Much easier to corrupt one person, is it not? We've had more corrupt presidents in America than I can count. Most notably the infamous Mr. I am not a crook.
Yes but that doesn't matter I'm not saying that they all have to be corrupt, but do you think that people will just stay in the side lines and watch 101 people get complete power. I can see organizations putting their members in power for their own benefit. Others will be threatened or bribed.
There's 7 billion people on the planet. A single person or a small committee wouldn't work. Everything would be proposed by the council, and they would vote on it. Sort of like the US senate. Or a parliament. It ensures that no one person gains to much power. And what organizations are you talking about?
Yeah but you get enough people it helps. Group think doesn't work the more people there are in a group means more people won't do anything because they think other people are doing a good job. Just because there are more people also doesn't mean better decisions.
Ok this has becomes too personal lets just say that we each see it differently. Also no it doesn't mean its more efficient it called group think look it up.
I'm just going to throw one last thing at this. 101 agreeing people is dangerous. 101 disagreeing people isn't as dangerous, and it prevents any ill ideas from becoming to large.