vessel believed to contain nuclear warhead making supplies. The destroyer has a directive, given by the UN, to board the vessel if it makes a break for North Korea. If the ship indeed contains supplies for making nuclear warheads, that will be a direct violation to UN sanctions, only escalating the prospect of an armed conflict.
Before World War 1, many pundits were warning the world of the "owder keg" that was Europe. When the "spark" of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife started the flame, the whole continent fell into one of the bloodiest wars known to man.
Almost a century later, there is a new "owder keg" for the 21st century, and it's not Iraq or Afghanistan or even Iran. In fact, it's thousands of miles away from the middle east. It's North Korea. One more spark, and we'll have a Second Korean War.
(Opinions section) (When the Second Korean War does begin, I fear that the regular US armed forces, which will surely make up the lion's share of the UN troops, will not suffice. There is a good chance that whoever the president is at that time will reinstate the draft - and I'm sure to be on that list.)
B) Saddam did have WMDs, it was proven. He just used them or buried them before we got there.
...... Convenient, don't ya think? That there was "roof" but of course, we never found them, and now its explained by him using them all. I'll drop this point if you can find a valid source backing those claims.
There are differences between having WMDs and planning to build WMDs, and I'm pretty sure Bush never said anything about those WMDs not being built yet.
Iraq was doing a pretty good job of fighting to the death. And NK doesn't want to fight to the death, there just to stupid to not do so.
Man, I'm really starting to hate my own hemisphere from such ignorant posts on this forum. Stop thinking of NK as idiots who don't know how to tell whats going on. Imagine you being raised the way they were, brainwashed their entire lives and no access to anything that disproves it. Wouldn't you believe everyone in your world telling you the exact same thing? Hell, for all we know, America has the same exact thing going on and nothing we know about the world is true. The whole Iraq fighting to the death thing is because we're viewed as invaders. Drop the terrorist pretense, it hasn't been terrorists for years. Sectarian violence is part of it, but the idea that everyone we're fighting in Iraq is a terrorist is media hype trying to sell fear. Notice how they haven't said anything about Iraq or Afghanistan causalities in months? The fear has worn off, it doesn't sell, they don't cover it. So, naturally, they're labeled terrorists in the beginning to try and get people to watch.
Well, one reason I'm afraid is that the leaders of North Korea are acting like they don't care what the UN does. The only time the UN will actually do something is after a true war starts.
You can thank the UN for that, we got 30,000 nukes and we can't even use them.
I don't think the UN are really going to do anything if the US does attack first no matter what has been said. Given that the US have the largest miliatry on the planet and that they openly deny the international police any authority when it comes to them I think the UN will do the same to Amercia as they did when they started torturing "unlawful combatants"...