There is a 99% chance that he didn't make as much a difference as exaggerated. It's the exaggeration that made a difference. Also, as Mike said, this is highly likely to be a troll thread.
Seriously? Was that worth your time? Don't troll, it's bad for your soul. If people have different beliefs than you, then they have different beliefs than you. As Alt said, live and let live.
I'm not sure that that is a fair philosophy to spin to everybody. I mean, if somebody 100% believes in their religion they would be horrible people to not try and convert you. By doing so they are certain they are saving you. When put in perspective it is one of the ebst things a person can do. Except for Buhddism. One of their teachings says that they never tell people about their religion unless requested.
If you really believe that, why do you think trolling will get someone to accept that as fact? If you're just trying to make us Christians look stupid... good job, it worked.